22 research outputs found

    A peer-led intervention to promote sexual health in secondary schools: the STASH feasibility study

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    Background: Young people report higher levels of unsafe sex and have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections than any other age group. Schools are well placed to facilitate early intervention, but more effective approaches are required. Peer-led approaches can augment school-based education, but often fail to capitalise on mechanisms of social influence. The potential of using social media in sexual health has not been tested in school settings. Objectives: Finalise the design of the Sexually Transmitted infections And Sexual Health (STASH) intervention; assess the recruitment and retention of peer supporters, and acceptability to participants and stakeholders; assess the fidelity and reach, in addition to the barriers to and facilitators of, implementation; refine programme theory; understand the potential of social media; determine design parameters for a future randomised controlled trial, including economic evaluation; and establish whether or not progression criteria were met. Design: This was a feasibility study comprising intervention development and refinement of the STASH pilot and non-randomised feasibility trial in six schools. Control data were provided by students in the year above the intervention group. Setting: Secondary schools in Scotland. Participants: Students aged 14–16 years, teachers and intervention delivery partners. Interventions: The STASH intervention was adapted from A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial (ASSIST) (an effective peer-led smoking intervention). Based on diffusion of innovation theory, the STASH study involves peer nomination to identify the most influential students, with the aim of recruiting and training 15% of the year group as peer supporters. The peer supporters deliver sexual health messages to friends in their year group via conversations and use of Facebook (www.facebook.com; Facebook, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) to share varied content from a curated set of web-based resources. Peer supporters are given support themselves via follow-up sessions and via trainer membership of Facebook groups. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was whether or not progression criteria were met in relation to intervention acceptability and feasibility. The study also piloted indicative primary outcomes for a full-scale evaluation. Data sources: Peer supporter questionnaire; observations of activities; interviews with trainers, teachers, peer supporters and students; monitoring log of peer supporter activities (including on Facebook and meeting attendance); questionnaire to control year group (baseline characteristics, social networks, mediators and sexual health outcomes); baseline and follow-up questionnaire (approximately 6 months later) for intervention year group. Results: A total of 104 students were trained as peer supporters (just over half of those nominated for the role by their peers). Role retention was very high (97%). Of 611 students completing the follow-up questionnaire, 58% reported exposure to STASH study activities. Intervention acceptability was high among students and stakeholders. Activities were delivered with good fidelity. The peer supporters were active, representative of their year group and well connected within their social network. Carefully managed social media use by peer supporters augmented conversations. A primary outcome of ‘always safer sex’ was identified, measured as no sex or always condom use for vaginal or anal sex in the last 6 months. The intervention cost £42 per student. Six progression criteria were met. A seventh criterion (regarding uptake of role by peer supporters) was not. Limitations: Small feasibility study that cannot comment on effectiveness. Conclusions: The STASH intervention is feasible and acceptable within the context of Scottish secondary schools. The results support continuation to a full-scale evaluation. Future work: Small-scale improvements to the intervention, refinement to programme theory and funding sought for full-scale evaluation. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN97369178. Funding: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme and will be published in full in Public Health Research; Vol. 8, No. 15. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Feasibility study of peer-led and school-based social network Intervention (STASH) to promote adolescent sexual health

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    Background: Effective sex education is the key to good sexual health. Peer-led approaches can augment teacher-delivered sex education, but many fail to capitalise on mechanisms of social influence. We assessed the feasibility of a novel intervention (STASH) in which students (aged 14–16) nominated as influential by their peers were recruited and trained as Peer Supporters (PS). Over a 5–10-week period, they spread positive sexual health messages to friends in their year group, both in-person and via social media, and were supported to do so via weekly trainer-facilitated meetings. The aims of the study were to assess the feasibility of STASH (acceptability, fidelity and reach), to test and refine the programme theory and to establish whether the study met pre-set progression criteria for continuation to larger-scale evaluation. Methods The overall design was a non-randomised feasibility study of the STASH intervention in 6 schools in Scotland. Baseline (n=680) and follow-up questionnaires (approx. 6 months later; n=603) were administered to the intervention year group. The control group (students in year above) completed the follow-up questionnaire only (n=696), 1 year before the intervention group. The PS (n=88) completed a brief web survey about their experience of the role; researchers interviewed participants in key roles (PS (n=20); PS friends (n=22); teachers (n=8); trainers (n=3)) and observed 20 intervention activities. Activity evaluation forms and project monitoring data also contributed information. We performed descriptive quantitative analysis and thematic qualitative analysis. Results: The PS role was acceptable; on average across schools >50% of students nominated as influential by their friends, signed up and were trained (n=104). This equated to 13% of the year group. Trained PS rarely dropped out (97% completion rate) and 85% said they liked the role. Fidelity was good (all bar one trainer-led activity carried out; PS were active). The intervention had good reach; PS were reasonably well connected and perceived as ‘a good mix’ and 58% of students reported exposure to STASH. Hypothesised pre-conditions, contextual influences and mechanisms of change for the intervention were largely confirmed. All bar one of the progression criteria was met. Conclusion: The weight of evidence supports continuation to full-scale evaluation. Trial registration: Current controlled trials ISRCTN97369178

