24 research outputs found

    Dietary supplements in sport – side effects

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    Introduction: Dietary supplements (DS) were legalized for the first time in 1994 by the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act. The statute defined DS as a source of one or more nutritional component such as minerals, herbs, vitamins, etc. Athletes are known as a distinctive group with the highest DS in sport intake (from 48-81%) The consumption of DS has been reported among recreational active individuals and non-athletes Purpose: present possible side effects caused by DS usage in sport. State of knowledge: Protein powders are common DS among athletes and bodybuilders, which consist of whey, casein, vegetable proteins in soy protein isolate (SPI). SPI contains week estrogens such as isoflavones genistein and daidzein. The surveys with isolated cases showed hepatic injury among athletes users of creatine, but the doses of DS were inappropriate and excessive. L-carnitine is a substance which is used due to its „fat-burning” abilities and a consequence of its higher intake are atherosclerotic lesions. Summary: DS in sport are used due to enhance muscle mass, duration, and efficiency of training. However, inappropriate usage of them may lead to many side effects. Athletes and professionals in sport should be consulted by the physician before and during the supplementation of DS in sport. Creatine is a substrate for a contraction of a muscl

    Consciousness of the consequences of smoking cigarettes and the prevalence of cigarette smoking among medical students

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    Cigarettes are composed of toxic substances that result in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases. Smoking is also a risk factor of many cancers. Among the billions of smokers in the world, many of them are doctors and medical students - people who realize the importance of negative consequences of this addiction. We made an anonymous questionnaire, which contained 28 original questions and was published on the Internet to find out how many students of Medical Universities in Poland are addicted to tobacco and if they are aware of the consequences of their addiction. Papierosy składają się z wielu toksycznych substancji, powodują rozwój POChP, chorób sercowo-naczyniowych, a także są predykatorami wielu nowotworów. Wśród miliardów palaczy na świecie są lekarze, studenci medycyny, ludzie, którzy zdają sobie sprawę z wagi komplikacji tego uzależnienia. Przeprowadzono anonimową ankietę, która zawierała 28 oryginalnych pytań i została opublikowana w internecie, aby sprawdzić, ilu studentów uniwersytetów medycznych w Polsce jest uzależnionych od tytoniu i czy są oni świadomi konsekwencji uzależnienia

    Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) - case report

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    Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an ophthalmic emergency, most commonly caused by an embolism, usually from the carotid arteries. It can be considered as an acute stroke of the eye, and is an ocular analogue of cerebral stroke. The incidence of CRAO is estimated to be 1 in 100 000 people. Risk factors include hypertension, carotid atherosclerosis, structural cardiac pathology, coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular accident, and diabetes mellitus. CRAO usually presents with a sudden, painless loss of vision. 52 - year old male was admitted to the Ophthalmology ER, reporting a painless monocular vision loss in a right eye for two days. After such a long time from the occurrence of symptoms, there weren’t any possible treatment methods for this patient, besides preventing future embolic events. Ophthalmological examination showed only a light perception in a right eye and vision in the left eye was 1.0. Patient was diagnosed to identify risk factors of CRAO: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis or thrombophilia. He was qualified for a careful observation for the atherosclerotic risk factors and educated, that in case of occurrence of the similar symptoms, he needs to report to a Ophthalmologist immediately. Currently, there are two main types of treating an acute non-arteritic CRAO: the first: ‘standard’, non-invasive method, and the second: using the thrombolytics deployed intravenously or intra-arterially. Unfortunately, they couldn’t be used to treat described patient, since he has already been in a late phase of CRAO

    Stress among medical students in Poland

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    There is no doubt that stress is bonded with daily routine of students. Medical colleges are one of these environments, which are associated with negative impact of stress on many fields of life like physical health, academic feedback and physiological mood of student`s. Aim of study is to analyse the incidence of stress among students from different fields of study in Medical Universities in Poland. In that case we perform anonymous questionnaire, which contained 23 original questions and was widespreaded via Internet. Stress is a common problem among students from medical faculties. There is no doubt that stress is an inseparable companion during not only studies, but also after degree while working as a professional. For that reason it is necessary to encourage young people to find their own effective manner to cope with stress

    Amanita Phalloides intoxication - methods of treatment and epidemiology in Lublin voivodeship in last 5 years

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    Introduction: In Poland, mushrooms poisonings, are still quite often, especially in autumn. Each year, in our country 500-1000 cases of mushrooms poisoning are registered, from which 70% are adults, and 30% children. Amanita Phalloides, also known as a ‘death cap’ is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in our climatic zone, and is responsible for ca. 90-95 % of all deadly mushroom poisonings. Aim of the study: is to present an epidemiology of Amanita poisonings in a Lublin voivodeship in a last 5 years, as well as the up to date methods of managing this kind of poisonings. Materials and methods: Data comes from the database of the Department of the Toxicology of Medical University of Lublin. To present the methods of treatment, the analysis of the available publications was made. Results: In years 2013-2018 in a Clinical Department of Toxicology of the Medical University in Lublin, 78 patients were hospitalized because of the mushroom intoxication. 37 (47.5%) of them were male and 41 (52,5%) - women. In 27 patients (34%), the poisoning with Amanita Phalloides was confirmed. The most mushrooms poisonings occurred in 2017 (21). Mushroom poisoning is the most common in summer and autumn - the most cases occured in August, September and October. Discussion: First steps in case of suspecting amatoxins intoxication is to take the clinical history of the patient and start stabilizing measures. To confirm Amanita poisoning, a test that allows to detect α-amanitine in urine can be made. Several drug treatments have been applied in intoxications by amatoxins, from which the biggest role plays sylibin and N-acetylcystein

