1,063 research outputs found

    Away, A Novel, And a Critical Essay on Narrative Space with Reference of Paul Auster's Fiction

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    I opted to keep some short quotations, for which I was unable to gain permission yet, as the longest has 32 words, only. Please let me know if you think it's best to withdraw them. Thank You.ABSTRACT Name of Candidate: Maria José de Brito Capelo Title of thesis: Away, a novel, and a critical essay on narrative space with reference of Paul Auster’s fiction My novel, Away, is mainly the story of a woman travelling alone, leaving all friends and relatives behind. She seeks out remote, beautiful and difficult places where, firstly, she has travelled to before and, then, different locations that she hasn’t known in the past. We discover that, through trauma, she has lost her sense of identity – she is in the midst of a psychological crisis that becomes clear only after the journey has been underway for some time, when circumstances force her to accept help from others. With the protagonist my aim was to portray a permanent and continuous possibility of ending, stretching endlessly. This idea is irretrievable from the notion of space, as conceived here. In Part I, I explore how not only this main character, but also, Fred embody space. Here, I examine the conception of space, taking in various perspectives raging from philosophy, geography, culture and literature studies, where we find an interdisciplinary approach to space. My contention, drawing on mainly Lefebvre’s and Massey’s investigations, is that space is produced and is simultaneously a product embodied by the characters. In addition, I analyse how a particular territory – the desert – enacts the nature of space, as defined before, in selected works by T. E. Lawrence, Wilfred Thesiger and Paul Bowles. Also, I argue that this conception of space is explored in some narratives of Paul Auster - CG, MC and CLT - in part II. Further, I examine other features of space. I contend that Auster’s writing explores space as a realm upon which Auster’s characters engage in a process of construction and disintegration both of space and their identity. Therefore, here, space is considered as a sphere constituted by a process of an ever-opened, changing and ongoing interrelation with the characters and the text. Finally, although space is presented in this essay as the major tool for investigation through composition and critical analysis, other tools, intrinsically, and I argue inseparable in fact, I proceed to an investigation, in part III, of notions of time, identity, writing and narrator in my creative work. Beside these, I investigate particularly the relationships between characters. The thesis concludes by demonstrating that writing as space evolves in more subtle, more transient and labyrinthian ways through the reference to other writers whose writing has significantly influenced my creative work

    O processo de mudança em um hospital de Belo Horizonte: a visão da enfermeira-gerente

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    Aiming at analizing manager-nurses’ perceptions and wits as to processes of structural and managerial changes in a hospital organization this work was written. It is a case study- qualitative approach- carried out in a extra-sized charity hospital in Belo Horizonte. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 manager-nurses, submitted to analisis of content. According to the results obtained it was verified that the managers realize, as facilitators, the managerial and structural changes occurred in the organization, namely the decentralization of decision-making, the increase in the managerial groups’ autonomy, the improvement in the communication and information system, as well as the re-definition of the nurses’professional role. Also identified was a new workspace for the orderly in hospital management and changes in the managers’ professional posture which showed themselves as being open to innovation, to the challenges imposed by the job and the need to obtain further knowledge in order to perform such job. The innovator character of the changes in the hospital organization as well as the participation of the nurse/orderly in the process of management deserve special attention in their diverse aspects, for they can come to constitute an important professional alternative for the nurse and for other hospital organizations in a moment of turbulence and transition in the health sector.manager-nurses, hospital, changes,

    DmeRF system is required for nickel and cobalt resistance in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae.