    Temporal Dynamics in Covert Networks

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    Criminal organisations tend to be structured as a network in order to optimise flows of resource exchanges. The consolidation of these structures strengthens the criminal organisation’s capability of becoming more and more efficient over time. Recently, researchers in the field of covert networks have begun to analyse the dynamics of these networks. Thus far, the models and methods used to analyse the temporal dynamics of covert networks have come with a number of limitations. Our approach for analysing temporal dynamics attempts to address some of these limitations. In this article, we extend the use of dynamic line-graphs to bipartite networks for incorporating time directly into the network, and we suggest an alternative way to visualise the evolution of actors’ participation in successive covert actions and events. Our article intends to contribute to the research on dynamic networks by proposing a new approach for representing temporal dynamics in covert networks. After illustrating our method, we present some examples of its use on real-world data for visualising network evolutions over time

    Healthcare social network research and the ECHO modelâ„¢ : Exploring a community of practice to support cultural brokers and transfer cultural knowledge

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    Background: Project ECHO networks at Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CHQHHS) are communities of practice designed to mitigate services and systems fragmentation by building collaborative partnerships addressing priority child and youth health needs. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience the negative impacts of fragmentation in addition to historical challenges of absent or culturally inappropriate health services. Access to culturally safe and responsive services can be improved by engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and similar roles in an online community of practice, supporting the integration of cultural and clinical knowledge and self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers in decisions affecting their health. Analysing professional support networks and knowledge sharing patterns helps identify enablers and barriers to partnerships. Using social network research, the multilevel network inclusive of ECHO network members and their colleagues was studied to identify interdisciplinary and cross-sector advice exchange patterns, explore the position of cultural brokers and identify common relational tendencies. Methods: Social network theories and methods informed the collection of network data and analysis of advice-seeking relationships among ECHO network members and their nominees. Registered members from two ECHO networks were invited to complete the Qualtrics survey. Networks analysed comprised 398 professionals from mainstream health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation, education, disability and child safety service settings. Results: Brokers were well represented, both those who hold knowledge brokerage positions as well as cultural brokers who incorporate clinical and cultural knowledge enabling holistic care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients (38 individuals, 17% of network). Professionals who occupy brokerage positions outside the ECHO network tend to be more connected with co-members within the network. Conclusions: This study is the first application of contemporary social network theories and methods to investigate an ECHO network. The findings highlight the connectivity afforded by brokers, enabling the coordination and collaboration necessary for effective care integration. Inclusion of cultural brokers in an ECHO network provides sustained peer group support while also cultivating relationships that facilitate the integration of cultural and clinical knowledge

    Bayesian analysis of erg models for multilevel, multiplex, and multilayered networks with sampled or missing data

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    Social network analysis has typically concerned analysis of one type of tie connecting nodes of the same type. It has however been recognised that people are connected through multiple types of ties and that people in addition are affiliated with multiple types of non-people nodes. Exponential random graph models (ERGM) is a family of statistical models for social networks that at this point allows for a number of different types of network data, including one-mode networks, bipartite networks, multiplex data, as well as multilevel network data. Multilevel networks have been proposed as a joint representation of associations between multiple types of entities or nodes, such as people and organization, where two types of nodes gives rise to three distinct types of ties. The typical roster data collection method may be impractical or infeasible when the node sets are hard to detect or define or because of the cognitive demands on respondents. Multilevel multilayered networks allow us to consider a multitude of different sources of data and to sample on different types of nodes and relations. We consider modelling multilevel multilayered networks using exponential random graph models and extend a recently developed Bayesian data-augmentation scheme to allow for partially missing data. We illustrate the proposed inference procedures for the case of multilevel snowball sampling and sampling with error based on the Noordin Top network

    Measuring Knowledge and Experience in Two Mode Temporal Networks

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    Two mode social network data consisting of actors attending events is a common type of social network data. For these kinds of data it is also common to have additional information about the timing or sequence of the events. We call data of this type two-mode temporal data. We explore the idea that actors attending events gain information from the event in two ways. Firstly the event itself may provide information or training; secondly, as co-attendees interact, they may pass on skills or information they have gleaned from other events. We propose a method of measuring these gains and demonstrate its usefulness using the classic Southern Women Data and a covert network dataset. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved