134 research outputs found
Mixing Suspensions in Tall Vessels with a Draught Tube
A tall vessel with a telescopic draught tube is proposed for mixing suspensions. The paper presents the relations for calculating the agitator power consumption and the speed necessary to keep a particle in suspension.
Constraining the cometary flux through the asteroid belt during the late heavy bombardment
In the Nice model, the late heavy bombardment (LHB) is related to an orbital
instability of giant planets which causes a fast dynamical dispersion of a
transneptunian cometary disk. We study effects produced by these hypothetical
cometary projectiles on main-belt asteroids. In particular, we want to check
whether the observed collisional families provide a lower or an upper limit for
the cometary flux during the LHB.
We present an updated list of observed asteroid families as identified in the
space of synthetic proper elements by the hierarchical clustering method,
colour data, albedo data and dynamical considerations and we estimate their
physical parameters. We selected 12 families which may be related to the LHB
according to their dynamical ages. We then used collisional models and N-body
orbital simulations to gain insight into the long-term dynamical evolution of
synthetic LHB families over 4 Gyr. We account for the mutual collisions, the
physical disruptions of comets, the Yarkovsky/YORP drift, chaotic diffusion, or
possible perturbations by the giant-planet migration.
Assuming a "standard" size-frequency distribution of primordial comets, we
predict the number of families with parent-body sizes D_PB >= 200 km which
seems consistent with observations. However, more than 100 asteroid families
with D_PB >= 100 km should be created at the same time which are not observed.
This discrepancy can be nevertheless explained by the following processes: i)
asteroid families are efficiently destroyed by comminution (via collisional
cascade), ii) disruptions of comets below some critical perihelion distance (q
<~ 1.5 AU) are common.
Given the freedom in the cometary-disruption law, we cannot provide stringent
limits on the cometary flux, but we can conclude that the observed distribution
of asteroid families does not contradict with a cometary LHB.Comment: accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic
The Apparent Absence of Kilometer-Sized Pyroclastic Volcanoes on Mercury: Are We Looking Right?
Spacecraft data reveal that volcanism was active on Mercury. Evidence of large‐volume effusive and smaller‐scale explosive eruptions has been detected. However, only large (>~15 km) volcanic features or vents have been found so far, despite abundant high‐resolution imagery. On other volcanic planets, the size of volcanoes is anticorrelated with their frequency; small volcanoes are much more numerous than large ones. Here we present results of a numerical model that predicts the shapes of ballistically emplaced volcanic edifices and hence can explain the lack of kilometer‐sized constructional explosive volcanoes on the surface of Mercury. We find that due to the absence of the atmosphere, particles are spread on this planet over a larger area than is typical for Earth or Mars. Erupted volumes are likely insufficient to build edifices with slope angles that enable their easy recognition with currently available data or that could survive destruction by subsequent impact bombardment
Improved model of the triple system V746 Cas that has a bipolar magnetic field associated with the tertiary
V746 Cas is known to be a triple system composed of a close binary with an
alternatively reported period of either 25.4d or 27.8d and a third component in
a 62000d orbit. The object was also reported to exhibit multiperiodic light
variations with periods from 0.83d to 2.50d, on the basis of which it was
classified as a slowly pulsating B star. Interest in further investigation of
this system was raised by the detection of a variable magnetic field. Analysing
spectra from four instruments, earlier published radial velocities, and several
sets of photometric observations, we arrived at the following conclusions: (1)
The optical spectrum is dominated by the lines of the B-type primary
(Teff1~16500(100) K), contributing 70% of the light in the optical region, and
a slightly cooler B tertiary (Teff3~13620(150) K). The lines of the low-mass
secondary are below our detection threshold; we estimate that it could be a
normal A or F star. (2) We resolved the ambiguity in the value of the inner
binary period and arrived at a linear ephemeris of T_super.conj.=HJD
2443838.78(81)+25.41569(42)xE. (3) The intensity of the magnetic field
undergoes a~sinusoidal variation in phase with one of the known photometric
periods, namely 2.503867(19)d, which we identify with the rotational period of
the tertiary. (4) The second photometric 1.0649524(40)d period is identified
with the rotational period of the B-type primary, but this interpretation is
much less certain and needs further verification. (5) If our interpretation of
photometric periods is confirmed, the classification of the object as a slowly
pulsating B star should be revised. (6) Applying an N-body model to different
types of available observational data, we constrain the orbital inclination of
the inner orbit to ~60 deg to 85 deg even in the absence of eclipses, and
estimate the probable properties of the triple system and its components.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
An advanced multipole model of the (130) Elektra quadruple system
The Ch-type asteroid (130) Elektra is orbited by three moons, making it the
first quadruple system in the main asteroid belt.
