69 research outputs found

    Glioblastoma Multiforme in the Posterior Cranial Fossa in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type I

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    Patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) have an increased risk of developing neoplasms. The most common brain tumors, found in 15%–20% of NF1 patients, are hypothalamic-optic gliomas, followed by brainstem and cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas. These tumors generally have a benign nature. NF1 patients are predisposed to a 5-fold increased incidence of high-grade astrocytomas, which are usually located in supratentorial regions of the brain. We present an NF1 patient who developed a high-grade astrocytoma in the posterior fossa and discuss possible pathophysiological mechanisms

    Agents for fluorescence-guided glioma surgery: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical results

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    Background: Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) is a technique used to enhance visualization of tumor margins in order to increase the extent of tumor resection in glioma surgery. In this paper, we systematically review all clinically tested fluorescent agents for application in FGS for glioma and all preclinically tested agents with the potential for FGS for glioma. Methods: We searched the PubMed and Embase databases for all potentially relevant studies through March 2016. We assessed fluorescent agents by the following outcomes: rate of gross total resection (GTR), overall and progression-free survival, sensitivity and specificity in discriminating tumor and healthy brain tissue, tumor-to-normal ratio of fluorescent signal, and incidence of adverse events. Results: The search strategy resulted in 2155 articles that were screened by titles and abstracts. After full-text screening, 105 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria evaluating the following fluorescent agents: 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) (44 studies, including three randomized control trials), fluorescein (11), indocyanine green (five), hypericin (two), 5-aminofluorescein-human serum albumin (one), endogenous fluorophores (nine) and fluorescent agents in a pre-clinical testing phase (30). Three meta-analyses were also identified. Conclusions: 5-ALA is the only fluorescent agent that has been tested in a randomized controlled trial and results in an improvement of GTR and progression-free survival in high-grade gliomas. Observational cohort studies and case series suggest similar outcomes for FGS using fluorescein. Molecular targeting agents (e.g., fluorophore/nanoparticle labeled with anti-EGFR antibodies) are still in the pre-clinical phase, but offer promising results and may be valuable future alternatives

    Whole genome sequencing in (recurrent) glioblastoma: challenges related to informed consent procedures and data sharing

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    Increased use of whole genome sequencing (WGS) in neuro-oncology for diagnostics and research purposes necessitates a renewed conversation about informed consent procedures and governance structures for sharing personal health data. There is currently no consensus on how to obtain informed consent for WGS in this population. In this narrative review, we analyze the formats and contents of frameworks suggested in literature for WGS in oncology and assess their benefits and limitations. We discuss applicability, specific challenges, and legal context for patients with (recurrent) glioblastoma. This population is characterized by the rarity of the disease, extremely limited prognosis, and the correlation of the stage of the disease with cognitive abilities. Since this has implications for the informed consent procedure for WGS, we suggest that the content of informed consent should be tailor-made for (recurrent) glioblastoma patients

    The combined use of steroids and immune checkpoint inhibitors in brain metastasis patients:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have been a breakthrough for selected cancer patients, including those with brain metastases (BMs). Likewise, steroids have been an integral component of symptomatic management of BM patients. However, clinical evidence on the interaction between ICI and steroids in BM patients is conflicting and has not adequately been summarized thus far. Hence, the aim of this study was to perform a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on the association between steroid use and overall survival (OS) in BM patients receiving ICI. METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed. Pooled effect estimates were calculated using random-effects models across included studies. RESULTS: After screening 1145 abstracts, 15 observational studies were included. Fourteen studies reported sufficient data for meta-analysis, comprising 1102 BM patients of which 32.1% received steroids. In the steroid group, median OS ranged from 2.9 to 10.2 months. In the nonsteroid group, median OS ranged from 4.9 to 25.1 months. Pooled results demonstrated significantly worse OS (HR = 1.84, 95% CI 1.22-2.77) and systemic progression-free survival (PFS; HR = 2.00, 95% CI 1.37-2.91) in the steroid group. Stratified analysis showed a consistent effect across the melanoma subgroup; not in the lung cancer subgroup. No significant association was shown between steroid use and intracranial PFS (HR = 1.31, 95% CI 0.42-4.07). CONCLUSIONS: Administration of steroids was associated with significantly worse OS and PFS in BM patients receiving ICI. Further research on dose, timing, and duration of steroids is needed to elucidate the cause of this association and optimize outcomes in BM patients receiving ICI

