26,982 research outputs found

    Non-degenerate colorings in the Brook's Theorem

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    Let c≥2c\geq 2 and p≥cp\geq c be two integers. We will call a proper coloring of the graph GG a \textit{(c,p)(c,p)-nondegenerate}, if for any vertex of GG with degree at least pp there are at least cc vertices of different colors adjacent to it. In our work we prove the following result, which generalizes Brook's Theorem. Let D≥3D\geq 3 and GG be a graph without cliques on D+1D+1 vertices and the degree of any vertex in this graph is not greater than DD. Then for every integer c≥2c\geq 2 there is a proper (c,p)(c,p)-nondegenerate vertex DD-coloring of GG, where p=(c3+8c2+19c+6)(c+1).p=(c^3+8c^2+19c+6)(c+1). During the primary proof, some interesting corollaries are derived.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    The use of remote sensing in solving Florida's geological and coastal engineering problems

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    LANDSAT imagery and NASA high altitude color infrared (CIR) photography were used to select suitable sites for sanitary landfill in Volusia County, Florida and to develop techniques for preventing sand deposits in the Clearwater inlet. Activities described include the acquisition of imagery, its analysis by the IMAGE 100 system, conventional photointerpretation, evaluation of existing data sources (vegetation, soil, and ground water maps), site investigations for ground truth, and preparation of displays for reports

    A holistic multimodal approach to the non-invasive analysis of watercolour paintings

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    A holistic approach using non-invasive multimodal imaging and spectroscopic techniques to study the materials (pigments, drawing materials and paper) and painting techniques of watercolour paintings is presented. The non-invasive imaging and spectroscopic techniques include VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy and multispectral imaging, micro-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). The three spectroscopic techniques complement each other in pigment identification. Multispectral imaging (near infrared bands), OCT and micro-Raman complement each other in the visualisation and identification of the drawing material. OCT probes the microstructure and light scattering properties of the substrate while XRF detects the elemental composition that indicates the sizing methods and the filler content . The multiple techniques were applied in a study of forty six 19th century Chinese export watercolours from the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) to examine to what extent the non-invasive analysis techniques employed complement each other and how much useful information about the paintings can be extracted to address art conservation and history questions

    FIP Bias Evolution in a Decaying Active Region

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    Solar coronal plasma composition is typically characterized by first ionization potential (FIP) bias. Using spectra obtained by Hinode's EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) instrument, we present a series of large-scale, spatially resolved composition maps of active region (AR) 11389. The composition maps show how FIP bias evolves within the decaying AR from 2012 January 4-6. Globally, FIP bias decreases throughout the AR. We analyzed areas of significant plasma composition changes within the decaying AR and found that small-scale evolution in the photospheric magnetic field is closely linked to the FIP bias evolution observed in the corona. During the AR's decay phase, small bipoles emerging within supergranular cells reconnect with the pre-existing AR field, creating a pathway along which photospheric and coronal plasmas can mix. The mixing time scales are shorter than those of plasma enrichment processes. Eruptive activity also results in shifting the FIP bias closer to photospheric in the affected areas. Finally, the FIP bias still remains dominantly coronal only in a part of the AR's high-flux density core. We conclude that in the decay phase of an AR's lifetime, the FIP bias is becoming increasingly modulated by episodes of small-scale flux emergence, i.e. decreasing the AR's overall FIP bias. Our results show that magnetic field evolution plays an important role in compositional changes during AR development, revealing a more complex relationship than expected from previous well-known Skylab results showing that FIP bias increases almost linearly with age in young ARs (Widing &\& Feldman, 2001, ApJ, 555, 426)

    Particulate and aerosol detector

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    A device is described for counting aerosols and sorting them according to either size, mass or energy. The component parts are an accelerator, a capacitor sensor and a readout. The accelerator is a means for accelerating the aerosols toward the face of the capacitor sensor with such force that they partially penetrate the capacitor sensor, momentarily discharging it. The readout device is a means for counting the number of discharges of the capacitor sensor and measuring the amplitudes of these different discharges. The aerosols are accelerated by the accelerator in the direction of the metal layer with such force that they penetrate the metal and damage the oxide layers, thereby allowing the electrical charge on the capacitor to discharge through the damaged region. Each incident aerosol initiates a discharge path through the capacitor in such a fashion as to vaporize the conducting path. Once the discharge action is complete, the low resistance path no longer exists between the two capacitor plates and the capacitor is again able to accept a charge. The active area of the capacitor is reduced in size by the damaged area each time a discharge occurs

    A New Genus and Species of Cryptogonimid from Lutjanus Spp. (Pisces: Lutjanidae) on the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia

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    Lobosorchis tibaldiae n. gen. and n. sp. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) is described from the intestine, pyloric ceca, and rectum of 2 species of Lutjanus (Pisces: Lutjanidae), Lutjanus carponotatus and Lutjanus fulviflamma, from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, and New Caledonia. The genus is tentatively placed in the Neochasminae and is distinguished within the Cryptogonimidae by the combination of follicular testes, oral spines, and vitelline follicles restricted to the anterior region of the body not extending posteriorly to the ventral sucker

    Plasma composition in a sigmoidal anemone active region

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    Using spectra obtained by the EIS instrument onboard Hinode, we present a detailed spatially resolved abundance map of an active region (AR)-coronal hole (CH) complex that covers an area of 359 arcsec x 485 arcsec. The abundance map provides first ionization potential (FIP) bias levels in various coronal structures within the large EIS field of view. Overall, FIP bias in the small, relatively young AR is 2-3. This modest FIP bias is a consequence of the AR age, its weak heating, and its partial reconnection with the surrounding CH. Plasma with a coronal composition is concentrated at AR loop footpoints, close to where fractionation is believed to take place in the chromosphere. In the AR, we found a moderate positive correlation of FIP bias with nonthermal velocity and magnetic flux density, both of which are also strongest at the AR loop footpoints. Pathways of slightly enhanced FIP bias are traced along some of the loops connecting opposite polarities within the AR. We interpret the traces of enhanced FIP bias along these loops to be the beginning of fractionated plasma mixing in the loops. Low FIP bias in a sigmoidal channel above the AR's main polarity inversion line where ongoing flux cancellation is taking place, provides new evidence of a bald patch magnetic topology of a sigmoid/flux rope configfiuration.Comment: For on-line animation, see http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~db2/fip_intensity.gif. Accepted by Ap

    Automated water monitor system field demonstration test report. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    A system that performs water quality monitoring on-line and in real time much as it would be done in a spacecraft, was developed and demonstrated. The system has the capability to determine conformance to high effluent quality standards and to increase the potential for reclamation and reuse of water
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