    Disulfiram-alcohol reaction in 49 year old patient

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    Alcoholism is a disease in which person lose control over the amount of consumed alcohol. The problem of alcohol abuse in Poland concerns about 9% of the population. One of the treatment methods is disulfiram therapy, which is associated with the risk of disulfiram-alcohol reaction. Due to many negative reports of side effects and questionable efficacy, this drug is nowadays rare used. We present a case of a patient who had a disulfiram reaction due to alcohol consumption during disulfiram therapy

    Prevalence and risk factors of abdominal aortic aneurysm among over 65 years old population in Lublin, Poland

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    Introduction: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a disease exceptionally well suited to screening. Ultrasound- based screening meets all criteria for a screening program according to the WHO, and there is a large evidence supporting its usefulness. Risk factors, mentioned in the available literature, associated with aneurysm formation are advanced age, male gender, tobacco smoking, hypertension, atherosclerotic disease and family or personal history of aortic aneurysms. The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in the population of men and women older than 65 years, in Lublin, Poland and to identify the correlation between risk factors and the AAA incidence. Material and methods: A single-center screening study, for men and women older than 65-years was conducted in Lublin, Poland in May 2018. Patients underwent basic screening ultrasound with measurement of the diameter of abdominal aorta and iliac arteries. Each patient completed anonymous questionnaire to investigate risk factors of developing AAA. Results: 1032 patients, aged 65–91 (median age 71.37) were examined. 569 of them were women and 463 men. 27 aortic aneurysms were detected — 7 in a group of women and 20 in a group of men. The total incidence rate of AAA in our study was 2.62%; 1,23% in women and 4,32% in men. Male gender, cigarette smoking, coronary artery disease and a history of myocardial infarction all appeared to be major risk factors of AAA, with relative risk ranging from 2,75 to 4.53. The median diameter of the abdominal aorta was 19.24 mm and varied in groups of patients with different risk factors. Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of AAA in the screened population is within the range of the values reported in previous publications, however, it may confirm a trend of declining prevalence of AAA showed in some recent studies. The presented study confirms the correlation between the AAA and its major risk factors (male sex, smoking cigarettes, coronary artery disease and history of myocardial infarct) as well as a weak association between AAA and hypertension and a negative correlation with diabetes

    Dislocation of the mandible in a 47 year old patient

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    Dislocation of mandible is relatively uncommon disorder of temporomandibular joints. Disorder can occur during extreme dilation of mouth such as yawing, during dental treatments or endoscopic examination. 47- year old patient was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery in case of bilateral mandible dislocation. In this case the reposition in general anaesthesia was performed but ended up with failure

    Dislocation of mandible in 48 year old patient - the continuation of a therapy

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    Dislocation of a temporomandible joint (TMJ) is a rare disfunction, which has multiform background divided into imbalance in the function of neuromascular component or structural deficit. A 48-year-old woman was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery of the Medical University of Lublin due to continuation of a treatment of TMJ dislocation. Previous hospitalization was performed a few months earlier. Reposition in general anaesthesia was used as a treatment, however it ended up with defeat. Current hospitalization with open surgery reposition was scheduled. Bilateral condylectomy was prosecuted. After surgery correct movability and proper anterior-posterior placement of mandible were achieved

    Stent fracture as a complication of superficial femoral artery stenting – a case report

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    Introduction: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an atherosclerotic vascular disease that results in obstruction of blood flow in the arteries other than those in the coronary circulation. PAD is often located in lower extremities, with patients presenting symptoms of intermittent claudication or critical lower limb ischemia. Angioplasty and stent implantation are often used in the treatment of PAD. Although these methods are considered as a low invasive and low risk, some factors may limit stent patency in the future. The fracture of the implanted stent may be one of these. Case report: A 68 old man, long-term smoker, with a history of chronic limb ischemia and many vascular surgeries because of PAD was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of the acute limb ischemia. Angiography showed a fracture of the stent implanted during the earlier hospitalization, with a fragment displacement to the left external iliac artery. The patient was successfully treated with catheter-directed thrombolysis. Discussion: Stent fracture is usually asymptomatic, however, it may cause complications, such as restenosis, pseudoaneurysm, perforation of the vessel, and in-stent embolism. The cumulative incidence of the femoropopliteal stent fracture varies from 2 to 65% in several studies. Incidence increases with stent length and is significantly lower in the second generation of nitinol stents, that was designed to have enhanced flexibility and durability