166 research outputs found

    Wildlife Damage to Agricultural Crops in Pennsylvania: The Farmers\u27 Perspective

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    Agricultural damage by wildlife is a major concern for both agricultural and wildlife agencies at the state and federal level. Our objective was to estimate wildlife damage to agricultural crops on a statewide basis. We sent questionnaires to 4,958 farmers and 1,003 were returned after 2 mailings. Twenty-five percent of farmers responding to our survey rated the level of wildlife damage to their crops as severe or very severe, 46% as moderate, and 29% had none or very little. Mean levels of crop loss to wildlife ranged from 6% for wheat to 10% for corn grain, and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were the most commonly reported cause of damage for all crops except soybeans. Farmers estimated the economic value of damage caused by wildlife to 6 crops (corn grain, silage, alfalfa, soybeans, oats, and wheat) as \u3e $70 million. Ninety-one percent of Pennsylvania farmers allowed deer hunting on their farms, but 62% of the farms were bordered at least partially by land that was posted (no hunting or limited hunting). Fifty-six percent of farmers whose land was bordered by posted land believed adjacent posted land made it difficult for them to control deer numbers and damage on the land they farmed. Thirty-one percent of farmers responding to the questionnaire reported that they had changed farming practices (i.e., no longer farmed a particular field or raised a particular crop) as a consequence of deer damage. Additional methods used to control deer damage included shooting (28%), chasing (13%), fencing (9.3%), repellents (7%), and noise devices (5%). Fencing and shooting were the only methods rated as being at least moderately effective

    Terrestrial Liming As a Restoration Technique for Acidified Forest Ecosystems

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    We studied the effects of liming on soils and forest songbirds as well as vegetation and calcium-rich invertebrate prey variables that were predicted to link birds to changes in soil conditions. We observed increases in soil pH, calcium, and magnesium, as well as in songbird abundances in response to lime application, with continuing increases through five years after liming. We observed an overall increase in snail abundance on limed sites, but an initial peak of a 23 fold increase three years after liming was reduced to an 11 fold increase five years after liming. We observed an increase in forb ground cover on limed sites, but liming had no effect on millipede abundance or other vegetation measures. Of the variables we measured, snail abundance was the most likely mechanism for the response in bird abundances. Because we observed continued benefits of liming up to five years post treatment, we concluded that liming is a very promising technique for restoring forest ecosystems impacted by acidic deposition

    mTORC1 Controls Phase Separation and the Biophysical Properties of the Cytoplasm by Tuning Crowding

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    International audienceMacromolecular crowding has a profound impact on reaction rates and the physical properties of the cell interior, but the mechanisms that regulate crowding are poorly understood. We developed genetically encoded multimeric nanoparticles (GEMs) to dissect these mechanisms. GEMs are homomultimeric scaffolds fused to a fluorescent protein that self-assemble into bright, stable particles of defined size and shape. By combining tracking of GEMs with genetic and pharmacological approaches, we discovered that the mTORC1 pathway can modulate the effective diffusion coefficient of particles ≥20 nm in diameter more than 2-fold by tuning ribosome concentration, without any discernable effect on the motion of molecules ≤5 nm. This change in ribosome concentration affected phase separation both in vitro and in vivo. Together, these results establish a role for mTORC1 in controlling both the mesoscale biophysical properties of the cytoplasm and biomolecular condensation

    Leishmania-Induced Inactivation of the Macrophage Transcription Factor AP-1 Is Mediated by the Parasite Metalloprotease GP63

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    Leishmania parasites have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to subvert macrophage immune responses by altering the host cell signal transduction machinery, including inhibition of JAK/STAT signalling and other transcription factors such as AP-1, CREB and NF-κB. AP-1 regulates pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and nitric oxide production. Herein we show that upon Leishmania infection, AP-1 activity within host cells is abolished and correlates with lower expression of 5 of the 7 AP-1 subunits. Of interest, c-Jun, the central component of AP-1, is cleaved by Leishmania. Furthermore, the cleavage of c-Jun is dependent on the expression and activity of the major Leishmania surface protease GP63. Immunoprecipitation of c-Jun from nuclear extracts showed that GP63 interacts, and cleaves c-Jun at the perinuclear area shortly after infection. Phagocytosis inhibition by cytochalasin D did not block c-Jun down-regulation, suggesting that internalization of the parasite might not be necessary to deliver GP63 molecules inside the host cell. This observation was corroborated by the maintenance of c-Jun cleavage upon incubation with L. mexicana culture supernatant, suggesting that secreted, soluble GP63 could use a phagocytosis-independent mechanism to enter the host cell. In support of this, disruption of macrophage lipid raft microdomains by Methyl β-Cyclodextrin (MβCD) partially inhibits the degradation of full length c-Jun. Together our results indicate a novel role of the surface protease GP63 in the Leishmania-mediated subversion of host AP-1 activity

