55 research outputs found

    Evaluation of alternative preservation treatments (water heat treatment, ultrasounds, thermosonication and UV-C radiation) to improve safety and quality of whole tomato

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    Previously optimised postharvest treatments were compared to conventional chlorinated water treatment in terms of their effects on the overall quality of tomato (‘Zinac’) during storage at 10 °C. The treatments in question were water heat treatment (WHT = 40 °C, 30 min), ultrasounds (US = 45 kHz, 80 %, 30 min), thermosonication (TS =40 °C, 30 min, 45 kHz, 80 %) and ultraviolet irradiation (UV-C: 0.97 kJ m−2). The quality factors evaluated were colour, texture, sensorial analysis, mass loss, antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, peroxidase and pectin methylesterase enzymatic activities, and microbial load reduction. The results demonstrate that all treatments tested preserve tomato quality to some extent during storage at 10 °C. WHT, TS and UV-C proved to be more efficient on minimising colour and texture changes with the additional advantage of microbial load reduction, leading to a shelf life extension when compared to control trials. However, at the end of storage, with exception of WHT samples, the antioxidant activity and phenolic content of treated samples was lower than for control samples. Moreover, sensorial results were well correlated with instrumental colour experimental data. This study presents alternative postharvest technologies that improve tomato (Zinac) quality during shelf life period and minimise the negative impact of conventional chlorinated water on human safety, health and environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluating weather routing

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    Today it is an accepted truth that consultation and evaluation of weather models by meteorologists can help a ship navigate the sea efficiently, using the weather and sea currents in the ship's favor. However, there exists little to no studies to support such a claim. In this report, we will first validate a simulation model by statistical means. This simulation is then used on different routes to compare them to each other. The most significant route comparison is comparing the initial route planned for a voyage, with the factual sailed route by the vessel. This report concludes that there is no statistical significant improvement to fuel and time economy when using land based meteorologists for the limited and specific dataset used.Idag finns cirka 90 000 kommersiella fartyg med en kombinerad lastkapacitet på 1.8 miljader ton. Den enorma lastkapacitet beror på att 90\% av all internationell handel inkluderar transport med skepp. I princip alla fartyg använder sig av weather routing


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    Vpis ljudskih pesmi v podatkovno bazo Infolk: virtualno omrežje arhivov ljudskih pesmi v Avstriji

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    The folk song archives in all of Austria’s provinces are in charge of large collections of songs and melodies from a research period dating over one hundred years. To make these useable and accessible, a comprehensive archiving system and scholarly registration of the complete collections had to be created on the basis of musical-poetical figures, text- and music genres, functions, and occasions. The Virtual Network of Folk Song Archives in Austria enables access to all the catalogues of the connected archives with their unique and specific regional collections, and establishes documentary evidence of the great variety of songs and melodies associated with Austria. *** Arhivi ljudskih pesmi v vseh avstrijskih zveznih deželah skrbijo za velike zbirke pesmi in melodij, pridobljene v raziskavah iz več kot stoletnega obdobja. Da bi bile uporabne in dostopne, morata biti izdelana celovit arhivski sistem in znanstvena registracija vseh zbirk na podlagi glasbenopoetičnih figur, besedilnih in glasbenih zvrsti, funkcij in priložnosti. Virtualno omrežje ljudskih pesmi v Avstriji omogoča dostop do vseh katalogov med seboj povezanih arhivov, skupaj z njihovimi edinstvenimi in posebnimi regionalnimi zbirkami, in s pomočjo dokumentov predstavlja veliko raznolikost pesmi in melodij Avstrije