    Venous thromboembolism and intracranial hemorrhage after craniotomy for primary malignant brain tumors: a National Surgical Quality Improvement Program analysis

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), frequently complicates the postoperative course of primary malignant brain tumor patients. Thromboprophylactic anticoagulation is commonly used to prevent VTE at the risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). We extracted all patients who underwent craniotomy for a primary malignant brain tumor from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) registry (2005–2015) to perform a time-to-event analysis and identify relevant predictors of DVT, PE, and ICH within 30 days after surgery. Among the 7376 identified patients, the complication rates were 2.6, 1.5, and 1.3% for DVT, PE, and ICH, respectively. VTE was the second-most common major complication and third-most common reason for readmission. ICH was the most common reason for reoperation. The increased risk of VTE extends beyond the period of hospitalization, especially for PE, whereas ICH occurred predominantly within the first days after surgery. Older age and higher BMI were overall predictors of VTE. Dependent functional status and longer operative times were predictive for VTE during hospitalization, but not for post-discharge events. Admission two or more days before surgery was predictive for DVT, but not for PE. Preoperative steroid usage and male gender were predictive for post-discharge DVT and PE, respectively. ICH was associated with various comorbidities and longer operative times. This multicenter study demonstrates distinct critical time periods for the development of thrombotic and hemorrhagic events after craniotomy. Furthermore, the VTE risk profile depends on the type of VTE (DVT vs. PE) and clinical setting (hospitalized vs. post-discharge patients)

    Subtype switching in breast cancer brain metastases: a multicenter analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) brain metastases (BM) can have discordant hormonal or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression compared with corresponding primary tumors. This study aimed to describe incidence, predictors, and survival outcomes of discordant receptors and associated subtype switching in BM. METHODS: BCBM patients seen at 4 tertiary institutions who had undergone BM resection or biopsy were included. Surgical pathology reports were retrospectively assessed to determine discordance between the primary tumor and the BCBM. In discordant cases, expression in extracranial metastases was also assessed. RESULTS: In BM from 219 patients, prevalence of any discordance was 36.3%; receptor-specific discordance was 16.7% for estrogen, 25.2% for progesterone, and 10.4% for HER2. Because estrogen and progesterone were considered together for hormonal status, 50 (22.8%) patients switched subtype as a result; 20 of these switches were HER2 based. Baseline subtype predicted switching, which occurred in up to 37.5% of primary HR+ patients. Moreover, 14.8% of initially HER2-negative patients gained HER2 in the BM. Most (63.6%) discordant patients with extracranial metastases also had discordance between BM and extracranial subtype. Loss of receptor expression was generally associated with worse survival, which appeared to be driven by estrogen loss (hazard ratio = 1.80, P = 0.03). Patients gaining HER2 status (n = 8) showed a nonsignificant tendency toward improved survival (hazard ratio = 0.64, P = 0.17). CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter study, we report incidence and predictors of subtype switching, the risk of which varies considerably by baseline subtype. Switches can have clinical implications for prognosis and treatment choice

    International practice variation in perioperative laboratory testing in glioblastoma patients-a retrospective cohort study

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    Purpose: Although standard-of-care has been defined for the treatment of glioblastoma patients, substantial practice variation exists in the day-to-day clinical management. This study aims to compare the use of laboratory tests in the perioperative care of glioblastoma patients between two tertiary academic centers—Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Boston, USA, and University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Utrecht, the Netherlands. Methods: All glioblastoma patients treated according to standard-of-care between 2005 and 2013 were included. We compared the number of blood drawings and laboratory tests performed during the 70-day perioperative period using a Poisson regression model, as well as the estimated laboratory costs per patient. Additionally, we compared the likelihood of an abnormal test result using a generalized linear mixed effects model. Results: After correction for age, sex, IDH1 status, postoperative KPS score, length of stay, and survival status, the number of blood drawings and laboratory tests during the perioperative period were 3.7-fold (p < 0.001) and 4.7-fold (p < 0.001) higher, respectively, in BWH compared to UMCU patients. The estimated median laboratory costs per patient were 82 euros in UMCU and 256 euros in BWH. Furthermore, the likelihood of an abnormal test result was lower in BWH (odds ratio [OR] 0.75, p < 0.001), except when the prior test result was abnormal as well (OR 2.09, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results suggest a substantially lower clinical threshold for ordering laboratory tests in BWH compared to UMCU. Further investigating the clinical consequences of laboratory testing could identify over and underuse, decrease healthcare costs, and reduce unnecessary discomfort that patients are exposed to