5 research outputs found

    Investigation Of Technological Properties Of Powder Of Eggplants

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    The aim of the article is to study and to generalize technological properties of eggplant powder, produced by infrared drying at temperatures 50-60 ºС. The results of the conducted complex of studies reflect main technological and consumption properties of the received puree that plays an important role at creating new culinary products.So, for studying technological properties of food eggplant powder, there was considered the complex of base functional-technological properties of powder, produced by infrared drying.For finding optimal conditions of rehydration of eggplant powders, there was studied the influence of such technological factors as: swelling ability; liquid; powder ratio; influence of the solvent temperature on renovation; renovation duration; degree of comminution of powders.Main parameters that influence the renovation ability of dried eggplants are investigated and studied in the article. The results of the studies of technological properties of eggplant powders prove their high rehydration properties. It gives a possibility to use powders at producing different culinary products not only for enriching them with functional ingredients, but also for giving them new technological properties.Based on the obtained results, there was elaborated and presented the new technological scheme of using renewed powders in food compositions

    Research of medical and biological indicators of eggplant powder

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    The aim of the work is to study the medical and biological properties of eggplant powders. Eggplant food powder is a raw material, an important characteristic of which is its chemical composition, in particular dietary fibers (pectin and fiber). Eggplant powders obtained by infrared drying of raw materials with subsequent grinding to 0.41/0.43 mm were used for the research. The low degree of esterification gives the powders increased sorption and detoxification properties for a number of heavy metal cations. It has been established that the ability of eggplant powder to bind heavy metals reaches 40‒50 %, a detoxification effect occurs, exogenous and endogenous poisons are adsorbed, and the putrefactive intestinal microflora decreases. It was established that the binding effect is influenced by the amount of protopectin and the pH of the medium, which is determined by the content of organic acids in eggplant powders. The obtained results confirm the complex-forming ability of the powders. Adding eggplant powder to the diet of rats reduces cholesterol by an average of 12 %. 10 % content of eggplant powder in the diet reduces the content of lipoproteins in the blood (up to 3.2 %), cholesterol (up to 1.9 %). Medical and biological studies establish the positive effect of raw materials on the animal body and determine the expediency of using a functional ingredient. In general, eggplant powder can be used as an effective supplement to reduce cholesterol and lipoproteins, which does not affect the main physiological systems of the body.  The prospect of further research is an in-depth study of the chemical composition of raw materials, the development of recipes for dishes using eggplant powders

    Споживна цінність сухого розчинного продукту для ентерального харчування геродієтичного призначення

