165 research outputs found

    The Impact of Simulation-Based Learning Experience on Student Satisfaction, Perceived Self-Confidence, and Anxiety

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    Nurse educators are faced with the challenges of facilitating student learning in shorter time frames along with decreasing student opportunities to further their learning experiences in real-world clinical situations (LaFond & Van Hulle Vincent, 2012; Smith & Barry, 2013). There is an identifiable need for safe environments where students can practice and apply the knowledge they have learned in the didactic component of the course to the clinical situations (LaFond & Van Hulle Vincent, 2012; McClure & Gigliotti, 2012). The capstone project, The impact of simulation based learning experience on student satisfaction, perceived self-confidence and anxiety examined the implementation of three mid-fidelity simulation scenarios, including debriefing, to the learning experience in efforts to provide continued support of student learning to enhance the students\u27 application of knowledge, decrease anxiety levels, improve satisfaction, and perceived self-confidence

    253 - Ambient Identity Cues Within Digital Spaces: How Institutional Identities Influence Text and Image Selection

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    Belonging is a basic human need with substantial impact on overall health and well-being (e.g., Baumeister & Leary, 1995). The presence of ambient identity cues, socially symbolic objects that communicate stereotypes about group members inhabiting a given environment, can powerfully impact perceptions of belonging and interest (Cheryan et al., 2009). Our previous work examined the presence of identity cues in academic digital spaces regarding text analyses. Through examining 36 institutional website pages, we conducted a qualitative assessment of identity cues via Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker et al., 2001). The current work analyzes the images within the institutional websites, particularly their about and welcome sections, to determine the various emotions and feelings of belonging evoked from selected images. PWIs are coded as majority-serving institutions; HBCU and Tribal institutions are coded as minority-serving institutions. Analyses found that minority-serving institutions feature more images with people. Regarding exemplification of a diverse student population, minority-serving institutions feature more photos with diverse individuals. However, majority-serving institutions over-represent diversity relative to the conservative estimates of expectedness within their student population. In our current study, students are presented with a number of randomized images conveying multiple themes, diversity, academics, etc. Responses will be analyzed regarding what emotions were evoked and level of belongingness felt dependent on the image shown. Given the critical link between belonging and academic achievement/knowledge retention (Brannon & Lin, 2021; Suhlmann et al., 2018), it is important to gain a better understanding of how cues differ across institutions and their impact on prospective students

    Culture and identity : the academic setting in Philip Roth's The Human Stain and Francine Prose's Blue angel

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    The academic novel is a genre that continues to expand in both scholarship and critical review. The Human Stain by Philip Roth and Blue Angel by Francine Prose are examples of the evolution of this genre. Both novels are set on Northern New England college campuses and look at the absurdities and hypocrisies present in contemporary American society. In the introduction to this study, I look at the history and background of the academic novel and investigate some of the literary characteristics associated with the genre. I go on to give brief background information on novelists Philip Roth and Francine Prose and conclude with a synopsis of The Human Stain and Blue Angel. The first chapter explores some of the comments and observations about modern American culture articulated by each of these novels. I give particular attention to the issues of sex and sexuality, collegiality, family, racism, feminism, and political correctness. I view each issue in terms of how it affects various characters and discuss the role of the academic setting. In the second chapter I examine identity and the role of the college campus in identity construction. I specifically focus on Roth’s characters Coleman Silk, a professor of Classics and his lover Faunia Farley, a college janitor and on Prose’s character Ted Swenson, a professor of fiction writing. In each chapter I draw conclusions as well as form personal opinions resulting from research I have done for this study. I conclude with my thoughts on where the genre of the academic novel is headed and whether I believe that these two academic novels by Roth and Prose are effective vehicles to provide commentary on contemporary American society

    Comparison of the National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) and LEED for Homes to the Residential Provisions of the 2009 IECC for the Delaware Green for Green Program

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    Adhering to Delaware’s Green for Green program specifications results in homes being built to more energy-efficient levels than the 2009 IECC levels. Specifically: • Certifying at the Silver Performance Level for the ICC 700 standard using either the Prescriptive or Performance Paths will result in a residential building that is more efficient than if the building only complied with the 2009 IECC. • Certifying at the Silver level under LEED for Homes standard, including mandatory compliance with ENERGY STAR 2006 and earning two additional energy points will result in a residential building that is more efficient than if the building only complied with the 2009 IECC

    The Potential for Energy Retrofits within the City of Sacramento's Rental Housing Inspection Program

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    This report presents the results of an analysis performed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the City of Sacramento--under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Projects Technical Assistance Program--to help determine the potential for incorporating energy efficiency standards into the City’s existing Rental Housing Inspection Program as part of Sacramento’s efforts to create a Climate Action Plan

    Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis.

