220 research outputs found

    Social Participation in Relation to Technology Use and Social Deprivation: A Mixed Methods Study Among Older People with and without Dementia

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    Social participation is a modifiable determinant for health and wellbeing among older people; however, social participation is increasingly dependent on technology use. This study investigated social participation in relation to Everyday Technology use and social deprivation of the living environment, among older people with and without dementia in the United Kingdom. Sixty-four people with dementia and sixty-four people without dementia were interviewed using standardized questionnaires: The Participation in ACTivities and Places OUTside Home Questionnaire and Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire. A mixed methods approach integrated statistical analyses and content analysis of free-text responses, through data visualizations. Small, statistically significant associations were found between social participation and Everyday Technology use outside home, for participants with dementia (Rs = 0.247; p = 0.049) and without dementia (Rs = 0.343; p = 0.006). A small, statistically significant association was identified between social participation and social deprivation in the living environment, among only participants with dementia (Rs = 0.267, p = 0.033). The content analysis and graphical joint display revealed motivators, considerations that require extra attention, and strategies for managing social participation. The results underline how Everyday Technology use can be assistive to social participation but also the need to consider social deprivation of the living environment, especially among people with dementia

    Everyday technologies and public space participation among people with and without dementia

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    BACKGROUND: Occupational therapists support everyday technology use; however, it is necessary to consider the challenges that people with dementia encounter with everyday technologies when participating in various places within public space. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to explore stability and change in participation in places visited within public space in relation to the relevance of everyday technologies used within public space. METHOD: People with dementia (n = 35) and people with no known cognitive impairment (n = 34) were interviewed using the Participation in Activities and Places Outside Home Questionnaire and the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire. Data analysis used modern and classical test theory. FINDINGS: Both samples participated in places within public space; however, participation and relevance of everyday technologies were significantly lower for the dementia group. IMPLICATIONS: To enable participation, occupational therapists need to be aware of challenges that technologies and places within public space present to people with dementia.Swedish Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (FORTE)H2020 Marie Skodowska Curie Actions-Innovative Training Networks, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 (676265)Accepte

    Intrinsic determinants of neurotoxic aggregate formation by the amyloid β peptide

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    The extent to which proteins aggregate into distinct structures ranging from prefibrillar oligomers to amyloid fibrils is key to the pathogenesis of many age-related degenerative diseases. We describe here for the Alzheimer's disease-related amyloid β peptide (Aβ) an investigation of the sequence-based determinants of the balance between the formation of prefibrillar aggregates and amyloid fibrils. We show that by introducing single-point mutations, it is possible to convert the normally harmless Aβ40 peptide into a pathogenic species by increasing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar but not fibrillar aggregates, and, conversely, to abolish the pathogenicity of the highly neurotoxic E22G Aβ42 peptide by reducing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar species rather than mature fibrillar ones. This observation can be rationalized by the demonstration that whereas regions of the sequence of high aggregation propensity dominate the overall tendency to aggregate, regions with low intrinsic aggregation propensities exert significant control over the balance of the prefibrillar and fibrillar species formed, and therefore play a major role in determining the neurotoxicity of the Aβ peptide. © 2010 by the Biophysical Society

    Islet autoantibodies and residual beta cell function in type 1 diabetes children followed for 3-6 years

