5 research outputs found

    A diversidade global dos Institutos de Estudos Avançados

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    Quando o primeiro Instituto de Estudos Avançados foi fundado em Princeton em 1930, ninguém previu que ele se tornaria um modelo que se espalharia por todo o planeta. Especialmente nos últimos 20 anos, um número significativo de novos Institutos de Estudos Avançados (IEA) surgiu em muitas regiões ao redor do mundo. Classificados como “paraísos acadêmicos”, eles costumam ser considerados como ilhas isoladas ou torres de marfim, mas essa é apenas uma parte da história: pretendo mostrar que (a) os IEA são ao mesmo tempo produtos e motores da globalização da pesquisa e estão intimamente imbricados com diferentes tendências das políticas científicas globais; e que (b) esses institutos, apesar de seu pequeno porte, tiveram um papel importante no desenvolvimento universitário e científico e ainda continuam a tê-lo. Por fim, gostaria de apresentar um panorama dos desafios e tarefas futuras dos IEA como espaços de produção global de conhecimento.When the first Institute for Advanced Study was founded in Princeton in 1930, nobody foresaw that it would eventually become a model that would spread across the globe. Especially within the last 20 years a significant number of new Institutes for Advanced Study (IAS) have surfaced in many regions of the world. Classified as “academic paradises,” they are often regarded as isolated islands or ivory towers, but this is only one part of the story: I will show that (a) IAS are both products and driving forces of the globalization of research and are closely intertwined with different trends of global science policies, and (b) IAS, despite their small size, have played an important role in the development of universities and the sciences, and continue to do so. Finally, I would like to provide an overview of future challenges and tasks of the IAS as spaces of global production of knowledge

    The Global Diversity of Institutes for Advanced Study

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    When the first Institute for Advanced Study was founded in Princeton in 1930, nobody anticipated that it would eventually become a model spreading across the globe. Especially within the past twenty years a significant number of new Institutes for Advanced Study (IAS) have surfaced in many regions of the world. Classified as “academic paradises,” they are often regarded as isolated islands or ivory towers, but this is only one part of the story: I will show that (a) IAS are both products and driving forces of the globalization of research and are closely intertwined with different trends of global science policies, and that (b) IAS, despite their small size, have played an important role for the development of universities and the sciences and continue to do so. Finally, I would like to provide an outlook on future challenges and tasks of IAS as spaces of global production of knowledge

    University Experiments in Interdisciplinarity - Obstacles and Opportunities

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    Weingart P, Padberg B, eds. University Experiments in Interdisciplinarity - Obstacles and Opportunities. Bielefeld: transcript; 2014

    Interdisciplinarity and the new governance of universities

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    Weingart P. Interdisciplinarity and the new governance of universities. In: Weingart P, Padberg B, eds. University Experiments in Interdisciplinarity - Obstacles and Opportunities. Bielefeld: transcript; 2014: 151-174