9 research outputs found

    Rola filmu w prowadzeniu zajęć dydaktycznych

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    Hugo Münsterberg, a popularizer of psychology and author of the first comprehensive theory of film and groundbreaking book The Photoplay. A Psychological Study, said that “if the music is the art of the ear, art painting is the art of the eyes, that cinema is an art of the mind.” However, this book remained forgotten until 1970s, at which time promotion of video use in education began. This paper aims to present the latest approaches to the use of feature films in learning. Some researchers and practitioners hold an opinion that application of psychoanalytic concept of working with the film has lost its meaning. Today’s proposals for the use of video in learning are closer to counter-ideas forwarded by Münsterberg, who focused on the properties of the viewers’ mind. The paper discusses the reasons for the use of films in teaching and learning, and provides practical applications and postulates

    Psychologia i film

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    The main objective of this chapter is to analyze the relation of psychology and film, taking into account their common beginning and history. The author discusses the possibility of using movies in learning and teaching of psychology. He introduces the main concepts and controversies in the relation between psychology and film. In this chapter you can find comprehensive coverage of the relation of these two disciplines: psychology and the art of film — with examples and applications of the film. The author presents different reasons for the use of movies in education, discusses the dilemmas associated with it and gives practical tips

    Młodzieżowa rada gminy jako przykład uczestnictwa młodzieży w życiu społeczno-politycznym

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    The aim of this article is to present the issue of youth councils of municipalities in the broader context, namely in this case, the social and political participation of young people in the local communities. Author systematise the knowledge about the forms of youth activity at the local level, proposes a comprehensive definition of youth district councils, and also shows the functions that perform this type of structure. The article is a political science analysis of the phenomenon rather not discussed in field of self‑government literature

    O psychologii w filmach słów kilka

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    The present chapter emphasizes a special role of the relationship between psychology and the film, focusing on one of the areas of this relation, namely on psychology in films. In a synthetic form, the origin of the relationship between psychology and the film is outlined, which comes down not only to co-occurring historical events, but also to the field of interest, which is man and his behaviour. Also, the problems of defining the notion of the so-called psychological film are explained, as are two potential ways of its understanding. Moreover, the chapter draws attention to the challenge of detecting psychological facts and myths in film productions and encourages reflection on the impact of films. In its final part, the chapter introduces the readers into the method of psychological work with films, which is developed by the authors

    Psychologiczna praca z filmem "W głowie się nie mieści" (Inside Out)

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    Artykuł omawia znaczenie filmu animowanego W głowie się nie mieści (Inside Out) w kontekście wartości edukacyjnej, jaką ze sobą niesie. Analizie poddana zostaje treść filmu, która koncentruje się na roli emocji w życiu człowieka. Jednocześnie jako badacze i praktycy chcemy w niniejszym tekście podzielić się osobistymi refleksjami dotyczącymi pracy z filmem w ogóle i staramy się wytłumaczyć, dlaczego akurat ten konkretny film jest świetnym przykładem pokazującym wyzwania stojące przed każdym, kto zdecyduje się wykorzystać go w swojej pracy warsztatowej, terapeutycznej czy psychoedukacyjnej. The article focuses on the meaning of the animation Inside Out, especially concerning its educational message. Emotions in human’s life are the main topic of this analysis. Furthermore, we share our views on the psychological role of the movie used while teaching, that are based on the gained knowledge and practical experience. In addition to that, we intend to explain why work with this specific film makes such a great example of the challenges standing before everyone who has decided to use it in one’s workshops, therapy or psychoeducational work

    Mediation and Conciliation in Collective Labor Conflicts in Poland

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    The specific characteristics of collective labor conflicts in Poland are related to the ownership structure of Polish companies. Frequently the company management is not a direct party in a conflict, rather it is the company owner, e.g. State Treasury (education, health care system), a parent company based overseas, or territorial self-governmental authorities (transport, water supply). This context often leads to stagnation and prevents conflict resolution. Apart from the structural problem, also the perception of the role of mediators is noteworthy. Parties may come to an agreement when choosing one, but afterwards it may result in applying for a mediator to be appointed by the Minister (to prevent either of the parties getting the feeling that “their own mediator” has been chosen). There are also collective conflicts which are mediated by a local authority or someone considered as impartial

    Różnice pokoleń na rynku pracy? Nowe spojrzenie na znane zjawisko

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    In today’s organizations, the degree of generational diversity increases among employees, moreover the age difference between employees will further increase due to legal changes in the field of pension rights. The issue of age management becomes more crucial and it is important to see it as a comprehensive issue not only in the particular age group. Discrimination based on age is a common problem in the organization. In the media and among public opinion exist stereotypes about certain generations on the labor market, which can lead to unfair generalizations. Not only the elderly, but also young people are becoming a minority in organizations. The key to understand the reasons for potential conflicts is to focus on a greater role of perceived generational differences rather than the actual

    Psychological work with the movie Inside Out

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    Artykuł omawia znaczenie filmu animowanego W głowie się nie mieści (Inside Out) w kontekście wartości edukacyjnej, jaką ze sobą niesie. Analizie poddana zostaje treść filmu, która koncentruje się na roli emocji w życiu człowieka. Jednocześnie jako badacze i praktycy chcemy w niniejszym tekście podzielić się osobistymi refleksjami dotyczącymi pracy z filmem w ogóle i staramy się wytłumaczyć, dlaczego akurat ten konkretny film jest świetnym przykładem pokazującym wyzwania stojące przed każdym, kto zdecyduje się wykorzystać go w swojej pracy warsztatowej, terapeutycznej czy psychoedukacyjnej.The article focuses on the meaning of the animation Inside Out, especially concerning its educational message. Emotions in human’s life are the main topic of this analysis. Furthermore, we share our views on the psychological role of the movie used while teaching, that are based on the gained knowledge and practical experience. In addition to that, we intend to explain why work with this specific film makes such a great example of the challenges standing before everyone who has decided to use it in one’s workshops, therapy or psychoeducational work

    System mediacji jako przykład współpracy na rzecz zapobiegania i rozwiązywania konfliktów wewnątrzorganizacyjnych

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    Occurrence of conflicts in the workplace can be a significant expense for the organization. One of the actions that can be taken to manage the emerging conflict and to facilitate agreement between the parties is mediation. The mediation procedure is based on the principle of voluntariness and confidentiality. It is important to maintain the neutrality and impartiality of the mediator. The Mediator is a third party incorporated to assist the parties in reaching an agreement and the mediation process itself can be used successfully by organizations in the face of the occurrence of an internal conflict. Circumstances accompanying the occurrence of some organizational conflicts make it possible to classify them as collective disputes where (by law) mediation is a mandatory stage of dispute resolution. Mediation is potentially a profitable way to resolve disputes in an organization but is not a commonly used method. The authors of this article participated in an international project implemented under the European Commission’s “New European Industrial Relations (NEIRE): Mediation system effectiveness for collective organizational conflicts: A comparative study in Europe”. They undertake an attempt to analyze the mediation system in Poland and to answer the question of what might affect the dissemination of this method of conflict resolution