5 research outputs found

    Alternative splicing of Tcf7l2 transcripts generates protein variants with differential promoter-binding and transcriptional activation properties at Wnt/Ī²-catenin targets

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    Alternative splicing can produce multiple protein products with variable domain composition from a single gene. The mouse Tcf7l2 gene is subject to alternative splicing. It encodes TCF4, a member of the T-cell factor (TCF) family of DNA-binding proteins and a nuclear interaction partner of Ī²-catenin which performs essential functions in Wnt growth factor signalling. Multiple TCF4 isoforms, potentially exhibiting cell-type-specific distribution and differing in gene regulatory properties, could strongly influence tissue-specific Wnt responses. Therefore, we have examined mouse Tcf7l2 splice variants in neonatal tissues, embryonic stem cells and neural progenitors. By polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning and sequencing, we identify a large number of alternatively spliced transcripts and report a highly flexible combinatorial repertoire of alternative exons. Many, but not all of the variants exhibit a broad tissue distribution. Moreover, two functionally equivalent versions of the C-clamp, thought to represent an auxiliary DNA-binding domain, were identified. Depending upon promoter context and precise domain composition, TCF4 isoforms exhibit strikingly different transactivation potentials at natural Wnt/Ī²-catenin target promoters. However, differences in C-clamp-mediated DNA binding can only partially explain functional differences among TCF4 variants. Still, the cell-type-specific complement of TCF4 isoforms is likely to be a major determinant for the context-dependent transcriptional output of Wnt/Ī²-catenin signalling

    Differential Control of Wnt Target Genes Involves Epigenetic Mechanisms and Selective Promoter Occupancy by T-Cell Factorsā–æ ā€ 

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    Canonical Wnt signaling and its nuclear effectors, Ī²-catenin and the family of T-cell factor (TCF) DNA-binding proteins, belong to the small number of regulatory systems which are repeatedly used for context-dependent control of distinct genetic programs. The apparent ability to elicit a large variety of transcriptional responses necessitates that Ī²-catenin and TCFs distinguish precisely between genes to be activated and genes to remain silent in a specific context. How this is achieved is unclear. Here, we examined patterns of Wnt target gene activation and promoter occupancy by TCFs in different mouse cell culture models. Remarkably, within a given cell type only Wnt-responsive promoters are bound by specific subsets of TCFs, whereas nonresponsive Wnt target promoters remain unoccupied. Wnt-responsive, TCF-bound states correlate with DNA hypomethylation, histone H3 hyperacetylation, and H3K4 trimethylation. Inactive, nonresponsive promoter chromatin shows DNA hypermethylation, is devoid of active histone marks, and additionally can show repressive H3K27 trimethylation. Furthermore, chromatin structural states appear to be independent of Wnt pathway activity. Apparently, cell-type-specific regulation of Wnt target genes comprises multilayered control systems. These involve epigenetic modifications of promoter chromatin and differential promoter occupancy by functionally distinct TCF proteins, which together determine susceptibility to Wnt signaling