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    Results of conducted experimental studies of the nutritional value of the developed dry soluble gerodietetic product for enteral nutrition are presented. Content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (22.8, 11.8, and 56.4 g/100 g of dry product, respectively) was determined and calorific value (422.8 kcal/100 g) and mass fraction of macronutrients in it were calculated (21.5/25.1/53.4 respectively). Their compliance with recommendations of specialists to satisfy nutritional needs of older people, in particular, those with increased physical and neuro-emotional loads, certain dysfunctions, somatic diseases, injuries, and recovering after them were analyzed and determined. Qualitative and quantitative amino acid composition of the product was studied, the rate of its essential and conditionally essential amino acids was calculated on its basis, coefficient of discrepancy of its amino acid composition was found (17.14 %) and biological value of the protein component (82.86 %) was calculated. Experimental studies of the vitamin value of the developed product and its elemental structure were carried out. The dry product has a fairly high content of vitamins (especially ascorbic acid, retinol, thiamine, pyridoxine) and mineral elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium). Based on the obtained results, an average level of satisfaction of the daily need for the studied vitamins (on average within 14–41 %), mineral elements (mostly by 10–25 %) from consumption of 100 g of dry product in the prepared liquid state was calculated. The conducted studies have shown high nutritional value, in particular calorific and biological value of the product and conformity of its composition to the needs of the older age groupsПредставлены результаты проведенных экспериментальных исследований потребительской ценности разработанного сухого растворимого продукта для энтерального питания геродиетического назначения. Проведено определение содержания в нем белков, жиров, углеводов (22,8, 11,8 і 56,4 г/100 г сухого продукта соответственно), рассчитана энергетическая ценность (422,8 ккал/100 г), массовая доля макронутриентов в ней (21,5/25,1/53,4 соответственно). Проанализировано и установлено их соответствие рекомендациям специалистов касательно обеспечения нутритивных потребностей лиц старших возрастных групп, в частности с повышенными физическими, нервно-эмоциональными нагрузками, определенными дисфункциями, соматическими заболеваниями, травмами, при восстановлении после них. Исследован качественный и количественный аминокислотный состав, на основе чего рассчитан скор незаменимых, условно незаменимых аминокислот, проанализирован коэффициент отличия аминокислотного состава (17,14 %), рассчитана биологическая ценность белковой составляющей (82,86 %). Проведены экспериментальные исследования витаминной ценности разработанного продукта, его элементного состава. В сухом изделии определено достаточно высокое содержание витаминов (особенно аскорбиновой кислоты, ретинола, тиамина, пиридоксина), минеральных элементов (калия, кальция, фосфора, магния, железа, йода, селена). На основе полученных результатов рассчитан средний расчетный уровень удовлетворения суточной потребности в исследованных витаминах (в среднем в границах 14–41 %), минеральных элементах (преимущественно на 10–25 %) от потребления 100 г сухого продукта в готовом жидком состоянии. Проведенные исследования свидетельствуют о высокой пищевой, в частности энергетической и биологической, ценности продукта, соответствии его состава потребностям представителей старших возрастных группПредставлено результати проведених експериментальних досліджень споживної цінності розробленого сухого розчинного продукту для ентерального харчування геродієтичного призначення. Проведено визначення у його складі вмісту білків, жирів і вуглеводів (22,8, 11,8 і 56,4 г/100 г сухого продукту відповідно), розраховано енергетичну цінність (422,8 ккал/100 г), масову частку макронутрієнтів у ній (21,5/25,1/53,4 відповідно). Проаналізовано та визначено їх відповідність рекомендаціям спеціалістів щодо забезпечення нутрітивних потреб осіб старших вікових груп, зокрема з підвищеними фізичними, нервово-емоційними навантаженнями, певними дисфункціями, соматичними захворюваннями,, травмами, відновлюються після них. Досліджено якісний і кількісний амінокислотний склад виробу, на основі чого обраховано скор його незамінних і умовно незамінних амінокислот, проаналізовано коефіцієнт відмінності його амінокислотного складу (17,14 %), обраховано біологічну цінність білкової складової (82,86 %). Проведено експериментальні дослідження вітамінної цінності розробленого продукту, його елементного складу. У сухому виробі визначено досить високий вміст вітамінів (особливо аскорбінової кислоти, ретинолу, тіаміну, піридоксину), мінеральних елементів (Калію, Кальцію, Фосфору, Магнію, Феруму, Йоду, Селену). На основі одержаних результатів розраховано середній рівень задоволення добової потреби у досліджених вітамінах (у середньому в межах 14–41 %), мінеральних елементах (переважно на 10–25 %) від споживання 100 г сухого продукту у готовому рідкому стані. Проведені дослідження свідчать про високу харчову, зокрема енергетичну та біологічну, цінність продукту, відповідність його складу потребам представників старших вікових гру


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    The aim of the article is to study and to generalize technological properties of eggplant powder, produced by infrared drying at temperatures 50-60 ºС. The results of the conducted complex of studies reflect main technological and consumption properties of the received puree that plays an important role at creating new culinary products.So, for studying technological properties of food eggplant powder, there was considered the complex of base functional-technological properties of powder, produced by infrared drying.For finding optimal conditions of rehydration of eggplant powders, there was studied the influence of such technological factors as: swelling ability; liquid; powder ratio; influence of the solvent temperature on renovation; renovation duration; degree of comminution of powders.Main parameters that influence the renovation ability of dried eggplants are investigated and studied in the article. The results of the studies of technological properties of eggplant powders prove their high rehydration properties. It gives a possibility to use powders at producing different culinary products not only for enriching them with functional ingredients, but also for giving them new technological properties.Based on the obtained results, there was elaborated and presented the new technological scheme of using renewed powders in food compositions


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    The aim of this work is to study quality and safety parameters of developed recipes of liver pastes with a partial replacement of liver by aubergine powder that allows to improve their food value and to introduce them in food rations of people, working at toxic enterprises, living on ecologically polluted territories and all population layers.This work is devoted to studying quality and safety parameters of liver pastes with aubergine powders, produced by infrared drying at temperature 50–60 °С. Chemical parameters, established for developed paste products, are presented.The use of aubergine powders gives a possibility to increase biological and food values, to widen the assortment of pastes with prognosticated quality parameters, to form new consumption properties of products, to use the food potential of vegetable supplements more completely. It has been proved, that new pastes with using aubergine powders confirmed advantages of developed products over traditional ones. New products have a balanced chemical composition, low energetic value, decreased content of easily assimilated carbohydrates and increased content of healthy ingredients of functional and treating-prophylactic destination. These studies testify the quality and safety of developed paste recipes. It has been established, that adding aubergine powders in paste recipes results in increasing a food value at the expanse of raising an amount of carbohydrates, content of irreplaceable amino acids, enrichment with mineral substances and vitamins