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    A member of the Cation Diffusion Facilitator (CDF) family with high sequence similarity to DmeF (Divalent metal efflux) from Cupridavirus metallidurans was identified in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae UPM1137. The R. leguminosarum dmeF mutant strain was highly sensitive to Co2+ and moderately sensitive to Ni2+, but its tolerance to other metals such as Zn2+, Cu2+ or Mn2+ was unaffected. An open reading frame located upstream of R. leguminosarum dmeF, designated dmeR, encodes a protein homologous to the nickel and cobalt regulator RcnR from E.coli. Expression of the dmeRF operon was induced by nickel and cobalt ions in free-living cells, likely by alleviating DmeR-mediated transcriptional repression of the operon

    Identificación y caracterización funcional de sistemas génicos implicados en la homeostasis de níquel en Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae

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    La homeostasis de metales como níquel, cobalto, cobre o zinc es un proceso delicado en procariotas. Estos metales de transición son, por un lado imprescindibles para el mantenimiento del metabolismo celular, pero por otro muy tóxicos a elevadas concentraciones. Por este motivo, los microorganismos han desarrollado mecanismos para regular su concentración intracelular, tales como bombas de flujo de metales, secuestradores intra y extracelulares o enzimas detoxificadoras

    Functional characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae DmeRF, a cation diffusion facilitator system involved in nickel and cobalt resistance

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    In prokaryotes, nickel is an essential element participating in the structure of enzymes involved in multiple cellular processes. Nickel transport is a challenge for microorganisms since, although essential, high levels of this metal inside the cell are toxic. For this reason, bacteria have developed high-affinity nickel transporters as well as nickel-specific detoxification systems. Ultramafic soils, and soils contaminated with heavy metals are excellent sources of nickel resistant bacteria. Molecular analysis of strains isolated in the habitats has revealed novel genetic systems involved in adaptation to such hostile conditions

    Identificación y análisis funcional de genes implicados en la homeostasis de níquel en la bacteria endosimbiótica de leguminosas Rhizobium leguminosarum

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    La asociación Rhizobium-leguminosa constituye una interacción planta-microorganismo particularmente beneficiosa a nivel medioambiental debido a su capacidad promotora del crecimiento vegetal en condiciones de deficiencia de nitrógeno. Se ha demostrado que una excesiva concentración de metales pesados en el suelo afecta negativamente la competitividad bacteriana y al desarrollo de interacciones diazotróficas eficientes (Chaudri et al., 2000; Pereira et al., 2006). Por otro lado, el suministro de metales como Fe, Mo, Ni o Cu es fundamental para la biosíntesis de enzimas bacterianas relacionadas con el proceso de fijación de nitrógeno que ocurre en el interior de los nódulos de las leguminosas (Moreau et al., 1995). Con objeto de identificar sistemas génicos implicados en la homeostasis de níquel en bacterias endosimbióticas, se ha llevado a cabo una mutagénesis mediante inserción aleatoria de un minitransposón derivado de Tn5 en Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae UPM1137, una cepa capaz de resistir elevadas concentraciones de níquel y cobalto. Como resultado de esta mutagénesis se han obtenido 14 mutantes incapaces de crecer en medios suplementados con NiCl2. La localización de la inserción en estos mutantes muestra que una elevada proporción de los genes afectados codifican proteínas de membrana o proteínas secretadas. En paralelo, se ha obtenido la secuencia del genoma de la cepa UPM1137, lo que permite realizar estudios in silico comparando los genomas disponibles de varias cepas de R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, que presentan una menor sensibilidad a metales. El análisis bioinformático de los genomas secuenciados y la caracterización fenotípica de los mutantes obtenidos permitirá identificar potenciales sistemas de resistencia y su contribución a la homeostasis de metales

    Os Juizados Especiais Criminais e a Transação Penal: A Desnecessidade da Pena Privativa de Liberdade

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    This article aims to analyze the historical circumstances that led to the emergence of the Special Criminal Courts as well as the institutes introduced by Law No. 9,099 / 95, it emphasizes the criminal transaction. It can be notice that the inclusion of a new systematic procedural came from the need to give a better response to the petty crime. For this purpose, the paternal legislator inserted in the parental order some institutes, if they do not reformulate, which it aims to grant new possibilities to the criminal justice system, especially the criminal transaction, innovation which privilege the principle of no need deprivation of liberty. This way the composition of civil damages, the conditional suspension of the proceedings and the criminal transaction emerged as a way to introduce a thought turned to the consensual resolution of criminal claims, based on decriminalization. It was used bibliographical research as methodology. It aims to understand the historical moment that they gave the news, as well as the reason that led the legislator to choose this issue.O presente artigo objetiva fazer uma análise das circunstâncias históricas que levaram ao surgimento dos Juizados Especiais Criminais, bem como dos institutos introduzidos pela Lei nº 9.099/95, dando-se ênfase à transação penal. Percebe-se que a inclusão de uma nova sistemática processual adveio da necessidade de se dar uma melhor resposta à pequena criminalidade. O legislador pátrio, com tal finalidade, inseriu no ordenamento pátrio alguns institutos que visam, se não reformular, conceder novas possibilidades ao sistema penal, especialmente a transação penal, inovação que privilegia o princípio da desnecessidade de pena privativa de liberdade. Assim é que a composição dos danos civis, a suspensão condicional do processo e a transação penal surgiram como meios de se instaurar um pensamento voltado à solução consensual das demandas penais, baseado na despenalização. Utilizou-se como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica, com o intuito de melhor conhecer o momento histórico em que se deu a novidade, bem como os motivos que fizeram o legislador tratar do tema

    Identification and functional characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae genetic systems involved in nickel homeostasis.

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    A collection of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains isolated from ultramafic and contaminated soils in Italy and Germany, respectively, was analyzed for resistance to nickel and cobalt ions. These assays led to the identification of strain UPM1137, which is able to grow at high concentrations of nickel and cobalt. In order to identify genetic systems involved in the homeostasis to these metals, a random mutagenesis was carried out in UPM1137 by inserting a Tn5-derivative minitransposon. As a result 4313 transconjugants were obtained, being 39 of them (0.90%) unable to grow at 1.5 mM NiCl2. The identification of the transposon insertion site in these mutants showed that the disrupted genes encode proteins belonging to different functional categories, where the secreted and membrane proteins were the most numerous. The analysis of heavy metal resistance and phenotypes in symbiotic and free –living cells will define the contribution of these genes to metal homeostasis

    Diversity of nickel ligands in nodule cytosol, nickel transport, and expression of a nickel-dependent enzyme in endosymbiotic bacteria as affected by the legume host

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    Provision of metals to endosymbiotic bacteria represents a potential limitation for metalloenzyme synthesis inside legume nodules. Metal ions are usually bound to organic ligands in the cell cytoplasm, and the nature of such metal-ligand complexes might affect metal availability. We have observed a strong effect of the legume host on hydrogenase synthesis when the same Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain establishes a symbiotic interaction with pea (Pisum sativum) or lentil (Lens sculenta) plants. These data, along with the different phenotypes of mutants altered in nickel (Ni) transport in these hosts, suggest a role for the chemical form of Ni on metal provision to the bacteroid. The biochemical analysis of cytosolic fractions of pea and lentil nodules has revealed the different nature and concentration of organic ligands chelating Ni in these host

    Heavy metals removal of leachates from a mechanical biological municipal solid waste treatment plant for use as fertilizers

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    Leachates produced from treatment plants contains carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. This work aims to develop heavy metals removal processes using solid adsorbents synthetized at CIMO and LSRE-LCM laboratories at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, such as activated carbon produced from a compost material from the same treatment plant and modified clays obtained through a partnership with a Kazakhstan institution, to adequate the leachate from the composting line of a mechanical and biological treatment facility, into commercial fertilizers which fit the requirements of the European Legislation. Preliminary results show that the adsoption materials promoted a reduction in the heavy metals content, but this reduction also affected the organic carbon content. However, the activated carbons presented a better potencial for heavy metals removal.This work was financially supported by: Project VALORCOMP, funded by FEDER through Programme INTERREG V-A Spain−Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 and Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCMUID/ EQU/50020/2019 - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio