3,065 research outputs found
Moving to the cloud: Estimating the internet connection bandwidth
IT Infrastructures (ITIs) have long been understood in terms of people and resources such as servers, routers, firewalls and operating systems, among other components, running and providing services inside the organization. The need to reduce the cost of ITI ownership, by offloading its capacity to third parties, has motivated organizations to consider the Cloud Computing alternative. The main drawback they face when opting for the cloud is the dependency on and requirements of the internet connection, since it must be fast and reliable. This paper addresses this concern by providing guidelines for estimating internet connection bandwidth requirements for a prototypical cloud-based organization represented by means of an IT infrastructure pattern. ITI patterns are reusable and proven solutions to support the ITI design process and to facilitate the communication among stakeholders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Books that Matter. The Case of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
This article addresses a puzzle in the history of academic disciplines: Why is Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, once considered a sociological classic, nowadays mostly praised as a classic in political philosophy? Existing approaches emphasize either aspects internal to the text or to the figure of the author, or external factors such as historical contexts and disciplinary dynamics. Our explanation questions the assumption that texts are stable and explores the pragmatic interplay between text-artifact-metaphor. The result is a pragmatic genealogy of the successive material incarnations of Democracy since 1945. This allows us to account for the various meanings that have been associated with Democracy (and Tocqueville) at key historical moments in terms of the cultural work of collectives of agents around the text and its material form so as to make it the icon of certain political and disciplinary projects
Improving IT infrastructures representation: A UML profile
IT infrastructures are most times informally modeled. The resulting models are ambiguous to stakeholders, cannot be checked for validity, and therefore are unable to play their important role in design, deployment and maintenance activities. The main reason for such a poor state-of-the-art lies mainly in the absence of a modeling language capable of representing IT infrastructures at the required level of abstraction. Indeed, existing candidate languages are too abstract, as shown in this paper by reviewing their metamodels. The present paper mitigates this problem by proposing a UML profile to describe the semantics of an IT infrastructure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Improving IT infrastructures representation: A UML profile
IT infrastructures are most times informally modeled. The resulting models are ambiguous to stakeholders, cannot be checked for validity, and therefore are unable to play their important role in design, deployment and maintenance activities. The main reason for such a poor state-of-the-art lies mainly in the absence of a modeling language capable of representing IT infrastructures at the required level of abstraction. Indeed, existing candidate languages are too abstract, as shown in this paper by reviewing their metamodels. The present paper mitigates this problem by proposing a UML profile to describe the semantics of an IT infrastructure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Cartilha para o produtor de leite de Rondônia. Vol. I: Instalações, sanidade animal e a Instrução Normativa 51.
Esta cartilha destina-se ao produtor de leite e tem como principal objetivo trazer um conjunto de orientações técnicas, as quais poderão ser utilizadas na propriedade visando o desenvolvimento da atividade leiteira, considerando também as imposições da Instrução Normativa 51, que deverá ser atendida a partir de julho de 2007 pelos produtores de leite das regiões Norte e Nordeste do paÃs.bitstream/item/24649/1/doc100-cartilhaprodutorleite.pd
Criação e manutenção de Digitonthophagus gazella em laboratório.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma colônia de besouros para a distribuição entre os produtores rurais do Estado de Rondônia, visando o controle estratégico da mosca dos chifres
Manejo da vaca leiteira.
O presente documento aborda sobre os cuidados para com o rebanho leiteiro, visando melhorar ou manter um desempenho ideal das vacas produtoras de leite.bitstream/item/24717/1/cot318-manejodavacaleiteira.pd
A ordenha da vaca leiteira.
O presente trabalho aborda sobre os cuidados para com a ordenha da vaca leiteira, na perspectiva de melhorar ou manter um desempenho ideal das vacas produtoras de leite.bitstream/item/24719/1/cot319-ordenhadavacaleiteira.pd
Controle integrado da mosca-do-chifre para a microrregião de Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.
A mosca-dos-chifres, Haematobia irritans (DÃptera: Muscidae), é um dos ectoparasitas de maior importância para a bovinocultura em todo o mundo. Ambos os sexos são hematófagos obrigatórios e têm como hospedeiro preferencial bovinos de pelagem escura, podendo também realizar o repasto sangüÃneo sobre outras espécies de animais, como eqüinos, ovinos e caninos. Por permanecer todo o tempo sobre o hospedeiro, a mosca-do-chifre acaba por causar grande estresse aos animais, o qual é responsável pela maioria dos prejuÃzos relacionados à presença da mosca em sistemas de produção de bovinos, como perda de peso, ganho de peso zero e queda na produção de leite. Este trabalho aborda sobre as medidas de controle deste ectoparasita.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/12223/1/cot327-moscadoschifres.pd
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