342 research outputs found

    Epidemic typhus imported from Algeria.

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    We report epidemic typhus in a French patient returning from Algeria. The diagnosis was confirmed by serologic testing and the isolation of Rickettsia prowazekii in blood. Initially the patient was thought to have typhoid fever. Because body lice are prevalent in industrialized regions, the introduction of typhus to pediculosis-endemic areas poses a serious public health risk

    Predictive factors of clinical assays on hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 mortality during the first year of the pandemic: A meta-synthesis

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a violent debate about the efficacy of a repurposed drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and a new broad-spectrum antiviral (remdesivir) and about randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies. To understand conflicting results in the literature, we performed a metasynthesis to determine whether intrinsic qualitative criteria within studies may predict apparent efficacy or ineffectiveness of HCQ and remdesivir. Methodology: Predictive criteria were identified through critical review of studies assessing HCQ and remdesivir for COVID-19 mortality from March to November 2020. Multiple correspondence analysis, comparative metaanalysis, and predictive value were used to explore and identify criteria associated with study outcomes. Results: Among the 61 included studies, potential conflict of interest, detailed therapeutic protocol, toxic treatment (overdose or use in contraindicated patients), known centers and doctors, and private data computing company were the most predictive criteria of the direction of effect of the studies. All 18 observational studies evaluating HCQ and reporting detailed therapeutic protocol without conflict of interest were Pro. Potential conflict of interest was a perfect predictor for remdesivir efficacy. RCTs were associated with HCQ inefficacy and potential conflict of interest. The most predictive criteria were validated and allowed perfect classification of 10 additional studies.Conclusion: In therapeutic trials on COVID-19, the major biases predicting the conclusions are not methodology nor data analysis, but conflict of interest and absence of medical expertise. The thorough search for declared or undeclared and direct or indirect conflict of interest, and medical expertise should be included in the quality criteria for the evaluation of future therapeutic studies in COVID-19 and beyond. A new checklist evaluating not only methodology but also conflict of interest and medical expertise is proposed

    Incidence of Hajj-associated febrile cough episodes among French pilgrims: a prospective cohort study on the influence of statin use and risk factors

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    AbstractA prospective epidemiological study was conducted to evaluate the incidence of febrile cough episodes among adult Muslims travelling from Marseille to Saudi Arabia during the Hajj pilgrimage and to assess if use of statin had an influence on this incidence. In total, 580 individuals were presented with a questionnaire. A significant proportion of individuals had chronic medical disorders, e.g. diabetes mellitus (132, 22.8%) and hypertension (147, 25.3%). Pilgrims had a low level of education and a low employment rate. Sixty (10.3%) were treated with statins for hypercholesterolemia. Four hundred and fourty-seven pilgrims were presented a questionnaire on returning home. A total of 74 travellers (16.6%) experienced fever during their stay in Saudi Arabia (67 attended a doctor) and 271 (60.6%) had cough (259 attended a doctor); 70 travellers with cough were febrile (25.9%). Seventy per cent of the travellers who suffered cough episodes developed their first symptoms within 3 days, suggesting a human to human transmission of the responsible pathogen, with short incubation time as evidenced by a bimodal distribution of cough in two peaks at a 24 h interval. None of demographical and socioeconomic characteristics, underlying diseases or vaccination against influenza significantly affected the occurrence of cough. Diabetes correlated with an increased risk of febrile cough (OR = 2.02 (1.05–3.89)) as well as unemployment (OR = 2.22 (0.91–5.53)). Use of statins had no significant influence on the occurrence of cough and/or fever during the pilgrimage. This result suggests that while treatment with a statin has been demonstrated to reduce the mortality from severe sepsis associated with respiratory tract infections, it probably does not play a role in the outcome of regular febrile cough episodes as observed in the cohort studied here

    Highly infectious diseases in the Mediterranean Sea area: Inventory of isolation capabilities and recommendations for appropriate isolation.

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    Epidemics such as viral haemorrhagic fevers, severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus or yet unknown ones have few chances of disappearing. Globalization, worldwide travel, climate change, social conflicts and wars, among others, are likely to favor the emergence of epidemics. Preparedness of hospitals to prevent the spread of these outbreaks is among the prioritized political programmes of many countries. The EuroNHID network has in the past drawn a map of features and equipment of hospitals across Europe to take care of highly contagious patients. We update the data regarding isolation capabilities and recommendations, with an emphasis on Mediterranean countries

    Trichinella pseudospiralis outbreak in France.

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    Four persons became ill with trichinellosis after eating meat from a wild boar hunted in Camargue, France. Nonencapsulated larvae of Trichinella pseudospiralis were detected in meat and muscle biopsy specimens. The diagnoses were confirmed by molecular typing. Surveillance for the emerging T. pseudospiralis should be expanded

    Letter to the editor : management of patients with Ebola virus disease in Europe : high-level isolation units should have a key role

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    In the past, the rare imported cases of Ebola and Marburg in western European countries and the United States were managed in high-level isolation units (HLIUs). Subsequently, reported experiences indicate that strict contact-droplet isolation is enough for preventing transmission. From this hypothesis, the idea may derive that HLIUs are not strictly necessary for the management of EVD patients, who may be safely managed in non-specialised hospitals, as suggested by some international recommendations elaborated during the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Even if we concur that strict contact-droplet isolation is enough to prevent transmission during routine care, we believe that HLIUs should have a key role in EVD containment in countries where such facilities are available. An HLIU is a healthcare facility specifically designed to provide safe, secure, high-quality, and appropriate care, with optimal infection containment and infection prevention and control procedures, for a single patient or a small number of patients who have, or who may have, a highly infectious disease.peer-reviewe
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