311 research outputs found

    Can differences in phosphorus uptake kinetics explain the distribution of cattail and sawgrass in the Florida Everglades?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cattail (<it>Typha domingensis</it>) has been spreading in phosphorus (P) enriched areas of the oligotrophic Florida Everglades at the expense of sawgrass (<it>Cladium mariscus </it>spp. <it>jamaicense</it>). Abundant evidence in the literature explains how the opportunistic features of <it>Typha </it>might lead to a complete dominance in P-enriched areas. Less clear is how <it>Typha </it>can grow and acquire P at extremely low P levels, which prevail in the unimpacted areas of the Everglades.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Apparent P uptake kinetics were measured for intact plants of <it>Cladium </it>and <it>Typha </it>acclimated to low and high P at two levels of oxygen in hydroponic culture. The saturated rate of P uptake was higher in <it>Typha </it>than in <it>Cladium </it>and higher in low-P acclimated plants than in high-P acclimated plants. The affinity for P uptake was two-fold higher in <it>Typha </it>than in <it>Cladium</it>, and two- to three-fold higher for low-P acclimated plants compared to high-P acclimated plants. As <it>Cladium </it>had a greater proportion of its biomass allocated to roots, the overall uptake capacity of the two species at high P did not differ. At low P availability, <it>Typha </it>increased biomass allocation to roots more than <it>Cladium</it>. Both species also adjusted their P uptake kinetics, but <it>Typha </it>more so than <it>Cladium</it>. The adjustment of the P uptake system and increased biomass allocation to roots resulted in a five-fold higher uptake per plant for <it>Cladium </it>and a ten-fold higher uptake for <it>Typha</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both <it>Cladium </it>and <it>Typha </it>adjust P uptake kinetics in relation to plant demand when P availability is high. When P concentrations are low, however, <it>Typha </it>adjusts P uptake kinetics and also increases allocation to roots more so than <it>Cladium</it>, thereby improving both efficiency and capacity of P uptake. <it>Cladium </it>has less need to adjust P uptake kinetics because it is already efficient at acquiring P from peat soils (e.g., through secretion of phosphatases, symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, nutrient conservation growth traits). Thus, although <it>Cladium </it>and <it>Typha </it>have qualitatively similar strategies to improve P-uptake efficiency and capacity under low P-conditions, <it>Typha </it>shows a quantitatively greater response, possibly due to a lesser expression of these mechanisms than <it>Cladium</it>. This difference between the two species helps to explain why an opportunistic species such as <it>Typha </it>is able to grow side by side with <it>Cladium </it>in the P-deficient Everglades.</p

    Instrumenting gait with an accelerometer: A system and algorithm examination

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    Gait is an important clinical assessment tool since changes in gait may reflect changes in general health. Measurement of gait is a complex process which has been restricted to the laboratory until relatively recently. The application of an inexpensive body worn sensor with appropriate gait algorithms (BWM) is an attractive alternative and offers the potential to assess gait in any setting. In this study we investigated the use of a low-cost BWM, compared to laboratory reference using a robust testing protocol in both younger and older adults. We observed that the BWM is a valid tool for estimating total step count and mean spatio-temporal gait characteristics however agreement for variability and asymmetry results was poor. We conducted a detailed investigation to explain the poor agreement between systems and determined it was due to inherent differences between the systems rather than inability of the sensor to measure the gait characteristics. The results highlight caution in the choice of reference system for validation studies. The BWM used in this study has the potential to gather longitudinal (real-world) spatio-temporal gait data that could be readily used in large lifestyle-based intervention studies, but further refinement of the algorithm(s) is required

    Expression of major photosynthetic and salt-resistance genes in invasive reed lineages grown under elevated CO2 and temperature

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    It is important to investigate the molecular causes of the variation in ecologically important traits to fully understand phenotypic responses to climate change. In the Mississippi River Delta, two distinct, sympatric invasive lineages of common reed (Phragmites australis) are known to differ in several ecophysiological characteristics and are expected to become more salt resistant due to increasing atmospheric CO2 and temperature. We investigated whether different patterns of gene expression can explain their ecophysiological differences and increased vigor under future climatic conditions. We compared the transcript abundance of photosynthetic genes of the Calvin cycle (Rubisco small subunit, RbcS; Phosphoglycerate kinase, PGK; Phosphoribulokinase, PRK), genes related with salt transport (Na+/H+ antiporter, PhaNHA) and oxidative stress response genes (Manganese Superoxide dismutase, MnSOD; Glutathione peroxidase, GPX), and the total aboveground biomass production between two genotypes representing the two lineages. The two genotypes (Delta-type, Mediterranean lineage, and EU-type, Eurasian lineage) were grown under an ambient and a future climate scenario with simultaneously elevated CO2 and temperature, and under two different soil salinities (0‰ or 20‰). We found neither differences in the aboveground biomass production nor the transcript abundances of the two genotypes, but soil salinity significantly affected all the investigated parameters, often interacting with the climatic conditions. At 20‰ salinity, most genes were higher expressed in the future than in the ambient climatic conditions. Higher transcription of the genes suggests higher abundance of the protein they code for, and consequently increased photosynthate production, improved stress responses, and salt exclusion. Therefore, the higher expression of these genes most likely contributed to the significantly ameliorated salinity impact on the aboveground biomass production of both P. australis genotypes under elevated temperature and CO2. Although transcript abundances did not explain differences between the lineages, they correlated with the increased vigor of both lineages under anticipated future climatic conditions. Two sympatric, highly invasive lineages of Phragmites australis from North America differ in their ecophysiological responses to salinity and climate, and differences in gene expression may cause these different phenotypic traits. Under a future climatic scenario and high soil salinity, the expression of photosynthetic and salt-stress related genes was increased in both lineages, relative to the ambient climate, but the phenotypic differences between the lineages were not explained by the gene expression. Similar changes in gene expression may therefore facilitate salt resistance and an increased invasive vigour of both reed lineages under the changing climate