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    Ontogeny describes the emergence of complex multicellular organisms from single totipotent cells. This field is particularly challenging in mammals, owing to the indeterminate relationship between self-renewal and differentiation, variation in progenitor field sizes, and internal gestation in these animals. Here we present a flexible, high-information, multi-channel molecular recorder with a single-cell readout and apply it as an evolving lineage tracer to assemble mouse cell-fate maps from fertilization through gastrulation. By combining lineage information with single-cell RNA sequencing profiles, we recapitulate canonical developmental relationships between different tissue types and reveal the nearly complete transcriptional convergence of endodermal cells of extra-embryonic and embryonic origins. Finally, we apply our cell-fate maps to estimate the number of embryonic progenitor cells and their degree of asymmetric partitioning during specification. Our approach enables massively parallel, high-resolution recording of lineage and other information in mammalian systems, which will facilitate the construction of a quantitative framework for understanding developmental processes

    Telomere dynamics and fusion of critically shortened telomeres in plants lacking DNA ligase IV

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    In the absence of the telomerase, telomeres undergo progressive shortening and are ultimately recruited into end-to-end chromosome fusions via the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) double-strand break repair pathway. Previously, we showed that fusion of critically shortened telomeres in Arabidopsis proceeds with approximately the same efficiency in the presence or absence of KU70, a key component of NHEJ. Here we report that DNA ligase IV (LIG4) is also not essential for telomere joining. We observed only a modest decrease (3-fold) in the frequency of chromosome fusions in triple tert ku70 lig4 mutants versus tert ku70 or tert. Sequence analysis revealed that, relative to tert ku70, chromosome fusion junctions in tert ku70 lig4 mutants contained less microhomology and less telomeric DNA. These findings argue that the KU-LIG4 independent end-joining pathway is less efficient and mechanistically distinct from KU-independent NHEJ. Strikingly, in all the genetic backgrounds we tested, chromosome fusions are initiated when the shortest telomere in the population reaches ∼1 kb, implying that this size represents a critical threshold that heralds a detrimental structural transition. These data reveal the transitory nature of telomere stability, and the robust and flexible nature of DNA repair mechanisms elicited by telomere dysfunction

    The human phosphotyrosine signaling network: Evolution and hotspots of hijacking in cancer

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    Phosphotyrosine (pTyr) signaling, which plays a central role in cell-cell and cell-environment interactions, has been considered to be an evolutionary innovation in multicellular metazoans. However, neither the emergence nor the evolution of the human pTyr signaling system is currently understood. Tyrosine kinase (TK) circuits, each of which consists of a TK writer, a kinase substrate, and a related reader, such as Src homology (SH) 2 domains and pTyr-binding (PTB) domains, comprise the core machinery of the pTyr signaling network. In this study, we analyzed the evolutionary trajectories of 583 literature-derived and 50,000 computationally predicted human TK circuits in 19 representative eukaryotic species and assigned their evolutionary origins. We found that human TK circuits for intracellular pTyr signaling originated largely from primitive organisms, whereas the inter- or extracellular signaling circuits experienced significant expansion in the bilaterian lineage through the back- wiring of newly evolved kinases to primitive substrates and SH2/PTB domains. Conversely, the TK circuits that are involved in tissue-specific signaling evolved mainly in vertebrates by the back-wiring of vertebrate substrates to primitive kinases and SH2/PTB domains. Importantly, we found that cancer signaling preferentially employs the pTyr sites, which are linked to more TK circuits. Our work provides insights into the evolutionary paths of the human pTyr signaling circuits and suggests the use of a network approach for cancer intervention through the targeting of key pTyr sites and their associated signaling hubs in the network. © 2012, Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
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