17 research outputs found


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    Asociación del electrocardiograma con diabetes mellitus y síndrome metabólico en nipobrasileños

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    BACKGROUND: When the Japanese immigrated to the Americas, they were subjected to Westernization, with a great change in lifestyle, specially in dietary habits, and this may explain the increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM), metabolic syndrome (MS) and cardiovascular disease among them. OBJECTIVE: To study the presence of myocardial necrosis and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in a population of Japanese-Brazilians, using the ECG and its relationship with DM and MS. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study which evaluated 1,042 Japanese-Brazilians aged 30 or over, 202 of them born in Japan (Issei) and 840 of them born in Brazil (Nissei), from the second phase of the Japanese-Brazilian Diabetes Study Group initiated in 2000. MS was defined according to the NCEP-ATP III criteria modified for the Japanese. DM and MS were associated with the presence of myocardial necrosis (according to the Minnesota criteria) and LVH (according the Perugia score on the ECG). The statistic chi square method was used to reject the null hypothesis.? RESULTS: Of the 1,042 participants, 35.3% had DM (38.6% of the Issei and 34.5% of the Nissei); 51.8% had MS (59.4% of the Issei and 50.0% of the Nissei). The presence of an inactive zone in the diabetic Issei group was not statistically significant when compared to the non-diabetic group, but among the diabetic Nissei group an inactive zone was present in 7.5% of them. There was a statistically significant correlation between MS and LVH in the Issei and Nissei groups. CONCLUSION: Metabolic disorders presented a high prevalence in Japanese-Brazilians with significant correlations with necrosis and hypertrophy on the ECG.FUNDAMENTO: Al migrar hacia las Américas, los japoneses se sometieron a un proceso de occidentalización, con estilo de vida, y especialmente dieta, muy diferente, lo que puede explicar el aumento de diabetes mellitus (DM), síndrome metabólico (SM) y enfermedades cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Analizar la presencia de necrosis miocárdica e hipertrofia ventricular izquierda (HVI), indicada en ECG, y su relación con DM y SM en población de nipobrasileños. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal que evaluó a 1.042 nipobrasileños con edad superior a 30 años: 202 nacidos en Japão (iseis) y 840 nacidos en Brasil (niseis), provenientes de la segunda fase del estudio Japanese-Brazilian Diabetes Study Group iniciado en 2000. Se definió el SM desde los criterios de la NCEP-ATP III, modificados para los japoneses. La presencia de DM y SM se asoció a la formación de necrosis miocárdica, según el de Minnesota, y de HVI según el criterio de Perugia, ambas reveladas en el ECG. Se utilizó el método estadístico del Chi-cuadrado para rechazo de la hipótesis de nulidad. RESULTADOS: De los 1.042 participantes, el 35,3% presentaba DM (el 38,6% entre los iseis y el 34,5% en niseis); el 51,8% tenían SM (el 59,4% entre iseis y el 50,0% en niseis). La presencia de zona inactiva en los iseis diabéticos no se mostró estadísticamente significante, si se la compara a los no diabéticos; sin embargo, entre los niseis diabéticos la zona inactiva se presentaba en el 7,5%. Hubo correlación estadísticamente significante entre el SM y la HVE entre iseis y niseis. CONCLUSIÓN: Disturbios metabólicos tuvieron alta prevalencia en nipobrasileños con correlaciones significantes con necrosis e hipertrofia reveladas por el ECG.FUNDAMENTO: Ao migrarem para as Américas, os japoneses submeteram-se a processo de ocidentalização, com estilo de vida, especialmente dieta, muito diferente, podendo explicar o aumento de diabete melito (DM), síndrome metabólica (SM) e doenças cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Analisar a presença de necrose miocárdica e hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) pelo ECG e sua relação com DM e SM em população de nipo-brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que avaliou 1.042 nipo-brasileiros acima de 30 anos, 202 nascidos no Japão (isseis) e 840 nascidos no Brasil (nisseis), provenientes da segunda fase do estudo Japanese-Brazilian Diabetes Study Group iniciado em 2000. A SM foi definida pelos critérios da NCEP-ATP III modificados para os japoneses. A presença de DM e SM se associou ao encontro de necrose miocárdica pelo critério de Minnesota e de HVE pelo critério de Perugia no ECG. Utilizou-se o método estatístico do qui-quadrado para rejeição da hipótese de nulidade. RESULTADOS: Dos 1.042 participantes 35,3% tinham DM (38,6% entre os isseis e 34,5% nos nisseis); 51,8% tinham SM (59,4% nos isseis e 50,0% nos nisseis). A presença de zona inativa nos isseis diabéticos não foi estatisticamente significante quando comparada com os não-diabéticos, porém entre os nisseis diabéticos a zona inativa estava presente em 7,5%. Houve correlação estatisticamente significante entre a SM e HVE nos isseis e nisseis. CONCLUSÃO: Distúrbios metabólicos tiveram alta prevalência em nipo-brasileiros com correlações significantes com necrose e hipertrofia pelo ECG.UNIFESP-EPM Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de Medicina PreventivaJapanese-Brazilian Diabetes Study GroupUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Cardiac alterations in Japanese-Brazilians with diabetes and metabolic syndrome

