42 research outputs found

    L’ordre de Santiago, témoin et acteur d’une nouvelle classe nobiliaire dans les Espagnes des xve-xvie siècles

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    Les ordres, indépendants au départ, puis placés sous la direction du roi en 1523, contribuèrent à une assimilation religieuse et aussi à une uniformisation de la vie privée. En 1525, l’ordre de Santiago (comme ceux de Calatrava et Alcántara), dont le chef suprême se trouve être le roi, se servit de l’Inquisition – appareil idéologique au service de l’État, du centralisme monarchique. La période des xve-xvie siècles, peut et doit être considérée comme charnière dans le sens où la définition de la noblesse évolua fortement. Les propos de Juan Rodriguez del Padron (traité. 1439 « Cadiras del honor ») démontraient que la noblesse du lignage était la seule reconnue. Or, il semblerait qu’à la fin du xve et au début du xvie, la seule noblesse ne pouvait être que la « catholique ». Ainsi, un bon chevalier, un bon noble doit être avant tout un bon chrétien persuadé et convaincu de sa foi. En le démontrant sans cesse, cet homme pouvait faire ses entrées dans les ordres. Nous verrons donc dans cet article que l’accès à un ordre est devenu le moyen ultime pour accéder à la noblesse, noblesse nouvelle.The Military Orders, which were originally independent, were placed under the direction of the King of Spain in 1523, contributing to religious assimilation and to the standardization of private life. In 1525, along with the orders of Calatrava and Alcántara, the Order of Santiago whose supreme leader was the King used the Inquisition as a tool in the service of the State and Monarchic centralism. During the 15th and 16th centuries, nobility changed deeply in the Iberian peninsula. The treatise by Juan Rodriguez del Padron (Cadiras del honor, 1439) proved that lineage was the only recognized form of nobility. In the late 15th and early 16th century, the only nobility could only be Catholic. A good knight and a good nobleman had to be a good Catholic first and foremost. This was the only possible route for becoming a member of the Military Orders; and admission into a Military Order was the ultimate way to true nobility

    The endothelin B receptor plays a crucial role in the adhesion of neutrophils to the endothelium in sickle cell disease

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    Although the primary origin of sickle cell disease is a hemoglobin disorder, many types of cells contribute considerably to the pathophysiology of the disease. The adhesion of neutrophils to activated endothelium is critical in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease and targeting neutrophils and their interactions with endothelium represents an important opportunity for the development of new therapeutics. We focused on endothelin-1, a mediator involved in neutrophil activation and recruitment in tissues, and investigated the involvement of the endothelin receptors in the interaction of neutrophils with endothelial cells. We used fluorescence intravital microscopy analyses of the microcirculation in sickle mice and quantitative microfluidic fluorescence microscopy of human blood. Both experiments on the mouse model and patients indicate that blocking endothelin receptors, particularly ETB receptor, strongly influences neutrophil recruitment under inflammatory conditions in sickle cell disease. We show that human neutrophils have functional ETB receptors with calcium signaling capability, leading to increased adhesion to the endothelium through effects on both endothelial cells and neutrophils. Intact ETB function was found to be required for tumor necrosis factor α-dependent upregulation of CD11b on neutrophils. Furthermore, we confirmed that human neutrophils synthesize endothelin-1, which may be involved in autocrine and paracrine pathophysiological actions. Thus, the endothelin-ETB axis should be considered as a cytokine-like potent pro-inflammatory pathway in sickle cell disease. Blockade of endothelin receptors, including ETB, may provide major benefits for preventing or treating vaso-occlusive crises in sickle cell patients

    State of the art. Overview of concepts, indicators and methodologies used for analyzing the social OMC.

