222 research outputs found

    Contribution of human embryonic stem cells to mouse blastocysts

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    AbstractIn addition to their potential for cell-based therapies in the treatment of disease and injury, the broad developmental capacity of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) offers potential for studying the origins of all human cell types. To date, the emergence of specialized cells from hESCs has commonly been studied in tissue culture or in teratomas, yet these methods have stopped short of demonstrating the ESC potential exhibited in the mouse (mESCs), which can give rise to every cell type when combined with blastocysts. Due to obvious barriers precluding the use of human embryos in similar cell mixing experiments with hESCs, human/non-human chimeras may need to be generated for this purpose. Our results show that hESCs can engraft into mouse blastocysts, where they proliferate and differentiate in vitro and persist in mouse/human embryonic chimeras that implant and develop in the uterus of pseudopregnant foster mice. Embryonic chimeras generated in this way offer the opportunity to study the behavior of specialized human cell types in a non-human animal model. Our data demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, using mouse embryos as a surrogate for hESC differentiation

    A database of microRNA expression patterns in Xenopus laevis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, non-coding RNAs around 22 nucleotides long. They inhibit gene expression either by translational repression or by causing the degradation of the mRNAs they bind to. Many are highly conserved amongst diverse organisms and have restricted spatio-temporal expression patterns during embryonic development where they are thought to be involved in generating accuracy of developmental timing and in supporting cell fate decisions and tissue identity. We determined the expression patterns of 180 miRNAs in Xenopus laevis embryos using LNA oligonucleotides. In addition we carried out small RNA-seq on different stages of early Xenopus development, identified 44 miRNAs belonging to 29 new families and characterized the expression of 5 of these. Our analyses identified miRNA expression in many organs of the developing embryo. In particular a large number were expressed in neural tissue and in the somites. Surprisingly none of the miRNAs we have looked at show expression in the heart. Our results have been made freely available as a resource in both XenMARK and Xenbase

    Transcription factor site dependencies in human, mouse and rat genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is known that transcription factors frequently act together to regulate gene expression in eukaryotes. In this paper we describe a computational analysis of transcription factor site dependencies in human, mouse and rat genomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our approach for quantifying tendencies of transcription factor binding sites to co-occur is based on a binding site scoring function which incorporates dependencies between positions, the use of information about the structural class of each transcription factor (major/minor groove binder), and also considered the possible implications of varying GC content of the sequences. Significant tendencies (dependencies) have been detected by non-parametric statistical methodology (permutation tests). Evaluation of obtained results has been performed in several ways: reports from literature (many of the significant dependencies between transcription factors have previously been confirmed experimentally); dependencies between transcription factors are not biased due to similarities in their DNA-binding sites; the number of dependent transcription factors that belong to the same functional and structural class is significantly higher than would be expected by chance; supporting evidence from GO clustering of targeting genes. Based on dependencies between two transcription factor binding sites (second-order dependencies), it is possible to construct higher-order dependencies (networks). Moreover results about transcription factor binding sites dependencies can be used for prediction of groups of dependent transcription factors on a given promoter sequence. Our results, as well as a scanning tool for predicting groups of dependent transcription factors binding sites are available on the Internet.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We show that the computational analysis of transcription factor site dependencies is a valuable complement to experimental approaches for discovering transcription regulatory interactions and networks. Scanning promoter sequences with dependent groups of transcription factor binding sites improve the quality of transcription factor predictions.</p

    Speed-Dependent Cellular Decision Making in Nonequilibrium Genetic Circuits

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    Despite being governed by the principles of nonequilibrium transitions, gene expression dynamics underlying cell fate decision is poorly understood. In particular, the effect of signaling speed on cellular decision making is still unclear. Here we show that the decision between alternative cell fates, in a structurally symmetric circuit, can be biased depending on the speed at which the system is forced to go through the decision point. The circuit consists of two mutually inhibiting and self-activating genes, forced by two external signals with identical stationary values but different transient times. Under these conditions, slow passage through the decision point leads to a consistently biased decision due to the transient signaling asymmetry, whereas fast passage reduces and eventually eliminates the switch imbalance. The effect is robust to noise and shows that dynamic bifurcations, well known in nonequilibrium physics, are important for the control of genetic circuits

