80 research outputs found

    Relationships between central corneal thickness and optic disc topography in eyes with glaucoma, suspicion of glaucoma, or ocular hypertension

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    Pinakin Gunvant1, Lucia Porsia2, Russell J Watkins3, Henrietta Bayliss-Brown2, David C Broadway21Department of Research, Southern College of Optometry, Memphis, TN, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust, Norwich, UK; 3Department of Pathology, Algernon Firth Buildings, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UKPurpose: To identify relationships between central corneal thickness (CCT) and optic disc topography, as determined by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO), for patients seen in a specialist glaucoma service.Methods: 272 eyes of 144 patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG; n = 71), normal tension glaucoma (NTG; n = 50), ocular hypertension (OH; n = 48) and those considered to be suspicious for glaucoma (GS; n = 103) underwent ultrasonic pachymetry and optic disc topography by SLO. Correlations between CCT and SLO parameter values were identified. A Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was performed and a p value of 0.0042 was considered significant.Results: Mean CCT values were 533 μm (POAG), 530 μm (NTG), 550 μm (GS), and 565 μm (OH). As a group the GS and OH eyes had signifi cantly thicker CCT values than eyes with POAG. In addition, the NTG eyes had signifi cantly thinner CCT values than GS and OH eyes. Overall multiple SLO parameters correlated with CCT even after accounting for co-variance with age, refraction and inclusion of both eyes. Sub-group analysis indicated that ‘optic disc rim area’ positively correlated with CCT (r = 0.378) and ‘cup to disc area ratio’ negatively correlated with CCT (r = −0.370) in the POAG group. In the GS group the parameter ‘area below reference’ (a measure of cup volume) and ‘mean cup depth’ had negative correlations with CCT (r = −0.297 and −0.323) indicating that eyes with thinner than average corneal thickness measurements had larger and deeper cups.Conclusion: Thinner corneas appear to be associated with larger and deeper optic disc cups in the eyes of patients seen in a specialist glaucoma service.Keywords: central corneal thickness, optic disc topography, optic disc compliance, glaucom

    Topical Beta-Blockers and Cardiovascular Mortality: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Data from the EPIC-Norfolk Cohort Study.

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    PURPOSE: To determine if topical beta-blocker use is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality, particularly among people with self-reported glaucoma. METHODS: All participants who participated in the first health check (N = 25,639) of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) Norfolk cohort (1993-2013) were included in this prospective cohort study, with a median follow-up of 17.0 years. We determined use of topical beta-blockers at baseline through a self-reported questionnaire and prescription check at the first clinical visit. Cardiovascular mortality was ascertained through data linkage with the Office for National Statistics mortality database. Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated using multivariable Cox regression models. Meta-analysis of the present study's results together with other identified literature was performed using a random effects model. RESULTS: We did not find an association between the use of topical beta-blockers and cardiovascular mortality (HR 0.93, 95% confidence interval, CI, 0.67-1.30). In the 514 participants with self-reported glaucoma, no association was found between the use of topical beta-blockers and cardiovascular mortality (HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.56-1.40). In the primary meta-analysis of four publications, there was no evidence of an association between the use of topical beta-blockers and cardiovascular mortality (pooled HR estimate 1.10, 95% CI 0.84-1.36). CONCLUSION: Topical beta-blockers do not appear to be associated with excess cardiovascular mortality. This evidence does not indicate that a change in current practice is warranted, although clinicians should continue to assess individual patients and their cardiovascular risk prior to commencing topical beta-blockers.EPIC-Norfolk infrastructure and core functions are supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (G1000143) and Cancer Research UK (C864/A14136). The clinic for the third health examination was funded by Age UK Research into Ageing (262). Mr Khawaja is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow. Mr Foster has received additional support from the Richard Desmond Charitable Trust (via Fight for Sight) and the Department for Health through the award made by the National Institute for Health Research to Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for a specialist Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09286586.2016.1213301

    Glaucoma and intraocular pressure in EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study: cross sectional study.

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    Objectives To report the distribution of intraocular pressure (IOP) by age and sex and the prevalence of glaucoma.Design Community based cross sectional observational study.Setting EPIC-Norfolk cohort in Norwich and the surrounding rural and urban areas.Participants 8623 participants aged 48-92 recruited from the community who underwent ocular examination to identify glaucoma.Main outcome measures Prevalence and characteristics of glaucoma, distribution of IOP, and the sensitivity and specificity of IOP for case finding for glaucoma.Results The mean IOP in 8401 participants was 16.3 mm Hg (95% confidence interval 16.2 mm Hg to 16.3 mm Hg; SD 3.6 mm Hg). In 363 participants (4%), glaucoma was present in either eye; 314 (87%) had primary open angle glaucoma. In the remaining participants, glaucoma was suspected in 607 (7%), and 863 (10.0%) had ocular hypertension. Two thirds (242) of those with glaucoma had previously already received the diagnosis. In 76% of patients with newly diagnosed primary open angle glaucoma (83/107), the mean IOP was under the threshold for ocular hypertension (21 mm Hg). No one IOP threshold provided adequately high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of glaucoma.Conclusions In this British community, cases of glaucoma, suspected glaucoma, and ocular hypertension represent a large number of potential referrals to the hospital eye service. The use of IOP for detection of those with glaucoma is inaccurate and probably not viable