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    This paper is a detailed analysis about the literature on the Social OMC from 2006-2010, focusing on how OMC research has been carried out. It specifically points to which theoretical framework/concepts are used, and how change is conceptualised and measured. It is organised in five sections. The first concerns visibility and awareness about the OMC; the second analyses research on the EU level coordination process; the third scrutinizes how features of the OMC have been analysed. The fourth and fifth sections, addressing how national integration of the OMC has been researched, respectively address substantive policy change as well as national policy-making. Strikingly, virtually all OMC research adopts theoretical frameworks derived from literature on Europeanisation and/or institutionalisation. Also, as the OMC is voluntary and sanction-free, it depends heavily on how and the the extent to which actors use it (agenda-setting, conflict resolution, maintaining focus on a policy issue, developing a policy dialogue, etc). OMC research has become nuanced and does highlight how, for which purpose and with which outcome actors engage with the OMC. Another finding is that there is data on policy issues addressed through the OMC, learning does take place and there is knowledge about domestic policy problems. However, the linkage between knowledge of an issue and direct use of the OMC for policy change in social policy is weak, but that may change with EU2020, where social policy has received a higher profile. Most research covers the EU-15, much more research needs to be undertaken in newer EU member states

    L'ordre de Santiago, témoin et acteur d'une nouvelle classe nobiliaire dans les Espagnes des XV e -XVI e siècles

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    International audienceAbstract : The Military Orders, which were originally independent, were placed under the direction of the King of Spain in 1523. They favored a religious assimilation and a standardization of the private life. In 1525, the Order of Santiago (as those of Calatrava and Alcántara), whose supreme leader was the King, used the Inquisition-also in the service of the State and Monarchic centralism. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the nobility changed strongly in the Iberian Peninsula. The treaty of Juan Rodriguez del Padron (Cadiras del honor, 1439) proved that the nobility of the lineage was the only one recognized. At the end of the 15 th and the beginning of the 16 th century, the only nobility could only be Catholic. Thus, a good knight, a good nobleman had to be first a good Catholic: only because of this, this man could become a member of Military Orders; and admission to a Military Order was the ultimate way to become a real noble.Nobles et chevaliers en Europe et en Méditerranée, Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n°97/2, décembre 2018, pp. 99-105. Mots-clés : Ordre de Santiago ; noblesse ; définition nobiliaire ; pureté de sang. Résumé : Les ordres, indépendants au départ, puis placés sous la direction du roi en 1523, contribuèrent à une assimilation religieuse et aussi à une uniformisation de la vie privée. En 1525, l'ordre de Santiago (comme ceux de Calatrava et Alcántara), dont le chef suprême se trouve être le roi, se servit de l'Inquisition-appareil idéologique au service de l'Etat, du centralisme monarchique. La période des XV e-XVI e siècles, peut et doit être considérée comme charnière dans le sens où la définition de la noblesse évolua fortement. Les propos de Juan Rodriguez del Padron (traité. 1439 « Cadiras del honor ») démontraient que la noblesse du lignage était la seule reconnue. Or, il semblerait qu'à la fin du XV e et au début du XVI e , la seule noblesse ne pouvait être que la « catholique ». Ainsi, un bon chevalier, un bon noble doit être avant tout un bon chrétien persuadé et convaincu de sa foi. En le démontrant sans cesse, cet homme pouvait faire ses entrées dans les ordres. Nous verrons donc dans cet article que l'accès à un ordre est devenu le moyen ultime pour accéder à la noblesse, noblesse nouvelle

    L'ordre de Santiago, témoin et acteur d'une nouvelle classe nobiliaire dans les Espagnes des XV e -XVI e siècles

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    International audienceAbstract : The Military Orders, which were originally independent, were placed under the direction of the King of Spain in 1523. They favored a religious assimilation and a standardization of the private life. In 1525, the Order of Santiago (as those of Calatrava and Alcántara), whose supreme leader was the King, used the Inquisition-also in the service of the State and Monarchic centralism. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the nobility changed strongly in the Iberian Peninsula. The treaty of Juan Rodriguez del Padron (Cadiras del honor, 1439) proved that the nobility of the lineage was the only one recognized. At the end of the 15 th and the beginning of the 16 th century, the only nobility could only be Catholic. Thus, a good knight, a good nobleman had to be first a good Catholic: only because of this, this man could become a member of Military Orders; and admission to a Military Order was the ultimate way to become a real noble.Nobles et chevaliers en Europe et en Méditerranée, Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n°97/2, décembre 2018, pp. 99-105. Mots-clés : Ordre de Santiago ; noblesse ; définition nobiliaire ; pureté de sang. Résumé : Les ordres, indépendants au départ, puis placés sous la direction du roi en 1523, contribuèrent à une assimilation religieuse et aussi à une uniformisation de la vie privée. En 1525, l'ordre de Santiago (comme ceux de Calatrava et Alcántara), dont le chef suprême se trouve être le roi, se servit de l'Inquisition-appareil idéologique au service de l'Etat, du centralisme monarchique. La période des XV e-XVI e siècles, peut et doit être considérée comme charnière dans le sens où la définition de la noblesse évolua fortement. Les propos de Juan Rodriguez del Padron (traité. 1439 « Cadiras del honor ») démontraient que la noblesse du lignage était la seule reconnue. Or, il semblerait qu'à la fin du XV e et au début du XVI e , la seule noblesse ne pouvait être que la « catholique ». Ainsi, un bon chevalier, un bon noble doit être avant tout un bon chrétien persuadé et convaincu de sa foi. En le démontrant sans cesse, cet homme pouvait faire ses entrées dans les ordres. Nous verrons donc dans cet article que l'accès à un ordre est devenu le moyen ultime pour accéder à la noblesse, noblesse nouvelle