    Addressing the needs of children with disabilities experiencing disaster or terrorism

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    Purpose of review: This paper reviews the empirical literature on psychosocial factors relating to children with disabilities in the context of disaster or terrorism. Recent findings: Research indicates individuals with disabilities experience increased exposure to hazards due to existing social disparities and barriers associated with disability status. However, studies on the psychological effects of disaster/terrorism on children with preexisting disabilities are exceedingly few and empirical evidence of the effectiveness of trauma-focused therapies for this population is limited. Secondary adversities, including social stigma and health concerns, also compromise the recovery of these children post-disaster/terrorism. Schools and teachers appear to be particularly important in the recovery of children with disabilities to disaster. Disasters, terrorism, and war all contribute to the incidence of disability, as well as disproportionately affect children with preexisting disabilities. Summary: Disaster preparedness interventions and societal changes are needed to decrease the disproportionate environmental and social vulnerability of children with disabilities to disaster and terrorism

    Stage-Specific Pathways of Leishmania infantum chagasi Entry and Phagosome Maturation in Macrophages

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    The life stages of Leishmania spp. include the infectious promastigote and the replicative intracellular amastigote. Each stage is phagocytosed by macrophages during the parasite life cycle. We previously showed that caveolae, a subset of cholesterol-rich membrane lipid rafts, facilitate uptake and intracellular survival of virulent promastigotes by macrophages, at least in part, by delaying parasitophorous vacuole (PV)-lysosome fusion. We hypothesized that amastigotes and promastigotes would differ in their route of macrophage entry and mechanism of PV maturation. Indeed, transient disruption of macrophage lipid rafts decreased the entry of promastigotes, but not amastigotes, into macrophages (P<0.001). Promastigote-containing PVs were positive for caveolin-1, and co-localized transiently with EEA-1 and Rab5 at 5 minutes. Amastigote-generated PVs lacked caveolin-1 but retained Rab5 and EEA-1 for at least 30 minutes or 2 hours, respectively. Coinciding with their conversion into amastigotes, the number of promastigote PVs positive for LAMP-1 increased from 20% at 1 hour, to 46% by 24 hours, (P<0.001, Chi square). In contrast, more than 80% of amastigote-initiated PVs were LAMP-1+ at both 1 and 24 hours. Furthermore, lipid raft disruption increased LAMP-1 recruitment to promastigote, but not to amastigote-containing compartments. Overall, our data showed that promastigotes enter macrophages through cholesterol-rich domains like caveolae to delay fusion with lysosomes. In contrast, amastigotes enter through a non-caveolae pathway, and their PVs rapidly fuse with late endosomes but prolong their association with early endosome markers. These results suggest a model in which promastigotes and amastigotes use different mechanisms to enter macrophages, modulate the kinetics of phagosome maturation, and facilitate their intracellular survival

    Urban and rural habitats differ in number and type of bird feeders and in bird species consuming supplementary food

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    Bird feeding is one of the most widespread direct interactions between man and nature, and this has important social and environmental consequences. However, this activity can differ between rural and urban habitats, due to inter alia habitat structure, human behaviour and the composition of wintering bird communities. We counted birds in 156 squares (0.25 km(2) each) in December 2012 and again in January 2013 in locations in and around 26 towns and cities across Poland (in each urban area, we surveyed 3 squares and also 3 squares in nearby rural areas). At each count, we noted the number of bird feeders, the number of bird feeders with food, the type of feeders, additional food supplies potentially available for birds (bread offered by people, bins) and finally the birds themselves. In winter, urban and rural areas differ in the availability of food offered intentionally and unintentionally to birds by humans. Both types of food availability are higher in urban areas. Our findings suggest that different types of bird feeder support only those species specialized for that particular food type and this relationship is similar in urban and rural areas. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-015-4723-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users