6 research outputs found

    Poslovna etika i društvena odgovornost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima

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    Autori ovog rada, pre svega, nastoje da utvrde ulogu poslovne etike i koncepta društvene odgovornosti u upravljanju ljudskim resursima, a potom vrše analizu poslovne prakse u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini po pitanju odgovornog odnosa prema zaposlenima, fokusirajući se prvenstveno na poštovanje zakonom garantovanih prava radnika, ali i na aktivnosti koje prevazilaze poštovanje zakona. Autori smatraju da postoje argumenti u prilog zahteva da menadžeri treba da poštuju prava zaposlenih, kao i da kompanije imaju odgovornost prema svojim zaposlenima, te da njihove ciljeve treba da uzmu u obzir prilikom definisanja ciljeva kompanije. Uspostavljanje međunarodne inicijative u vidu Globalnog dogovora UN za poštovanje ljudskih i radnih prava, zaštite prirodne okoline i borbe protiv korupcije dodatno potvrđuje neophodnost odgovornog i etičnog upravljanja ljudskim resursima. Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina su potpisnice ovog Dogovora. Takođe, obe zemlje uspostavile su zakonski okvir koji garantuje zaštitu ljudskih i radnih prava. Međutim, u poslovnoj praksi dveju zemalja primetni su brojni primeri kršenja radnih prava. Takođe, u obe zemlje nedostaju društveno odgovorne aktivnosti prema zaposlenima koje prevazilaze zakonom definisane obaveze

    Corporate social responsibility as a tool for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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    The recently adopted Strategy for the economic and social development of the EU - Europe Strategy 2020, recognizes the concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of the tools for the achievement of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Although the integration of CSR concept into business strategies is made on voluntary bases, governments, civil sector, media and academia have an important role in its promotion. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that CSR plays in the socio-economic development focusing on Serbia. While the Government perceives the importance of CSR for Serbian socioeconomic development, it is noticeable that pressure on companies to undertake socially responsible activities made by media, NGOs, consumers and business partners is not remarkable. In addition, the business community still does not have enough CSR initiatives that would be both beneficial to the community and profitable for companies. The paper argues that education on CSR of the managers and the broader public is essential in raising the awareness of the benefits that CSR offer. Consequently, it would lead towards the wider implementation of CSR in Serbia

    Cloud application development

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    Ovaj rad opisuje računarstvo u oblaku zajedno sa njegovim prednostima i izazovima. Opisani su načini izvedba računarstva u oblaku i gdje se primjenjuju te također i modeli pružanja usluga pomoću računarstva u oblaku. Modeli pružanja usluge su međusobno uspoređeni kao i pružatelji usluga. Za praktični dio rada izrađena je aplikacija koja je objavljena na jednom od pružatelja usluga

    Cloud application development

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    Ovaj rad opisuje računarstvo u oblaku zajedno sa njegovim prednostima i izazovima. Opisani su načini izvedba računarstva u oblaku i gdje se primjenjuju te također i modeli pružanja usluga pomoću računarstva u oblaku. Modeli pružanja usluge su međusobno uspoređeni kao i pružatelji usluga. Za praktični dio rada izrađena je aplikacija koja je objavljena na jednom od pružatelja usluga


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    The biological spectrum of the flora of a particular area is a complex indicator interdependence of plant life forms and ecological characteristics of the area. The spectra of life forms are a reflection of the adaptation of plants over time. The most common life forms in the flora of the investigated area are hemicryptophytes with 46.6%, followed by therophytes with 18.2% and geophytes with 12.7% taxa. Phanerophytes with 10.4% and hamephytes with 8.3% from less represented life forms. The investigated area is characterized by the largest share of hemicryptophytes, which is a characteristic of the flora of the temperate region, and a slight increase in the presence of geophytes and phanerophytes is noticeable, as opposed to slightly less hamephytes and significantly less hydrophytes.Publishe


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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of some metals (Mn, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb, Cd) in the soil and species of H. lanatus L. on the tailings and flotation of the mine DOO "Rudnik". Concentrations in the soil were: Pb - higher than the maximum allowed, limit and remediation values; Cd, Cu and Cr - higher than the maximum allowed and limit values, and Ni and Zn higher than the limit values (according to the regulations of the Republic of Serbia). Results suggest the possibility of using the roots of H. lanatus in the bioaccumulation of metals Ni, Mg and Cd, as well as the aboveground parts of this plant species in the accumulation and phytoextraction of Cd.Publishe