    Severe nocturnal and postexercise hypoxia in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease.

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    Hypoxia is a common feature in children with sickle cell disease (SCD) that is inconsistently associated with painful crises and acute chest syndrome. To assess the prevalence and risk factors of hypoxia, we recorded daytime, nocturnal, and postexercise pulse oximetry (SpO2) values in 39 SCD patients with a median age of 10.8 years. Median daytime SpO2 was 97% (range, 89%-100%), and 36% of patients had daytime hypoxia defined as SpO2<96%. Median nocturnal SpO2 was 94.7% (range, 87.7%-99.5%), 50% of patients had nocturnal hypoxia defined as SpO2≤93%, and 11(37%) patients spent more than 10% of their total sleep time with SpO2<90%. Median postexercise SpO2 was 94% (range, 72%-100%) and 44.7% of patients had postexercise hypoxia defined as an SpO2 decrease ≥3% after a 6-minute walk test. Among patients with normal daytime SpO2, 35% had nocturnal and 42% postexercise hypoxia. Compared to 9 patients without daytime, nocturnal, or postexercise hypoxia, 25 patients with hypoxia under at least one of these three conditions had greater anemia severity (P = 0.01), lower HbF levels (P = 0.04), and higher aspartate aminotransferase levels (P = 0.03). Males predominated among patients with postexercise hypoxia (P = 0.004). Hypoxia correlated neither with painful crises nor with acute chest syndrome. Of 32 evaluable patients, 6 (18.8%) had a tricuspid regurgitation velocity ≥2.6 m/s, and this feature was associated with anemia (P = 0.044). Median percentage of the predicted distance covered during a 6-minute walk test was 86% [46-120]; the distance was negatively associated with LDH (P = 0.044) and with a past history of acute chest syndrome (P = 0.009). In conclusion, severe episodes of nocturnal and postexercise hypoxia are common in children with SCD, even those with normal daytime SpO2

    Optimization of Patient Management in the Gynecology Emergency Department Using Point-of-Care Beta hCG

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    International audienceBackground: Point-of-care testing (POCT) provides shorter turn-around times and, in many cases, potentially improves medical decision making. The AQT90 FLEX® benchtop immunoanalyzer (Radiometer Medical ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark) allows for the determination of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) in 18 min. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of measuring βhCG using the AQT90 analyzer in the gynecology emergency department (ED) compared to the standard practice of using central laboratory blood testing on the patient length of stay (LOS). Methods: The evaluation consisted of two parts. The first one, conducted in the central laboratory, focused on the analytical performances of the AQT βhCG assay. The second one, conducted in the ED, aimed at determining the impact of POCT βhCG implementation on the timeframe in which ED patients require βhCG assessment. Results: The within-lab imprecisions at the mean values of 17 and 287 IU/L were 2.7% and 3.7%, respectively. Using Deming regression (n = 60), the following equation was obtained in the central lab: AQT90 βhCG = 1.1 Roche βhCG—12.9 (r = 0.997). The implementation of POCT βhCG in the ED significantly reduced patient LOS (145 (90–212) min vs. 205 (155–265) with and without AQT90, respectively, p < 0.001). At the 2 IU/L decision level, a 99.7% agreement with the Roche assay was reported (kappa statistics, 0.99). Conclusions: We confirm that the analytical qualities of the AQT 90 were in line with those obtained in the central lab. The implementation of the POCT βhCG is associated with a shorter LOS in the ED due to the faster availability of the results and the faster decision-making possibilities