153 research outputs found

    Effect of a moderate-intensity demonstration walk on accuracy of physical activity self-report.

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    Background/Objective:Providing a demonstration of a 10-minute bout of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) immediately prior to subjective reporting of MVPA could influence self-reported activity by calibrating both duration and intensity. We assessed the effect of a demonstration of MVPA on subsequent MVPA recall, and explored whether this improved agreement with objective measures of MVPA. Methods:A total of 846 individuals participated in four different physical activity interventions; two of which included a 10-minute moderate-intensity demonstration walk on a treadmill at baseline and 6-month visits immediately prior to reporting MVPA. Participants from three studies also wore accelerometers during the week overlapping with self-reported MVPA. Results:Overall, those completing the demonstration walk reported significantly fewer minutes of MVPA per week at baseline (b = -11.69, standard error = 2.53, p < 0.01). The effect of the demonstration walk at 6 months was not significant (p = 0.06). Correlations with accelerometers at baseline were higher in the two studies with the demonstration walk (ρ = 0.28, 0.26) than the study without (ρ = 0.04). Correlations with accelerometers increased overall from baseline to follow-up. Conclusion:A 10-minute demonstration of MVPA was associated with reporting fewer minutes of MVPA and improved agreement with objective PA measures at baseline. These findings support combining self-report PA assessments with hands-on MVPA demonstrations

    Cardiovascular Disease and Psychiatric Comorbidity: The Potential Role of Perseverative Cognition

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    The high comorbidity between psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular disease has received increasing attention, yet little is known about the processes linking the two. One plausible contributing mechanism is the tendency of those with psychiatric disorders to ruminate on stressful events. This phenomenon, sometimes called perseverative cognition, can extend the psychological and physiological effects of stress, which could contribute to cardiovascular disease etiology. In this paper, we discuss the potential role of perseverative cognition in mediating the relationship between psychiatric illness and cardiovascular disease. Rumination can delay physiological recovery from acute stress, which in turn has been found to predict future cardiovascular health. This delayed recovery could act as a mechanism in the longitudinal link between worry and cardiovascular health. The cognitive inflexibility that characterizes mood and anxiety disorders may then contribute to disease not by producing greater reactivity, but instead through extending activation, increasing the risks for cardiovascular damage

    Cost effectiveness of a mail-delivered individually tailored physical activity intervention for Latinas vs. a mailed contact control

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    Background Physical inactivity is high in Latinas, as are chronic health conditions. There is a need for physical activity (PA) interventions that are not only effective but have potential for cost-effective widespread dissemination. The purpose of this paper was to assess the costs and cost effectiveness of a Spanish-language print-based mail-delivered PA intervention that was linguistically and culturally adapted for Latinas. Methods Adult Latinas (N = 266) were randomly assigned to receive mail-delivered individually tailored intervention materials or wellness information mailed on the same schedule (control). PA was assessed at baseline, six months (post-intervention) and 12 months (maintenance phase) using the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall Interview. Costs were calculated from a payer perspective, and included personnel time (wage, fringe, and overhead), materials, equipment, software, and postage costs. Results At six months, the PA intervention cost 29/person/month,comparedto29/person/month, compared to 15/person/month for wellness control. These costs fell to 17and17 and 9 at 12 months, respectively. Intervention participants increased their PA by an average of 72 min/week at six months and 94 min/week at 12 months, while wellness control participants increased their PA by an average of 30 min/week and 40 min/week, respectively. At six months, each minute increase in PA cost 0.18intheinterventiongroupcomparedto0.18 in the intervention group compared to 0.23 in wellness control, which fell to 0.07and0.07 and 0.08 at 12 months, respectively. The incremental cost per increase in physical activity associated with the intervention was 0.15at6monthsand0.15 at 6 months and 0.05 at 12 months. Conclusions While the intervention was more costly than the wellness control, costs per minute of increase in PA were lower in the intervention. The print-based mail-delivered format has potential for broad, cost-effective dissemination, which could help address disparities in this at-risk population. Trial registration NCT01583140; Date of Registration: 03/06/2012; Funding Source of Trial: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR); Name of Institutional Review Board: Brown University IRB; Date of Approval: 05/19/2009

    Potentialemodel for kvantificering af effekterne af Aarhus Letbane

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    I den traditionelle effektvurdering af infrastrukturprojekter spiller den forventede fremtidige anvendelse af infrastrukturen naturlig nok en stor rolle. I langt de fleste modeller udregnes de forventede fremtidige effekter som resultatet af dels en tilpasning og dels en udvikling i rejsebehovet og derigennem rejsemønsteret. Denne metode baserer sig på en gradvis udvikling (evolution) af det nuværende rejsemønster og tager sjældent tager højde for, at introduktionen af helt ny infrastruktur eller rejsetilbud også kan påvirke transportsystemet med hurtig evolution, således at der er behov for, at hele opgørelsen af rejsebehovet skal nytænkes

    Pasos Hacia La Salud: a randomized controlled trial of an internet-delivered physical activity intervention for Latinas.