We aim to characterise the irregular shape of Elektra and construct a
complete orbital model of its unique moon system.
We applied the All-Data Asteroid Modelling (ADAM) algorithm to 60 light
curves of Elektra, including our new measurements, 46 adaptive-optics (AO)
images obtained by the VLT/SPHERE and Keck/Nirc2 instruments, and two stellar
occultation profiles.
For the orbital model, we used an advanced -body integrator, which
includes a multipole expansion of the central body (with terms up to the order
), mutual perturbations, internal tides, as well as the external tide
of the Sun acting on the orbits. We fitted the astrometry measured with respect
to the central body and also relatively, with respect to the moons themselves.
We obtained a revised shape model of Elektra with the volume-equivalent
diameter . Out of two pole solutions, is preferred, because the other one leads to an
incorrect orbital evolution of the moons. We also identified the true orbital
period of the third moon S/2014 (130) 2 as , which is in between the other periods, , , of S/2014 (130) 1 and S/2003 (130) 1, respectively. The
resulting mass of Elektra, , is precisely constrained by all three orbits. Its bulk
density is then . The expansion with the
assumption of homogeneous interior leads to the oblateness . However, the best-fit precession rates indicate a slightly higher
value, .Comment: 19 pages, 23 figure
An anisotropic distribution of spin vectors in asteroid families
Current amount of ~500 asteroid models derived from the disk-integrated
photometry by the lightcurve inversion method allows us to study not only the
spin-vector properties of the whole population of MBAs, but also of several
individual collisional families. We create a data set of 152 asteroids that
were identified by the HCM method as members of ten collisional families, among
them are 31 newly derived unique models and 24 new models with well-constrained
pole-ecliptic latitudes of the spin axes. The remaining models are adopted from
the DAMIT database or the literature. We revise the preliminary family
membership identification by the HCM method according to several additional
criteria - taxonomic type, color, albedo, maximum Yarkovsky semi-major axis
drift and the consistency with the size-frequency distribution of each family,
and consequently we remove interlopers. We then present the spin-vector
distributions for eight asteroidal families. We use a combined orbital- and
spin-evolution model to explain the observed spin-vector properties of objects
among collisional families. In general, we observe for studied families similar
trends in the (a_p, \beta) space: (i) larger asteroids are situated in the
proximity of the center of the family; (ii) asteroids with \beta>0{\deg} are
usually found to the right from the family center; (iii) on the other hand,
asteroids with \beta<0{\deg} to the left from the center; (iv) majority of
asteroids have large pole-ecliptic latitudes (|\beta|\gtrsim 30{\deg}); and
finally (v) some families have a statistically significant excess of asteroids
with \beta>0{\deg} or \beta<0{\deg}. Our numerical simulation of the long-term
evolution of a collisional family is capable of reproducing well the observed
spin-vector properties. Using this simulation, we also independently constrain
the age of families Flora (1.0\pm0.5 Gyr) and Koronis (2.5-4 Gyr).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (September 16, 2013
Proizvodnja i kakvoća kokoši nesilica hranjenih obrocima s niskim fosforom na osnovi žitarica s dodatkom fitaze
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the response of laying hens to the low-phosphorus diets based on different kinds of cereal grains and supplemented with microbial phytase. Laying performance, feed intake, egg shell quality as well as bone strength parameters and Ca, P, Mg and Zn contents in the bones were involved as experimental parameters. At the age of 17 weeks, 288 Lohmann Brown pullets were assigned to the six dietary treatments, each treatment consisting of 12 cages with 4 birds per one. Until the beginning of the laying period the pullets were fed a standard diet containing 145 g of crude protein and 11.3 MJ ME, 4 g non-phytate P and 10.6 g of Ca per kg feed. The experimental diets provided from the first day of laying were based on maize (diets I, II, III) or on a combination of maize, barley and wheat (diets IV, V, VI) and contained about 165 g CP and 11.2 MJ ME/kg. In diets I, III or IV and VI the level of non-phytate phosphorus was decreased to 1.41 g/kg while in control diets (III or V) the amount of non-phytate P was 3.0 g/kg. In low-P diets III and VI microbial 6-phytase was included at the level of 450 FTU/kg diet.
