257 research outputs found

    Metabolite Profiling Identifies Candidate Markers Reflecting the Clinical Adaptations Associated with Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

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    Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is associated with weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis, and a reduction in co-morbidities such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. To generate further insight into the numerous metabolic adaptations associated with RYGB surgery, we profiled serum metabolites before and after gastric bypass surgery and integrated metabolite changes with clinical data. Methodology and Principal Findings: Serum metabolites were detected by gas and liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry before, and 3 and 6 months after RYGB in morbidly obese female subjects (n = 14; BMI = 46.261.7). Subjects showed decreases in weight-related parameters and improvements in insulin sensitivity post surgery. The abundance of 48 % (83 of 172) of the measured metabolites changed significantly within the first 3 months post RYGB (p,0.05), including sphingosines, unsaturated fatty acids, and branched chain amino acids. Dividing subjects into obese (n = 9) and obese/ diabetic (n = 5) groups identified 8 metabolites that differed consistently at all time points and whose serum levels changed following RYGB: asparagine, lysophosphatidylcholine (C18:2), nervonic (C24:1) acid, p-Cresol sulfate, lactate, lycopene, glucose, and mannose. Changes in the aforementioned metabolites were integrated with clinical data for body mass index (BMI) and estimates for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Of these, nervonic acid was significantly and negatively correlated with HOMA-IR (p = 0.001, R = 20.55)

    Perioperative outcome of laparoscopic left lateral liver resection is improved by using a bioabsorbable staple line reinforcement material in a porcine model

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    Hypothesis Laparoscopic liver surgery is significantly limited by the technical difficulty encountered during transection of substantial liver parenchyma, with intraoperative bleeding and bile leaks. This study tested whether the use of a bioabsorble staple line reinforcement material would improve outcome during stapled laparoscopic left lateral liver resection in a porcine model. Study design A total of 20 female pigs underwent stapled laparoscopic left lateral liver resection. In group A (n = 10), the stapling devices were buttressed with a bioabsorbable staple line reinforcement material. In group B (n = 10), standard laparoscopic staplers were used. Operative data and perioperative complications were recorded. Necropsy studies and histopathological analysis were performed at 6 weeks. Data were compared between groups with the Student's t-test or the chi-square test. Results Operating time was similar in the two groups (64 +/- 11 min in group A versus 68 +/- 9 min in group B, p = ns). Intraoperative blood loss was significantly higher in group B (185 +/- 9 mL versus 25 +/- 5 mL, p <0.05). There was no mortality. There was no morbidity in the 6-week follow-up period; however, two animals in group B had subphrenic bilomas (20%) at necropsy. At necropsy, methylene blue injection via the main bile duct revealed leakage from the biliary tree in four animals in group B and none in group A (p <0.05). Histopathological examination of the resection site revealed minor abnormalities in group A while animals in group B demonstrated marked fibrotic changes and damaged vascular and biliary endothelium. Conclusion Use of a bioabsorbable staple line reinforcement material reduces intraoperative bleeding and perioperative bile leaks during stapled laparoscopic left lateral liver resection in a porcine model

    Complicações respiratórias pós-operatórias em cirurgia bariátrica: revisão da literatura

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    Obesidade é um problema de saúde pública mundial com altos índices de morbi-mortalidade. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido o tratamento mais usado e desperta atenção para seu desenvolvimento e resultados. Porém, até o momento, não há revisão sobre a incidência de complicações respiratórias nesta população. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura sobre as complicações respiratórias após cirurgias bariátricas convencionais com a utilização das bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane e Scielo buscando os termos: complicações, pulmonar, pós-operatório e cirurgia bariátrica. Os limites foram os últimos dez anos, adultos, inglês e espanhol. Encontramos 69 artigos e utilizamos 21. As complicações respiratórias mais observadas em cirurgia bariátrica são: embolia pulmonar, atelectasias e pneumonia, estando relacionadas à idade e à hipoventilação. A obesidade mórbida está associada a disfunções respiratórias, incluindo diminuição da resistência cardiorrespiratória e dispneia, sendo as alterações mais comuns: diminuição da ventilação e da complacência torácica, taquipneia e aumento do trabalho muscular respiratório, com altos índices de hipoxemia e fadiga respiratória. Nossos resultados mostram que embolia pulmonar, atelectasias e pneumonias são as complicações respiratórias mais incidentes em cirurgias bariátricas convencionais, sendo os idosos ou portadores de síndrome da hipoventilação e apneia obstrutiva do sono os que apresentam maior risco de desenvolvê-las.Obesity is a public health problem worldwide because of the high rates of morbimortality. Bariatric surgery has been the most often treatment and attracts attention on its development and results. However, there is no review about the incidence of respiratory complications in this population. The aim of this study was to review the literature on respiratory complications in conventional bariatric surgery utilizing the databases PubMed, Scielo and Cochrane. The terms searched were complications, pulmonary, postoperative care and bariatric surgery, and the limits, the last ten years, adults, English and Spanish. We found 69 articles, and used 21, showing that the most common respiratory complications in bariatric surgery are pulmonary embolism, atelectasis and pneumonia, being related to age and the presence of hypoventilation. Morbid obesity is associated with respiratory dysfunction, including decreased cardiorespiratory endurance and dyspnea, being the most common changes: the decrease in ventilation and chest wall compliance, and tachypnea and respiratory muscle workload, with high rates of hypoxemia and respiratory fatigue. Our results suggest that pulmonary embolism, atelectasis and pneumonia are the pulmonary complications with the highest incidences in conventional bariatric surgery, and elderly and patients with hypoventilation or syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea have higher risk of developing postoperative pulmonary complications

    Diabetes-Specific Nutrition Algorithm: A Transcultural Program to Optimize Diabetes and Prediabetes Care

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and prediabetes have a major global impact through high disease prevalence, significant downstream pathophysiologic effects, and enormous financial liabilities. To mitigate this disease burden, interventions of proven effectiveness must be used. Evidence shows that nutrition therapy improves glycemic control and reduces the risks of diabetes and its complications. Accordingly, diabetes-specific nutrition therapy should be incorporated into comprehensive patient management programs. Evidence-based recommendations for healthy lifestyles that include healthy eating can be found in clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) from professional medical organizations. To enable broad implementation of these guidelines, recommendations must be reconstructed to account for cultural differences in lifestyle, food availability, and genetic factors. To begin, published CPGs and relevant medical literature were reviewed and evidence ratings applied according to established protocols for guidelines. From this information, an algorithm for the nutritional management of people with T2D and prediabetes was created. Subsequently, algorithm nodes were populated with transcultural attributes to guide decisions. The resultant transcultural diabetes-specific nutrition algorithm (tDNA) was simplified and optimized for global implementation and validation according to current standards for CPG development and cultural adaptation. Thus, the tDNA is a tool to facilitate the delivery of nutrition therapy to patients with T2D and prediabetes in a variety of cultures and geographic locations. It is anticipated that this novel approach can reduce the burden of diabetes, improve quality of life, and save lives. The specific Southeast Asian and Asian Indian tDNA versions can be found in companion articles in this issue of Current Diabetes Reports