7,415 research outputs found

    A study of the compliance of alarm installations in Perth, Western Australia: Are security alarm systemsbeing installed to Australian Standard AS2201.1 - systems installed in a client\u27s premises.

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    This study presented an overview of the training available to intruder alarm installers. A survey of domestic and commercial intruder alarm systems (n=20) were completed across Perth, Western Australia, metropolitan area. The gathered data were evaluated against Australian Standard AS2201.1 for intruder alarm systems, to determine whether alarm installations comply with two parts of the standard, being that of control panel location and zone supervision. AS2201.1 requires that intruder alarm control equipment shall be located within the alarmed area, located outside the entry/exit point and operate as dual endofline supervision. The study presents significant findings into the compliance of installed intruder alarm systems. A significant proportion of the intruder alarms measured did not comply with AS2201.1, with the panel located outside an alarmed area (30%), located in the entry/exit point (15%) and not capable of dual endofline supervision (30%). These items contravene Australian Standard AS2201.1. Assumptions suggest that noncompliance is due to a lack of industry focused vocational training, industry self regulation and supervision, licensing regime and legislation. No single aspect could be considered ineffective; rather it is argued that all of these areas need to be addressed

    Thermoluminescence as a Correlation Tool in the Austin Chalk in North Central Texas

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    Methods for establishing precise correlations between isolated surface outcrops in flat-lying formations which are exposed poorly in areas of low relief are few in number if they exist at all. This point is well illustrated by the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk in north-central Texas. It is a relatively easy matter to correlate generally on the basis of lithology and stratigraphic or map position between the sparsely distributed outcrops and to recognize that one is within the lower, middle or upper Austin. However, acceptable correlations of a more specific nature (e.g., bed-for-bed or the exact relationships between two sequences which contain no apparent diagnostic criteria) have been difficult to achieve. Various techniques have been employed. C. I. Smith (1955) used a method whereby the vertical profile of a weathered outcrop was drawn to scale to show thickness of resistant and non-resistant beds and their resulting horizontal relief. Thus, by comparing and fitting the profiles of various outcrops, he believed that correlation could be achieved. The validity of Smith\u27s method has never been conclusively evaluated. Some flaws are apparent, however. The degree of weathering of an outcrop is of paramount importance to his method. The present writers have observed the striking difference in horizontal profile that exists between deep road cuts in the Austin Chalk seen within about a year after they were made, as compared with stratigraphically and lithologically similar cuts which are five to ten years old. In addition to this principal factor of time, the rate of weathering is affected by such variables as orientation of exposure with respect to sunlight, drainage, degree of slope, and cover on adjacent areas. None of these is easily evaluated in terms of its effect on specific outcrops. Williams (1957a) employed a method in which the horizontal outcrop profile, the percent insoluble residue and the color (using the National Research Council Standard Color Chart) were used as criteria for correlation. The added criteria of composition and color have added appreciably to the degree of validity of Smith\u27s method. Williams was able to make detailed correlations with apparent success between outcrops separated by as much as three miles. Other geologists have employed fossils of very limited vertical range (e.g., Parapuzosia, Clark, 1960) as guides to the specific beds which contain them, assuming that over the short distances involved little disparity between time and lithologic surfaces would exist. In view of the apparent success of correlations based on thermoluminescent glow-curves in other areas (Saunders, 1953, and Parks, 1953) we have applied this technique to selected outcrops of the Austin Chalk in Dallas County, Texas, with the hope that it might provide an additional tool with which to make detailed correlations in this formation and other similarly poorly-exposed, flatly-dipping rock sequences. With this in mind, representative samples were carefully selected from the collection made by Williams (ibid.) from the lower and middle Austin in southern and central Dallas County and were subjected to thermoluminescent ( glow-curve ) studies. Samples were chosen from beds which Williams considered to be correlative at various stratigraphic horizons and over varying distances between outcrops. These samples also represented compositions ranging from about 88% carbonate and 12 ÂĽ insoluble (presumably terrigenous material) to 63% carbonate and 37% insoluble