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    BackgroundInternet access has grown markedly in Latinos during the past decade. However, there have been no Internet-based physical activity interventions designed for Latinos, despite large disparities in lifestyle-related conditions, such as obesity and diabetes, particularly in Latina women. The current study tested the efficacy of a 6-month culturally adapted, individually tailored, Spanish-language Internet-based physical activity intervention.MethodsInactive Latinas (N = 205) were randomly assigned to the Tailored Physical Activity Internet Intervention or the Wellness Contact Control Internet Group. Participants in both groups received emails on a tapered schedule over 6 months to alert them to new content on the website. The primary outcome was minutes/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at 6 months as measured by the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall; activity was also measured by accelerometers. Data were collected between 2011 and 2014 and analyzed in 2015 at the University of California, San Diego.ResultsIncreases in minutes/week of MVPA were significantly greater in the Intervention Group compared to the Control Group (mean difference = 50.00, SE = 9.5, p < 0.01). Increases in objectively measured MVPA were also significantly larger in the Intervention Group (mean differences = 31.0, SE = 10.7, p < .01). The Intervention Group was also significantly more likely to meet national physical activity guidelines at 6 months (OR = 3.12, 95% CI 1.46-6.66, p < .05).ConclusionFindings from the current study suggest that this Internet-delivered individually tailored intervention successfully increased MVPA in Latinas compared to a Wellness Contact Control Internet Group.Trial registrationNCT01834287

    Meditation and auditory attention: An ERP study of meditators and non-meditators

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    The findings of a study by Cahn and Polich (2009) suggests that there is an effect of a meditative state on three event-related potential (ERP) brain markers of “low-level” auditory attention (i.e., acoustic representations in sensory memory) in expert meditators: the N1, the P2, and the P3a. The current study built on these findings by examining trait and state effects of meditation on the passive auditory mismatch negativity (MMN), N1, and P2 ERPs. We found that the MMN was significantly larger in meditators than non-meditators regardless of whether they were meditating or not (a trait effect), and that N1 amplitude was significantly attenuated during meditation in non-meditators but not expert meditators (an interaction between trait and state). These outcomes suggest that low-level attention is superior in long-term meditators in general. In contrast, low-level attention is reduced in non-meditators when they are asked to meditate for the first time, possibly due to auditory fatigue or cognitive overload

    Kompetencebehov i fremtidens blå Danmark 2013

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    For at styrke kompetenceniveauet i de maritime erhverv i Danmark er 10 partnere, bestående af relevante uddannelsesinstitutioner og maritime interesseorganisationer, gået sammen om projektet ’Danmarks Maritime Klynge’ (DKMK). Med et særligt fokus på kompetenceudvikling inden for den maritime sektor udvikles og oprettes der i projektet flere maritime uddannelsesforløb i form af fag og kurser på bachelor- og kandidatniveau, der arbejdes på at skabe nemmere afkørsler til kandidatuddannelser for professionsbachelorer, og der udarbejdes relevante maritime efteruddannelsestilbud. Som en indledende del af projektet har projektets partnere via en række analyseaktiviteter set nærmere på, hvilke udfordringer, muligheder og behov de maritime erhverv i Danmark står over for i relation til uddannelse, kompetence og arbejdskraft. Ligeledes er der i inspirationsøjemed blevet set på, hvordan andre førende maritime nationer har valgt at støtte op om udviklingen af deres maritime klynger. Analyserne er foretaget på et overordnet niveau og mere uddannelsesspecifikke analyser vil blive foretaget af de enkelte partnere i den resterende projektperiode

    Physical activity maintenance among Spanish-speaking Latinas in a randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention.

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    Spanish-speaking Latinas have some of the lowest rates of meeting physical activity guidelines in the U.S. and are at high risk for many related chronic diseases. The purpose of the current study was to examine the maintenance of a culturally and individually-tailored Internet-based physical activity intervention for Spanish-speaking Latinas. Inactive Latinas (N  =  205) were randomly assigned to a 6-month Tailored Physical Activity Internet Intervention or a Wellness Contact Control Internet Group, with a 6-month follow-up. Maintenance was measured by assessing group differences in minutes per week of self-reported and accelerometer measured moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at 12 months after baseline and changes in MVPA between the end of the active intervention (month 6) and the end of the study (month 12). Potential moderators of the intervention were also examined. Data were collected between 2011 and 2014, and were analyzed in 2015 at the University of California, San Diego. The Intervention Group engaged in significantly more minutes of MVPA per week than the Control Group at the end of the maintenance period for both self-reported (mean diff. = 30.68, SE = 11.27, p = .007) and accelerometer measured (mean diff. = 11.47, SE = 3.19, p = .01) MVPA. There were no significant between- or within-group changes in MVPA from month 6 to 12. Greater intervention effects were seen for those with lower BMI (BMI × intervention = -6.67, SE = 2.88, p = .02) and lower perceived places to walk to in their neighborhood (access × intervention = -43.25, SE = 19.07, p = .02), with a trend for less family support (social support × intervention = -3.49, SE = 2.05, p = .08). Acculturation, health literacy, and physical activity related psychosocial variables were not significant moderators of the intervention effect during the maintenance period. Findings from the current study support the efficacy of an Internet-delivered individually tailored intervention for maintenance of MVPA gains over time