    Full-Shell X-Ray Optics Development at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

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    NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) maintains an active research program toward the development of high-resolution, lightweight, grazing-incidence x-ray optics to serve the needs of future x-ray astronomy missions such as Lynx. MSFC development efforts include both direct fabrication (diamond turning and deterministic computer-controlled polishing) of mirror shells and replication of mirror shells (from figured, polished mandrels). Both techniques produce full-circumference monolithic (primary + secondary) shells that share the advantages of inherent stability, ease of assembly, and low production cost. However, to achieve high-angular resolution, MSFC is exploring significant technology advances needed to control sources of figure error including fabrication- and coating-induced stresses and mounting-induced distortions

    Area deprivation and age related macular degeneration in the EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationship between area deprivation, individual socio-economic status (SES) and age related macular degeneration (AMD). STUDY DESIGN: Cross sectional study nested within a longitudinal cohort study. METHODS: Data were collected in the EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study by trained nurses, using standardized protocols and lifestyle questionnaires. The English Index of multiple deprivation 2010 (IMD) was derived from participants' postcodes. AMD was identified from standardized grading of fundus photographs. Logistic regression was used to examine associations between IMD, SES and AMD. RESULTS: 5344 pairs (62.0% of total 8623) of fundus photographs were of sufficient quality for grading of AMD. Of 5182 participants with complete data, AMD was identified in 653 participants (12.60%, 95%CI = 11.7-13.5%). Multivariable logistic regression showed that people living in the most affluent 5% of areas had nearly half the odds of AMD compared to those living in comparatively more deprived areas (OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.36-0.89, P = 0.02), after adjusting for age, sex, education, social class and smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The authors found that living in the most affluent areas exerted a protective effect on AMD, independently of education and social class. Further investigation into underlying mechanisms will inform potential interventions to reduce health inequalities relating to AMD.EPIC-Norfolk infrastructure and core functions are supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (G0401527) and Cancer Research UK (C864/A8257). The clinic for the third health examination was funded by Age UK Research into Ageing grant (262). Dr Yip is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lecturer. Dr Khawaja is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow. Michelle Chan is an MRC/RCOphth Clinical Training Felllow and has received additional support from the International Glaucoma Association. Professor Foster has received additional support from the Richard Desmond Charitable Trust (via Fight for Sight). Professor Foster and Tunde Peto received funding from the Department for Health through the award made by the NIHR to Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for a specialist Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology. None of the funding organisations had a role in the design or conduct of the research.This is the final version. It was first published by Elsevier at http://www.publichealthjrnl.com/article/S0033-3506%2814%2900274-1/abstrac

    Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Associations between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Age Related Macular Degeneration in the EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study.

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    PURPOSE: To examine the cross sectional and longitudinal relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in a large British cohort study. METHODS: The EPIC Norfolk Eye study is nested in a larger prospective cohort study. Data on cardiovascular risk factors were collected at baseline (1993-1997) and follow up (2006-2011) via clinical examination, validated lifestyle questionnaires and serum blood samples. AMD was ascertained using standardised grading of fundus photographs at the follow up. Logistic regression was used to examine associations between baseline and follow up risk factors with AMD. RESULTS: 5,344 pairs (62.0% of total 8623) of fundus photographs were of sufficient quality for grading of AMD in participants with mean age of 67.4 years old (range 44-91) at diagnosis. There were 28 cases of late AMD (0.5%, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.3-0.8%) and 645 cases of early AMD (12.1%, 95%CI=11.2-13.0.%). In multivariable analysis, older people with higher levels of baseline high density lipoprotein- cholesterol (HDL-C ) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were more likely to have any signs of AMD, after adjusting for sex, education, smoking, and systolic blood pressure. In cross sectional analysis, only older age and higher HDL were significantly associated with AMD. CONCLUSIONS: We have found that older age and higher levels of CRP and HDL-C were associated with increased odds of AMD in this population in the longitudinal analysis, but older age and HDL-C, not CRP was significantly associated with AMD in the cross sectional analysis. The prevalence of AMD in this cohort was low compared to other cohorts in Europe, the US and Australia, and probably reflects the some selection biases in follow up participation as well as the low rate of smoking among our healthy participants.EPIC-Norfolk infrastructure and core functions are supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (G0401527) and Cancer Research UK (C864/A8257). The clinic for the third health examination was funded by Age UK Research into Ageing grant (262). Dr Yip is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lecturer. Dr Khawaja is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow. Michelle Chan is an MRC/RCOphth Clinical Training Fellow and has received additional support from the International Glaucoma Association. Professor Foster has received additional support from the Richard Desmond Charitable Trust (via Fight for Sight). Professor Foster and Tunde Peto received funding from the Department for Health through the award made by the NIHR to Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for a specialist Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLoS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.013256