    Impact of aeration on macrophyte establishment in sub-surface constructed wetlands used for tertiary treatment of sewage

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    The effect of artificial aeration on plant growth in constructed wetlands in terms of above and below ground biomass and nutrient uptake of two macrophyte species Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia was carried out to provide quantitative, mechanistic evidence to support any differences between the plant species establishment. Pilot scale systems were built and supplied with different intensities of aeration and corresponding controls, with supporting evidence from two full scale operational sites. Results show T. latifolia was more impacted by aeration than P. australis when comparing against their respective non-aerated controls, evidenced in reduced height, growth rate and leaf length. However, the impact was less visible due to T. latifolia's faster growth rate compared to P. australis. Micro and macronutrient uptake by each species had no discernible pattern, preventing the identification of a definitive mechanism to explain the retarded growth. However, results suggest a synergy between iron and manganese may be at play

    Genetic diversity in three invasive clonal aquatic species in New Zealand

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Elodea canadensis, Egeria densa </it>and <it>Lagarosiphon major </it>are dioecious clonal species which are invasive in New Zealand and other regions. Unlike many other invasive species, the genetic variation in New Zealand is very limited. Clonal reproduction is often considered an evolutionary dead end, even though a certain amount of genetic divergence may arise due to somatic mutations. The successful growth and establishment of invasive clonal species may be explained not by adaptability but by pre-existing ecological traits that prove advantageous in the new environment. We studied the genetic diversity and population structure in the North Island of New Zealand using AFLPs and related the findings to the number of introductions and the evolution that has occurred in the introduced area.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Low levels of genetic diversity were found in all three species and appeared to be due to highly homogeneous founding gene pools. <it>Elodea canadensis </it>was introduced in 1868, and its populations showed more genetic structure than those of the more recently introduced of <it>E. densa </it>(1946) and <it>L. major </it>(1950). <it>Elodea canadensis </it>and <it>L. major</it>, however, had similar phylogeographic patterns, in spite of the difference in time since introduction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presence of a certain level of geographically correlated genetic structure in the absence of sexual reproduction, and in spite of random human dispersal of vegetative propagules, can be reasonably attributed to post-dispersal somatic mutations. Direct evidence of such evolutionary events is, however, still insufficient.</p

    Relationship between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments and Invertebrates of Natural and Artificial Stormwater Retention Ponds

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    Sediments and invertebrates were sampled from 9 stormwater retention ponds (SWRPs) and 11 natural, shallow lakes in Denmark. Samples were analyzed for 13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The SWRPs received urban and highway runoff from various types of drainage areas and the lakes were located in areas of various land uses. Comparing PAHs in the sediments of the SWRPs and the lakes, it was found that levels of total PAH were similar in the two aquatic systems, with median values of 0.94 and 0.63 mg&middot;(kg&middot;DM)&minus;1 in sediments of SWRPs and lakes, respectively. However, the SWRP sediments tended to have higher concentrations of high-molecular-weight PAHs than the lakes. A similar pattern was seen for PAHs accumulated in invertebrates where the median of total PAH was 2.8 and 2.1 mg&middot;(kg&middot;DM)&minus;1 for SWRPs and lakes, respectively. Principal component analysis on the PAH distribution in the sediments and invertebrates showed that ponds receiving highway runoff clustered with lakes in forests and farmland. The same was the case for some of the ponds receiving runoff from residential areas. Overall, results showed that sediment PAH levels in all SWRPs receiving runoff from highways were similar to the levels found in some of the investigated natural, shallow lakes, as were the sediment PAH levels from some of the residential SWRPs. Furthermore, there was no systematic trend that one type of water body exceeded environmental quality standards (EQS) values more often than others. Together this indicates that at least some SWRPs can sustain an invertebrate ecosystem without the organisms experiencing higher bioaccumulation of PAHs then what is the case in shallow lakes of the same region