6 research outputs found
Delayed epistaxis secondary to intracavernous pseudoaneurysm of internal carotid artery
Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery is a very rare but potentially fatal cause of epistaxis. Early diagnosis is essential for an adequate management of this entity. The authors present a case of pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery that developed massive epistaxis six months after skull base trauma.Pseudoaneurisma traumático da artéria carótida interna é uma causa rara de epistaxe, porém potencialmente fatal. O diagnóstico precoce é essencial para um adequado manejo da patologia. Os autores relatam um caso de pseudoaneurisma da carótida interna que se apresentou como epistaxe maciça após seis meses de trauma craniano prévio.Hospital do Servidor Público do Estado de São Paulo Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia/Cabeça e PescoçoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
Brominated flame retardants and natural organobrominated compounds in a vulnerable delphinid species along the Brazilian coast
Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, are vulnerable to extinction along their distribution on the Brazilian coast and assessing chemical pollution is of utmost importance for their conservation. For this study, 51 carcasses of Guiana dolphins were sampled across the Brazilian coast to investigate legacy and emerging brominated flame retardants (BFRs) as well as the naturally-produced MeO-BDEs. PBDEs and MeO-BDEs were detected in all samples analyzed, whereas emerging BFRs were detected in 16 % of the samples, all in Rio de Janeiro state. PBDE concentrations varied between 2.24 and 799 ng.g-1 lipid weight (lw), emerging BFRs between 0.12 and 1.51 ng.g-1 lw and MeO-BDEs between 3.82 and 10,247 ng.g-1 lw. Concentrations of legacy and emerging BFRs and natural compounds varied considerably according to the sampling site and reflected both the local anthropogenic impact of the region and the diversity/mass of biosynthesizers. The PBDE concentrations are lower than what was found for delphinids in the Northern Hemisphere around the same sampling period and most sampling sites presented mean concentrations lower than the limits for endocrine disruption known to date for marine mammals of 460 ng.g-1 lw, except for sampled from Santa Catarina state, in Southern Brazil. Conversely, MeO-BDE concentrations are higher than those of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly close to the Abrolhos Bans and Royal Charlotte formation, that are hotspots for biodiversity. Despite the elevated concentrations reported for this group, there is not much information regarding the effects of such elevated concentrations for these marine mammals. The distinct patterns observed along the Brazilian coast show that organobrominated compounds can be used to identify the ecological segregation of delphinids and that conservation actions should be planned considering the local threats.A.F. Azevedo and J. Lailson-Brito thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for grants PQ-1B and 1D, respectively; and UERJ (Prociência). We thank the students from Aquatic Mammal and Bioindicator Lab (UERJ - Brazil), Environmental Chemistry Lab (CSIC - Spain) and Radioisotope Lab (UFRJ - Brazil). L.G. Vidal thanks the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES - Finance Code 001) for providing her PhD grant. The authors thank the ICMBio - Estação Ecológica de Tamoios (ESEC Tamoios) and APA de Guapi-Mirim/ESEC da Guanabara for supporting the collection of carcasses in Ilha Grande Bay.Peer reviewe
Epistaxe tardia secundária a pseudoaneurisma intracavernoso de carótida interna Delayed epistaxis secondary to intracavernous pseudoaneurysm of internal carotid artery
Pseudoaneurisma traumático da artéria carótida interna é uma causa rara de epistaxe, porém potencialmente fatal. O diagnóstico precoce é essencial para um adequado manejo da patologia. Os autores relatam um caso de pseudoaneurisma da carótida interna que se apresentou como epistaxe maciça após seis meses de trauma craniano prévio.<br>Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery is a very rare but potentially fatal cause of epistaxis. Early diagnosis is essential for an adequate management of this entity. The authors present a case of pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery that developed massive epistaxis six months after skull base trauma
Schwanoma de laringe: relato de caso Schwannoma of the larynx: case report
Schwanomas são tumores benignos, de crescimento lento, encapsulados, que surgem da bainha das células de Schwann de nervos motores, sensitivos ou cranianos, não contendo elementos nervosos. A localização na laringe é extremamente rara, existindo relatos esporádicos na literatura mundial. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de schwanoma larÃngeo atendido em nosso meio. O paciente de 82 anos de idade, sexo feminino, procurou nosso serviço com queixa de disfagia para sólidos de longa data e sensação de globus farÃngeo. A laringoscopia com telescópio rÃgido de 70º evidenciou um tumor submucoso, arredondado, na região interaritenóidea. A tomografia computadorizada de pescoço mostrou tratar-se de lesão aparentemente sólida, sem necrose central e sem extensão para planos profundos, medindo aproximadamente 2,5 cm no maior diâmetro. A paciente foi submetida a microcirurgia de laringe, com ressecção completa da lesão. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de um schwanoma larÃngeo. A paciente evoluiu bem, sem sinais de tumor residual ou recidiva em dois anos de seguimento clÃnico.<br>Schwannomas are benign, slow-growing, encapsulated tumors, which appear on the sheath of sensitive or cranial motor nerves Schwann cells, and having no nervous elements. They rarely appear on the larynx, and there are sporadic reports in the literature. This work has as purpose to report a case of laryngeal schwannoma. A 82 years-old woman, born and residing in the city of Sao Paulo, SP, went to the Hospital, suffering from slowly progressive, long-term dysphagia for solids and globus sensation. The indirect laryngoscopy with a 70º rigid telescope revealed a submucous tumor, rounded, at the interarytenoid region. A neck computed tomography was made, revealing an apparently solid lesion, with no central necrosis and no extension to deeper levels, the greatest diameter of which was of 2.5 cm. The patient underwent a larynx microsurgery with tumor full removal. The histological analysis revealed a laryngeal schwannoma. The patient recovered well with no no signs of recurrence or residual tumor until now