816 research outputs found

    Perturbative QCD and factorization of coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron

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    We analyze the predictions of perturbative QCD for pion photoproduction on the deuteron, gamma D -> pi^0 D, at large momentum transfer using the reduced amplitude formalism. The cluster decomposition of the deuteron wave function at small binding only allows the nuclear coherent process to proceed if each nucleon absorbs an equal fraction of the overall momentum transfer. Furthermore, each nucleon must scatter while remaining close to its mass shell. Thus the nuclear photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D}(u,t), factorizes as a product of three factors: (1) the nucleon photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma N_1 -> pi^0 N_1}(u/4,t/4), at half of the overall momentum transfer, (2) a nucleon form factor, F_{N_2}(t/4), at half the overall momentum transfer, and (3) the reduced deuteron form factor, f_d(t), which according to perturbative QCD, has the same monopole falloff as a meson form factor. A comparison with the recent JLAB data for gamma D -> pi^0 D of Meekins et al. [Phys. Rev. C 60, 052201 (1999)] and the available gamma p -> pi^0 p data shows good agreement between the perturbative QCD prediction and experiment over a large range of momentum transfers and center of mass angles. The reduced amplitude prediction is consistent with the constituent counting rule, p^11_T M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D} -> F(theta_cm), at large momentum transfer. This is found to be consistent with measurements for photon lab energies E_gamma > 3 GeV at theta_cm=90 degrees and \elab > 10 GeV at 136 degrees.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 17 pages, 6 figures; v2: incorporates minor changes as version accepted by Phys Rev

    Deuteron Electromagnetic Form Factors in the Intermediate Energy Region

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    Based on a Perturbative QCD analysis of the deuteron form factor, a model for the reduced form factor is suggested. The numerical result is consistent with the data in the intermediate energy region.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Classical sum rules and spin correlations in photoabsorption and photoproduction processes

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    In this paper we study the possibility of generalizing the classical photoabsorption (γabc\gamma a \to b c) sum rules, to processes bcγab c \to \gamma a and crossed helicity amplitudes. In the first case, using detailed balance, the sum rule is written as νthdννKΔσBorn(ν)=0\int_{\nu_{th}}^\infty {\frac{{d\nu}}{\nu}} K\Delta \sigma_{Born} (\nu)=0 where KK is a kinematical constant which depends only on the mass of the particles and the center of mass energy. For other crossed helicity amplitudes, we show that there is a range of values of ss and tt for which the differential cross section for the process γbac\gamma b \to a c or acγba c \to \gamma b in which the helicities of the photon and particle aa have specific values, is equal to the differential cross section for the process in which one of these two helicities is reversed (parallel-antiparallel spin correlation).Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Structure Functions are not Parton Probabilities

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    The common view that structure functions measured in deep inelastic lepton scattering are determined by the probability of finding quarks and gluons in the target is not correct in gauge theory. We show that gluon exchange between the fast, outgoing partons and target spectators, which is usually assumed to be an irrelevant gauge artifact, affects the leading twist structure functions in a profound way. This observation removes the apparent contradiction between the projectile (eikonal) and target (parton model) views of diffractive and small x_{Bjorken} phenomena. The diffractive scattering of the fast outgoing quarks on spectators in the target causes shadowing in the DIS cross section. Thus the depletion of the nuclear structure functions is not intrinsic to the wave function of the nucleus, but is a coherent effect arising from the destructive interference of diffractive channels induced by final state interactions. This is consistent with the Glauber-Gribov interpretation of shadowing as a rescattering effect.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. Discussion of physical consequences of final state interactions amplified. Material on light-cone gauge choices adde

    Light-Front Holography, Light-Front Wavefunctions, and Novel QCD Phenomena

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    Light-Front Holography, a remarkable feature of the AdS/CFT correspondence, maps amplitudes in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space to frame-independent light-front wavefunctions of hadrons in physical space-time. The model leads to an effective confining light-front QCD Hamiltonian and a single-variable light-front Schrodinger equation which determines the eigenspectrum and the light-front wavefunctions of hadrons for general spin and orbital angular momentum. The coordinate z in AdS space is identified with a Lorentz-invariant coordinate zeta which measures the separation of the constituents within a hadron at equal light-front time and determines the off-shell dynamics of the bound-state wavefunctions and the fall-off in the invariant mass of the constituents. The soft-wall holographic model, modified by a positive-sign dilaton metric, leads to a remarkable one-parameter description of nonperturbative hadron dynamics -- a semi-classical frame-independent first approximation to the spectra and light-front wavefunctions of meson and baryons. The model predicts a Regge spectrum of linear trajectories with the same slope in the leading orbital angular momentum L of hadrons and the radial quantum number n. The hadron eigensolutions projected on the free Fock basis provides the complete set of valence and non-valence light-front Fock state wavefunctions which describe the hadron's momentum and spin distributions needed to compute measures of hadron structure at the quark and gluon level. The effective confining potential also creates quark- antiquark pairs. The AdS/QCD model can be systematically improved by using its complete orthonormal solutions to diagonalize the full QCD light-front Hamiltonian or by applying the Lippmann-Schwinger method to systematically include the QCD interaction terms. A new perspective on quark and gluon condensates is also presented.Comment: Presented at LIGHTCONE 2011, 23 - 27 May, 2011, Dallas, T

