72 research outputs found

    13C—methyl formate : observations of a sample of high mass starforming regions including Orion—KL and spectroscopic characterization

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    We have surveyed a sample of massive star-forming regions located over a range of distances from the Galactic centre for methyl formate, HCOOCH3, and its isotopologues H13COOCH3 and HCOO13CH3. The observations were carried out with the APEX telescope in the frequency range 283.4-287.4 GHz. Based on the APEX observations, we report tentative detections of the 13C-methyl formate isotopologue HCOO13CH3 towards the following four massive star-forming regions: Sgr B2(N-LMH), NGC 6334 IRS 1, W51 e2 and G19.61-0.23. In addition, we have used the 1 mm ALMA science verification observations of Orion-KL and confirm the detection of the 13C-methyl formate species in Orion-KL and image its spatial distribution. Our analysis shows that the 12C/13C isotope ratio in methyl formate toward Orion-KL Compact Ridge and Hot Core-SW components (68.4±10.1 and 71.4±7.8, respectively) are, for both the 13C-methyl formate isotopologues, commensurate with the average 12C/13C ratio of CO derived toward Orion-KL. Likewise, regarding the other sources, our results are consistent with the 12C/13C in CO. We also report the spectroscopic characterization, which includes a complete partition function, of the complex H13COOCH3 and HCOO13CH3 species. New spectroscopic data for both isotopomers H13COOCH3 and HCOO13CH3, presented in this study, has made it possible to measure this fundamentally important isotope ratio in a large organic molecule for the first time.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant 1008800. We are grateful to the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain for the financial support through grant No. FIS2011-28738-C02-02 and to the French Government through grant No. ANR-08-BLAN-0054 and the French PCMI (Programme National de Physique Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire). This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO. ALMA#2011.0.00009.SV.ALMAis a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA), and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO, and NAOJ. C.F. thanks Dahbia Talbi, Eric Herbst, and Anthony Remijan for enlightening discussions. Finally, we thank the anonymous referee for helpful comments

    La médiation du Saint-Siège dans le différend entre l'Argentine et le Chili sur la zone australe

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    Brouillet Alain. La médiation du Saint-Siège dans le différend entre l'Argentine et le Chili sur la zone australe. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 25, 1979. pp. 47-73

    La Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés — Paris, 1-14 septembre 1981

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    Brouillet Alain. La Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés — Paris, 1-14 septembre 1981. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 27, 1981. pp. 587-627

    La force multinationale d'interposition à Beyrouth (21 août - 13 septembre 1982)

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    Brouillet Alain. La force multinationale d'interposition à Beyrouth (21 août - 13 septembre 1982). In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 28, 1982. pp. 293-336

    La seconde force multinationale à Beyrouth (24 septembre 1982-31 mars 1984)

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    Brouillet Alain. La seconde force multinationale à Beyrouth (24 septembre 1982-31 mars 1984). In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 31, 1985. pp. 115-166

    Star formation and chemical complexity in the Orion nebula: A new view with the IRAM and ALMA interferometers

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    The Orion nebula is one of the most observed celestial regions in the Milky Way. It is an active massive star-forming region, especially well studied in the millimeter and submillimeter domains that allow us to unveil the cool and obscured regions in which stars are being formed. After a brief introduction to the main properties of a radio telescope, we recall that the most sensitive radio interferometers, the IRAM mm array and, especially, the recently built ALMA millimeter/submillimeter array, offer an outstanding spatial resolution reaching the sub-arcsecond scale, or even about 10 milli-arcseconds for ALMA (about four times the Earth’s orbit radius at the Orion distance). These interferometers can reveal the fine spatial details of the Orion clouds of gas and dust within which new stars and associated planetary systems are being formed. The high spectral resolution and sensitivity of both interferometers and the broad instantaneous bandwidth offered by ALMA allowed us to map the emission from a number of complex organic molecules, to estimate the molecular abundances, and to address some important aspects of the molecular complexity in Orion. Our observations do not lead to a unique molecular formation and excitation scheme, but the chemistry at work in the proto-stellar ‘fragments’ at the center of the Orion nebula can be compared with the chemistry prevailing in comets of the Solar system. We have underlined the possible links between the prebiotic molecules observed in space and the chemistry leading to the early terrestrial life

    Revue des Revues

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    Brouillet Alain, Boisson de Chazournes Laurence, Eisemann Pierre Michel, Pellet Alain, Poulain Michèle, Tavernier Paul. Revue des Revues. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 33, 1987. pp. 1120-1133

    Revue des revues

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    Cot Jean-Pierre, Bockel Alain, Brouillet Alain, Ferrari Pierre, Maisl Herbert, Manesse Jacques, Manin Philippe. Revue des revues. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 14, 1968. pp. 1015-1057

    Revue des revues

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    Brouillet Alain, Audeoud Olivier, Chambault Jean-François, Decaux Emmanuel, Pellet Alain, Tavernier Paul, Ziller Jacques. Revue des revues. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 24, 1978. pp. 1269-1300
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