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    Aims: To test if islet autoantibodies at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and after 3-6 years with T1D predict residual beta-cell function (RBF) after 3-6 years with T1D. Methods: T1D children (n = 260, median age at diagnosis 9.4, range 0.9-14.7 years) were tested for GAD65, IA-2, ZnT8R, ZnT8W and ZnT8Q autoantibodies (A) at diagnosis, and 3-6 years after diagnosis when also fasting and stimulated RBF were determined. Results: For every 1-year increase in age at diagnosis of TID, the odds of detectable C-peptide increased 1.21 (1.09, 1.34) times for fasting C-peptide and 1.28 (1.15, 1.42) times for stimulated C-peptide. Based on a linear model for subjects with no change in IA-2A levels, the odds of detectable C-peptide were 35% higher than for subjects whose IA-2A levels decreased by half (OR = 1.35 (1.09, 1.67), p = 0.006); similarly for ZnT8WA (OR = 1.39 (1.09, 1.77), p = 0.008) and ZnT8QA (OR = 1.55 (1.06, 2.26) p = 0.024). Such relationship was not detected for GADA or ZnT8RA. All OR adjusted for confounders. Conclusions: Age at diagnosis with T1D was the major predictor of detectable C-peptide 3-6 years post-diagnosis. Decreases in IA-2A, and possibly ZnT8A, levels between diagnosis and post-diagnosis were associated with a reduction in RBF post-diagnosis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    The contrasting role of technology as both supportive and hindering in the everyday lives of people with mild cognitive deficits: a focus group study

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    Background: It is well known that people with mild cognitive deficits face challenges when performing complex everyday activities, and that the use of technology has become increasingly interwoven with everyday activities. However, less is known of how technology might be involved, either as a support or hindrance, in different areas of everyday life and of the environments where challenges appear. The aim of this study was to investigate the areas of concern where persons with cognitive deficits meet challenges in everyday life, in what environments these challenges appear and how technology might be involved as part of the challenge and/or the solution to the challenge. Methods: Data were gathered through four focus group interviews with participants that live with cognitive deficits or cohabit with a person with cognitive deficits, plus health professionals and researchers in the field. Data were transcribed, coded and categorized, and finally synthesized to trace out the involvement of technology. Results: Five areas of concern in everyday life were identified as offering challenges to persons with cognitive deficits: A) Managing personal finances, B) Getting around, C) Meeting family and friends, D) Engaging with culture and media and, E) Doing everyday chores. Findings showed that the involvement of technology in everyday activities was often contrastive. It could be hindering and evoke stress, or it could bring about feelings of control; that is, being a part of the solution. The involvement of technology was especially obvious in challenges linked to Managing personal finances, which is a crucial necessity in many everyday activities. In contrast, technology was least obviously involved in the area Socializing with family and friends. Conclusions: The findings imply that technology used for orientation and managing finances, often used outside home, would benefit from being further developed in order to be more supportive; i.e. accessible and usable. To make a positive change for many people, the ideas of inclusive design fit well for this purpose and would contribute to an age-friendly society

    Systematic In Vivo Analysis of the Intrinsic Determinants of Amyloid β Pathogenicity

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    Protein aggregation into amyloid fibrils and protofibrillar aggregates is associated with a number of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. We have established, using a computational approach, that knowledge of the primary sequences of proteins is sufficient to predict their in vitro aggregation propensities. Here we demonstrate, using rational mutagenesis of the Aβ42 peptide based on such computational predictions of aggregation propensity, the existence of a strong correlation between the propensity of Aβ42 to form protofibrils and its effect on neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer disease. Our findings provide a quantitative description of the molecular basis for the pathogenicity of Aβ and link directly and systematically the intrinsic properties of biomolecules, predicted in silico and confirmed in vitro, to pathogenic events taking place in a living organism

    Local structure study about Co in YBa2_2(Cu1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} thin films using polarized XAFS

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    We have studied the local structure around Co in YBa2_2(Cu1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} thin films with three different concentrations: x=0.07, 0.10, 0.17, and in a PrBa2_2(Cu1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} thin film of concentration x=0.05 using the X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) technique. Data were collected at the Co KK-edge with polarizations both parallel and perpendicular to the film surface. We find that the oxygen neighbors are well ordered and shortened in comparison with YBCO Cu-O values to 1.80 \AA{} and 1.87 \AA{} in the cc-axis and abab-plane, respectively. A comparison of further neighbors in the thin film and powder data show that these peaks in the film are suppressed in amplitude relative to the powder samples, which suggests there is more disorder and/or distortions of the Co environment present in the thin films.Comment: 14 pages; To be submitted to Phys. Rev.
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