The phosphorus level in diets did not affect the laying rate during the experimental period of 53 weeks. The higher P-level in feed enhanced egg shell strength only (P<0.01). Supplementation of low-P-diets with phytase did not affect the performance of hens, such as feed intake and egg quality, however it improved the egg shell strength as compared to low-P unsupplemented groups. Regarding strength and elasticity of the tibia, the P-level and phytase supplement were without visible effects. The best parameters that characterize the bone quality were obtained by addition of 3 g of non-phytate P level per kg of diets.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ocijeniti odgovor kokoši nesilica na obroke s niskim fosforom na bazi raznih vrsta žitarica s dodatkom mikrobijelne fitaze. Nesenje, unos hrane, kakvoća ljuske jaja kao i parametri čvrstoće kosti i sadržaj Ca, P, Mg i Zn u kostima bili su obuhvaćeni kao pokusni parametri. U dobi od 17 tjedana 288 pilenki Lohmann Brown izabrano je za šest hranidbenih tretmana, a svaki tretman sastojao se od 12 kaveza po 4 pilenke. Do početka nesenja pilenke su hranjene standardnim obrocima koji su sadržavali 145 g sirovih bje¬lančevina i 11.3 MJ ME, 4 g nefitinskog P i 10.6 g Ca po kilogramu hrane. Pokusni obroci su se prvog dana nesenja temeljili na kukuruzu (obro¬ci I, II, III) ili na kombinaciji kukuruza, ječma i pšenice (obroci IV, V, VI) i sadržavali su oko 165 g CP i 11.2 Mj ME/kg. U obrocima I, III ili IV i VI razina nefitinskog fosfora smanjena je na 1.41 g/kg dok je u kontrolnim obrocima (III ili V/) količina nefitinskog P bila 3.0 g/kg. U obrocima s niskim P (III i VI) uključena je mikrobijelna 6-fitaza na razini od 450 FTU/ kg obroka.
Razina fosfora u obrocima nije djelovala na postotak nesivosti u pokusu od 54 tjedna. Više razine P u hrani povećale su samo čvrstoću ljuske jajeta. (P < 0,01). Dodavanje fitaze u obroke s niskim P nije dje¬lovalo na unos hrane i kakvoću jaja, međutim poboljšalo je čvrstoću ljuske jajeta u usporedbi sa skupinama s niskim P bez dodataka. Što se tiče čvrstoće i elastičnosti goljenice, razina P i dodavanje fitaze nije imalo vidljivih učinaka. Najbolji parametri koji karakteriziraju kakvoću kosti dobiveni su dodavanjem 3 g nefitinskog P na kg obroka
Pumping Capacity of Pitched Blade Impellers in a Tall Vessel with a Draught Tube
A study was made of the pumping capacity of pitched blade impellers (two, three, four, five and six blade pitched blade impellers with pitch angles α = 35° and 45°) coaxially located in a cylindrical pilot plant vessel with cylindrical draught tube provided with a standard dished bottom. The draught tube was equipped with four equally spaced radial baffles above the impeller pumping liquid upwards towards the liquid surface. In all investigated cases the liquid aspect ratio H/T = 1.2 - 1.5, the draught tube / vessel diameter ratios DT /T = 0.2 and 0.4 and the impeller / draught tube diameter ratio D/DT = 0.875. The pumping capacity of the impeller was calculated from the radial profile of the axial component of the mean velocity in the draught tube below the impeller at such an axial distance from the impeller that the rotor does not affect the vorticity of the flow. The mean velocity was measured using a laser Doppler anemometer with forward scatter mode in a transparent draught tube and a transparent vessel of diameter T = 400 mm. Two series of experiments were performed, both of them under a turbulent regime of flow of the agitated liquid. First, the optimum height of the dished bottom was sought, and then the dependences of the dimensionless flow rate criterion and the impeller power number on the number of impeller blades were determined for both pitch angles tested under conditions of optimum ratio HT /DT. It follows from the results of the experiments that the optimum ratio HT /DT = 0.25 when the cross sectional areas of the horizontal flow around the bottom and the vertical inflow to the draught tube are the same. For all the tested pitched blade impellers the impeller power number when α = 45° exceeds the value of this quantity when pitch angle α = 35°, while the flow rate number when α = 35° exceeds this quantity when α = 45°. On the other hand, the absolute values of the impeller power number when the draught tube was introduced correspond fairly well to the dimensionless impeller power input measured in a system without a draught tube. However, the absolute values of the flow rate number found in the former system are significantly lower than the dimensionless impeller pumping capacity determined in the latter system. The hydraulic efficiency of pitched blade impellers N3Qp/Po for the investigated geometry of the agitated systems does not depend on the number of impeller blades, but it is significantly lower than the quantity determined in an agitated system with a dished bottom but without the draught tube
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