    Orbital Angular Momentum in Scalar Diquark Model and QED

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    We compare the orbital angular momentum of the 'quark' in the scalar diquark model as well as that of the electron in QED (to order {\alpha}) obtained from the Jaffe-Manohar de- composition to that obtained from the Ji relation. We estimate the importance of the vector potential in the definition of orbital angular momentum

    Photoproduction of charm near threshold

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    Charm and bottom production near threshold is sensitive to the multi-quark, gluonic, and hidden-color correlations of hadronic and nuclear wavefunctions in QCD since all of the target's constituents must act coherently within the small interaction volume of the heavy quark production subprocess. Although such multi-parton subprocess cross sections are suppressed by powers of 1/mQ21/m^2_Q, they have less phase-space suppression and can dominate the contributions of the leading-twist single-gluon subprocesses in the threshold regime. The small rates for open and hidden charm photoproduction at threshold call for a dedicated facility.Comment: 5 pages 5 figures Changes: 1- Added refs 24,25; 2- Added two sentences, top of column 2 of page 3, on the definition of x, its range and the domain of validity of the mode

    Thermal Field Theory and Generalized Light Front Coordinates

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    The dependence of thermal field theory on the surface of quantization and on the velocity of the heat bath is investigated by working in general coordinates that are arbitrary linear combinations of the Minkowski coordinates. In the general coordinates the metric tensor gμνˉg_{\bar{\mu\nu}} is non-diagonal. The Kubo, Martin, Schwinger condition requires periodicity in thermal correlation functions when the temporal variable changes by an amount i/(Tg00ˉ)-i\big/(T\sqrt{g_{\bar{00}}}). Light front quantization fails since g00ˉ=0g_{\bar{00}}=0, however various related quantizations are possible.Comment: 10 page

    Intrinsic Charm Contribution to Double Quarkonium Hadroproduction

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    Double J/ψJ/\psi production has been observed by the NA3 collaboration in πN\pi N and pNp N collisions with a cross section of the order of 20-30 pb. The ψψ\psi \psi pairs measured in π\pi^- nucleus interactions at 150 and 280 GeV/c/c are observed to carry an anomalously large fraction of the projectile momentum in the laboratory frame, xψψ0.6x_{\psi \psi} \geq 0.6 at 150 GeV/c/c and 0.4\geq 0.4 at 280 GeV/c/c. We postulate that these forward ψψ\psi \psi pairs are created by the materialization of Fock states in the projectile containing two pairs of intrinsic ccc \overline c quarks. We calculate the overlap of the charmonium states with the udcccc|\overline u d c \overline c c \overline c \rangle Fock state as described by the intrinsic charm model and find that the πNψψ\pi^- N \rightarrow \psi \psi longitudinal momentum and invariant mass distributions are both well reproduced. We also discuss double J/ψJ/\psi production in pNpN interactions and the implications for other heavy quarkonium production channels in QCD.Comment: Revtex, APS style, 7 pages, 3 figures in uuencoded fil

    A nonperturbative calculation of the electron's magnetic moment

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    In principle, the complete spectrum and bound-state wave functions of a quantum field theory can be determined by finding the eigenvalues and eigensolutions of its light-cone Hamiltonian. One of the challenges in obtaining nonperturbative solutions for gauge theories such as QCD using light-cone Hamiltonian methods is to renormalize the theory while preserving Lorentz symmetries and gauge invariance. For example, the truncation of the light-cone Fock space leads to uncompensated ultraviolet divergences. We present two methods for consistently regularizing light-cone-quantized gauge theories in Feynman and light-cone gauges: (1) the introduction of a spectrum of Pauli-Villars fields which produces a finite theory while preserving Lorentz invariance; (2) the augmentation of the gauge-theory Lagrangian with higher derivatives. In the latter case, which is applicable to light-cone gauge (A^+ = 0), the A^- component of the gauge field is maintained as an independent degree of freedom rather than a constraint. Finite-mass Pauli-Villars regulators can also be used to compensate for neglected higher Fock states. As a test case, we apply these regularization procedures to an approximate nonperturbative computation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron in QED as a first attempt to meet Feynman's famous challenge.Comment: 35 pages, elsart.cls, 3 figure