    Tornado climatology of Finland

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    A tornado climatology for Finland is constructed from 1796 to 2007. The climatology consists of two datasets. A historical dataset (1796–1996) is largely constructed from newspaper archives and other historical archives and datasets, and a recent dataset (1997–2007) is largely constructed from eyewitness accounts sent to the Finnish Meteorological Institute and news reports. This article describes the process of collecting and evaluating possible tornado reports.Altogether, 298 Finnish tornado cases compose the climatology: 129 from the historical dataset and 169 from the recent dataset. An annual average of 14 tornado cases occur in Finland (1997–2007). A case with a significant tornado (F2 or stronger) occurs in our database on average every other year, composing 14%of all tornado cases. All documented tornadoes in Finland have occurred betweenApril and November. As in the neighboring countries in northern Europe, July and August are the months with the maximum frequency of tornado cases, coincident with the highest lightning occurrence both over land and sea. Waterspouts tend to be favored later in the summer, peaking in August. The peak month for significant tornadoes is August. The diurnal peak for tornado cases is 1700–1859 local time. 1

    Deprotonation by Dehydration: The Origin of Ammonium Sensing in the AmtB Channel

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    The AmtB channel passively allows the transport of NH(4) (+) across the membranes of bacteria via a “gas” NH(3) intermediate and is related by homology (sequentially, structurally, and functionally) to many forms of Rh protein (both erythroid and nonerythroid) found in animals and humans. New structural information on this channel has inspired computational studies aimed at clarifying various aspects of NH(4) (+) recruitment and binding in the periplasm, as well as its deprotonation. However, precise mechanisms for these events are still unknown, and, so far, explanations for subsequent NH(3) translocation and reprotonation at the cytoplasmic end of the channel have not been rigorously addressed. We employ molecular dynamics simulations and free energy methods on a full AmtB trimer system in membrane and bathed in electrolyte. Combining the potential of mean force for NH(4) (+)/NH(3) translocation with data from thermodynamic integration calculations allows us to find the apparent pK(a) of NH(4) (+) as a function of the transport axis. Our calculations reveal the specific sites at which its deprotonation (at the periplasmic end) and reprotonation (at the cytoplasmic end) occurs. Contrary to most hypotheses, which ascribe a proton-accepting role to various periplasmic or luminal residues of the channel, our results suggest that the most plausible proton donor/acceptor at either of these sites is water. Free-energetic analysis not only verifies crystallographically determined binding sites for NH(4) (+) and NH(3) along the transport axis, but also reveals a previously undetermined binding site for NH(4) (+) at the cytoplasmic end of the channel. Analysis of dynamics and the free energies of all possible loading states for NH(3) inside the channel also reveal that hydrophobic pressure and the free-energetic profile provided by the pore lumen drives this species toward the cytoplasm for protonation just before reaching the newly discovered site

    State Legislative Response to the Housing Crisis

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    Great public attention has recently been focused on the crisis in housing facing all major urban areas in this country. This article has been prepared to bring close attention to one segment of the hoped for solution-legislative action needed on the state level

    ATM Quality of Service Tests for Digitized Video Using ATM Over Satellite: Laboratory Tests

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    A digitized video application was used to help determine minimum quality of service parameters for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) over satellite. For these tests, binomially distributed and other errors were digitally inserted in an intermediate frequency link via a satellite modem and a commercial gaussian noise generator. In this paper, the relation- ship between the ATM cell error and cell loss parameter specifications is discussed with regard to this application. In addition, the video-encoding algorithms, test configurations, and results are presented in detail

    Pharmacy Student Self-Testing as a Predictor of Examination Performance

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    Objectives. To determine if student self-testing improves performance during a doctor of pharmacy course. Methods. Students were given access to online quizzes with a large pool of randomly selected questions specific to upcoming examination content. Quizzes were electronically scored immediately upon completion and students were provided corrective feedback. Results. Examination scores following implementation of the practice quizzes were significantly higher in all but the last testing period. The upper fiftieth percentile of students scored higher on both the practice quizzes and subsequent examinations in all but the fourth testing period. Conclusions. Providing pharmacy students with self-testing opportunities could increase their retention of course material and provide feedback to both students and educators regarding learning, as well as provide students with a measure of their metacognition

    Evaluation of a Short-Range Multimodel Ensemble System

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