667 research outputs found

    Love and death in Germany: the marital biography and its impact on mortality

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    Most studies dealing with the impact of marriage on mortality treat being married as a once-and-for-all status. However, multiple life changes in marital status characterize the modern life course. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the timing of these changes affect mortality in Germany. Longitudinal data show that the positive effects of getting married accumulate over long periods of time, while the negative effect of divorce and widowhood attenuates after some time. We also find that the effect of any marital status wears out with an individual’s age and differs between cohorts, which is partly due to selectivity. Both temporal mechanism and selection processes demonstrate the plasticity of the marital biography and its variable effect on mortality.

    Religion und Politik bei Ferdinand II

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    Das neue Naturschutzgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

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    Am 29. Juli 2004 ist das neue Naturschutzgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (NatSchG LSA) verkündet worden. Das bis dahin gültige Naturschutzgesetz von 1992 war zu novellieren, da sich die Grundlagen des Naturschutzrechts auf europäischer und Bundesebene erheblich verändert hatten. Mit dem neuen Naturschutzgesetz ist versucht worden, landesspezifische Interessen soweit wie möglich in die Gesetzgebung einfließen zu lassen

    Chemical gastritis after chronic bromazepam intake: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We describe a rare case of diffuse macroscopic discoloration and chemical gastritis due to chronic bromazepam intake. The chemical composition of pharmaceuticals has to be considered at endoscopy and it is evident that some chemical substances damage the epithelial tissue and lead to clinical symptoms.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>Endoscopy was performed in an 82-year-old patient due to gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and epigastric pain. Gastroscopy showed a hiatal hernia and a scarred duodenal bulb. More striking was the yellow-brownish discoloration of the gastric and the duodenal mucosa. The gastric antrum and the duodenal bulb showed local discoloration that could not be rinsed off. The medical history indicated that bromazepam (6 mg) had been used daily as a sleeping aid in the previous two years. The histopathological findings showed appearances of chemical gastritis. Within the lamina propria and on the epithelial surface there were granules. There was no foreign body reaction to these granules. Corpus mucosa showed a mild chronic gastritis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>If discoloration of the mucosa at endoscopy is seen, a careful drug history must be sought. This is the first case in literature that shows a chemical gastritis after bromazepam intake.</p

    Progress in Understanding the Nuclear Equation of State at the Quark Level

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    At the present time there is a lively debate within the nuclear community concerning the relevance of quark degrees of freedom in understanding nuclear structure. We outline the key issues and review the impressive progress made recently within the framework of the quark-meson coupling model. In particular, we explain in quite general terms how the modification of the internal structure of hadrons in-medium leads naturally to three- and four-body forces, or equivalently, to density dependent effective interactions.Comment: Invited presentation at XXX Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Hacienda Cocoyoc, Jan. 3-6, 200

    Nuclear matter in the chiral limit and the in-medium chiral condensate

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    We investigate nuclear matter, i.e. the nuclear equation-of-state (EOS) as well as the relativistic mean fields in the chiral limit. The investigations are based on a chiral nucleon-nucleon EFT interaction where the explicit and implicit pion mass dependence is known up to next-to-leading order. The nuclear bulk properties are found to remain fairly stable in the chiral limit. Based on the same interaction the in-medium scalar condensate is derived, both in Hartree-Fock approximation as well as from the Brueckner G-matrix, making thereby use of the Hellman-Feynman theorem. Short distance physics which determines the reduction of the in-medium nucleon mass is found to play only a minor role for the reduction of the chiral condensate.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figs. To appear in Nuclear Physics

    Trends of atmospheric water vapour in Switzerland from ground-based radiometry, FTIR and GNSS data

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    Vertically integrated water vapour (IWV) is expected to increase globally in a warming climate. To determine whether IWV increases as expected on a regional scale, we present IWV trends in Switzerland from ground-based remote sensing techniques and reanalysis models, considering data for the time period 1995 to 2018. We estimate IWV trends from a ground-based microwave radiometer in Bern, from a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer at Jungfraujoch, from reanalysis data (ERA5 and MERRA-2) and from Swiss ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations. Using a straightforward trend method, we account for jumps in the GNSS data, which are highly sensitive to instrumental changes. We found that IWV generally increased by 2 % per decade to 5 % per decade,with deviating trends at some GNSS stations. Trends were significantly positive at 17 % of all GNSS stations, which of-ten lie at higher altitudes (between 850 and 1650 m above sea level). Our results further show that IWV in Bern scales to air temperature as expected (except in winter), but the IWV–temperature relation based on reanalysis data in the whole of Switzerland is not clear everywhere. In addition to our positive IWV trends, we found that the radiometer in Bern agrees within 5 % with GNSS and reanalyses. At the Jungfraujoch high-altitude station, we found a mean difference of 0.26 mm (15 %) between the FTIR and coincident GNSS data, improving to 4 % after an antenna update in 2016. In general,we showed that ground-based GNSS data are highly valuable for climate monitoring, given that the data have been homogeneously reprocessed and that instrumental changes are accounted for. We found a response of IWV to rising temperature in Switzerland, which is relevant for projected changes in local cloud and precipitation processe

    Cerebellar hemorrhage after spine fixation misdiagnosed as a complication of narcotics use -A case report-

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    Cerebellar hemorrhage occurs mainly due to hypertension. Postoperative cerebellar hemorrhage is known to be associated frequently with frontotemporal craniotomy, but quite rare with spine operation. A 56-year-old female received spinal fixation due to continuous leg tingling sensation for since two years ago. Twenty-one hours after operation, she was disoriented and unresponsive to voice. Performed computed tomography showed both cerebellar hemorrhage. An emergency decompressive craniotomy was carried out to remove the hematoma. On the basis of this case, we reported this complications and reviewed related literature
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