    Aurora-A Interacts with AP-2α and Down Regulates Its Transcription Activity

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    Aurora-A is a serine/threonine protein kinase and plays an important role in the control of mitotic progression. Dysregulated expression of Aurora-A impairs centrosome separation and maturation, which lead to disrupted cell cycle progression and tumorigenesis. However, the molecular mechanism by which Aurora-A causes cell malignant transformation remains to be further defined. In this report, using transcription factors array and mRNA expression profiling array, we found that overexpression of Aurora-A suppressed transcription activity of AP-2α, a tumor suppressor that is often downregulated in variety of tumors, and inhibited expression of AP-2α-regulated downstream genes. These array-based observations were further confirmed by microwell colorimetric TF assay and luciferase reporter assay. Downregulated transcription activity of AP-2α by Aurora-A was found to be associated with reduced AP-2α protein stability, which appeared to be mediated by Aurora-A enhanced ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation of AP-2α protein. Interestingly, Aurora-A-mediated AP-2α degradation was likely dependent Aurora-A kinase activity since inhibition of Aurora-A kinase activity was able to rescue Aurora-A-induced degradation of AP-2α. Moreover, we defined a physical interaction between Aurora-A and AP-2α, and such interaction might bridge the suppressive effect of Aurora-A on AP-2α protein stability. These findings provide new insights into molecular mechanism by which Aurora-A acts as an oncogenic molecule in tumor occurrence and malignant development

    Proteomic Analyses Reveal Common Promiscuous Patterns of Cell Surface Proteins on Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Sperms

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    BACKGROUND: It has long been proposed that early embryos and reproductive organs exhibit similar gene expression profiles. However, whether this similarity is propagated to the protein level remains largely unknown. We have previously characterised the promiscuous expression pattern of cell surface proteins on mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. As cell surface proteins also play critical functions in human embryonic stem (hES) cells and germ cells, it is important to reveal whether a promiscuous pattern of cell surface proteins also exists for these cells. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Surface proteins of hES cells and human mature sperms (hSperms) were purified by biotin labelling and subjected to proteomic analyses. More than 1000 transmembrane or secreted cell surface proteins were identified on the two cell types, respectively. Proteins from both cell types covered a large variety of functional categories including signal transduction, adhesion and transporting. Moreover, both cell types promiscuously expressed a wide variety of tissue specific surface proteins, and some surface proteins were heterogeneously expressed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings indicate that the promiscuous expression of functional and tissue specific cell surface proteins may be a common pattern in embryonic stem cells and germ cells. The conservation of gene expression patterns between early embryonic cells and reproductive cells is propagated to the protein level. These results have deep implications for the cell surface signature characterisation of pluripotent stem cells and germ cells and may lead the way to a new area of study, i.e., the functional significance of promiscuous gene expression in pluripotent and germ cells

    Histone Modifications at Human Enhancers Reflect Global Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression

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    The human body is composed of diverse cell types with distinct functions. Although it is known that lineage specification depends on cell-specific gene expression, which in turn is driven by promoters, enhancers, insulators and other cis-regulatory DNA sequences for each gene1, 2, 3, the relative roles of these regulatory elements in this process are not clear. We have previously developed a chromatin-immunoprecipitation-based microarray method (ChIP-chip) to locate promoters, enhancers and insulators in the human genome4, 5, 6. Here we use the same approach to identify these elements in multiple cell types and investigate their roles in cell-type-specific gene expression. We observed that the chromatin state at promoters and CTCF-binding at insulators is largely invariant across diverse cell types. In contrast, enhancers are marked with highly cell-type-specific histone modification patterns, strongly correlate to cell-type-specific gene expression programs on a global scale, and are functionally active in a cell-type-specific manner. Our results define over 55,000 potential transcriptional enhancers in the human genome, significantly expanding the current catalogue of human enhancers and highlighting the role of these elements in cell-type-specific gene expression
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