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Síncope cardíaca reflexa por "nevralgia" do glossofaríngeo: rara apresentação dessa doença Cardiac syncope induced by glossopharyngeal "neuralgia": a rare presentation

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    A primeira descrição de dor severa no trajeto do nervo glossofaríngeo foi realizada por Weisenberg, em 1910¹, em um paciente com tumor do ângulo ponto cerebelar. Entretanto, coube a Harris, em 1926², nomear como nevralgia do nervo glossofaríngeo esse raro quadro clínico, caracterizado por paroxismos de dor intensa, unilaterais, na região posterior da língua, no palato mole, na garganta e na região lateral e posterior da faringe, irradiando para o ouvido. A dor pode ser desencadeada por deglutição, tosse, bocejo ou mastigação e normalmente dura de segundos a minutos. A associaç��o de nevralgia do glossofaríngeo e síncope é muito rara e se deve a breves períodos de bradicardia, assistolia ou hipotensão, sendo a primeira descrição dessa associação, com essa fisiopatologia, realizada por Riley e cols., em 1942³.<br>The first description of severe pain in the distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve is credited to Weisenberg, in 1910¹, in a patient with cerebellopontine angle tumor. However, it was Harris, in 1926², who coined the term glossopharyngeal neuralgia to describe this rare condition characterized by paroxysms of excruciating pain located laterally at the back of the tongue, soft palate, throat, and lateral and posterior pharynx, radiating to the ear. Swallowing, coughing, yawning or chewing may trigger pain, which usually lasts from seconds to minutes. The association between glossopharyngeal neuralgia and syncope is very rare, being identified by brief episodes of bradycardia, asystole, and hypotension. Such an association, with this same pathophysiology, was first described by Riley et al³ in 1942

    A genetic variant of NLRP1 gene is associated with asbestos body burden in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

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    The presence of asbestos bodies (ABs) in lung parenchyma is considered a histopathologic hallmark of past exposure to asbestos fibers, of which there was a population of longer fibers. The mechanisms underlying AB formation are complex, involving inflammatory responses and iron (Fe) metabolism. Thus, the responsiveness to AB formation is variable, with some individuals appearing to be poor AB formers. The aim of this study was to disclose the possible role of genetic variants of genes encoding inflammasome and iron metabolism proteins in the ability to form ABs in a population of 81 individuals from North East Italy, who died after having developed malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). This study included 86 genetic variants distributed in 10 genes involved in Fe metabolism and 7 genetic variants in two genes encoding for inflammasome molecules. Genotypes/haplotypes were compared according to the number of lung ABs. Data showed that the NLRP1 rs12150220 missense variant (H155L) was significantly correlated with numbers of ABs in MPM patients. Specifically, a low number of ABs was detected in individuals carrying the NLRP1 rs12150220 A/T genotype. Our findings suggest that the NLRP1 inflammasome might contribute in the development of lung ABs. It is postulated that the NLRP1 missense variant may be considered as one of the possible host genetic factors contributing to individual variability in coating efficiency, which needs to be taken when assessing occupational exposure to asbestos