6,604 research outputs found

    Observations on the aurora,

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    Determinations of gravity /

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    The upgrading of fire safety in historic buildings

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    There is a seemingly continual erosion of our cultural heritage due to fires in historic buildings. Some of these fires result in partial loss of the asset, some result in total loss – in all cases irreplaceable historic fabric is destroyed. Accurate recording for fires in historic buildings is problematic, but such data as has been collated indicates that the level of loss is high. One of the key factors in achieving robust fire safety in historic buildings is the upgrading of physical fire protection measures. It has been suggested that we should assume a fire event is probable, and together with a context in which outside help might be some time in arriving, such measures are considered crucial in containing the fire and raising the alarm as quickly as possible. This article considers passive and active fire protection measures, using case study material to provide illustrative examples. Where it might be expected that conservation requirements, aiming to avoid negative impact to character and significance, might hinder disruptive physical interventions to improve fire protection, in fact a great deal can be achieved. Such a pragmatic approach is arguably necessary for the safety and preservation of built heritage, when the alternative might otherwise be yet another burnt-out shell

    A laboratory study on cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures

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    This paper describes laboratory experiments and presents results for the performances of cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures. The main objective of the experiments was to evaluate and improve the properties of the cold mixtures. The mixture properties evaluated were: volumetric properties, indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM), repeated load axial creep and fatigue. These properties were compared with conventional hot asphalt mixtures not containing any waste/recycled materials. To optimise the performances of the mixtures, a target of ITSM value of 2000 MPa was selected. At full curing conditions, the stiffness of the cold mixes was found to be very similar to that of hot mixtures of the same penetration grade base bitumen (100 pen). Test results also show that the addition of 1–2% cement significantly improved the mechanical performance of the mixes and significantly accelerated their strength gain. The fatigue behaviour of the cold mixes that incorporated cement was comparable with that of the hot mixtures

    Art therapists with experience of mental distress: implications for art therapy training and practice

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    As part of its ongoing work to support and value the contributions to art therapy from service users, the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) conducted a survey of art therapists with dual experience as professionals and mental health service users. The survey aimed to establish if art therapists disclosed their experiences as service users when applying to train, during their art therapy training and/or when qualified. Participants (N = 20) were also surveyed on their motivation for disclosure or non-disclosure, their experiences of the process and the quality of responses they met. They were additionally asked whether their experiences of mental health services had impacted on the quality of their art therapy practice and if so, how. The findings from this small sample suggest that disclosure was not easy. Reported responses to participants’ disclosures were mixed, with many experiencing both helpful and unhelpful responses. Emotional support appeared to be important for helping people both to normalise and to contain current distress. Another finding concerns self-reported increased empathy for service users. Awareness and management of one’s own limitations was another reported gain, since reflecting on oneself and one’s life was usually enforced through the ‘breakdown’, hospitalisation or disruption of career path

    Shaping a Corporate Identity From Below; the Role of the BAT Bulletin.

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    Existing studies that have explored the use of company journals as a mode of corporate communication during the early 20th century have invariably adopted an instrumentalist view of these publications. Company journals have been seen as a means of projecting to employees a top-down view of organisations. This article identifies a counter-example in which the origins of a company journal, the 'Bat Bulletin', are seen to arise as the result of an initiative stemming from the employees themselves. These antecedents gave the 'Bat Bulletin' a high degree of legitimacy amongst staff and provided the company with an important means of establishing a unified corporate culture across a disparate group international operating companies. Over time, however, the contents of the journal gradually became more conventional, and it was eventually closed down when the strategy of international integration ceased to be a desirable corporate objective during the 1930's

    Research note: Describing average illuminance for P-class roads

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    Design criteria for lighting in subsidiary roads usually include a minimum average horizontal illuminance, widely assumed to be the arithmetic mean illuminance. Analyses of the illuminance distributions over thirty road sections shows that the distributions are not normal and hence the median is more appropriate than the arithmetic mean as a measure of central tendency: the medians are significantly lower than the arithmetic means but the two are highly correlated. Design recommendations should state whether it is the arithmetic mean or median and not just the ‘average’ that is required

    Collaborative Epistemic Discourse in Classroom Information Seeking Tasks

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    We discuss the relationship between information seeking, and epistemic beliefs – beliefs about the source, structure, complexity, and stability of knowledge – in the context of collaborative information seeking discourses. We further suggest that both information seeking, and epistemic cognition research agendas have suffered from a lack of attention to how information seeking as a collaborative activity is mediated by talk between partners – an area we seek to address in this paper. A small-scale observational study using sociocultural discourse analysis was conducted with eight eleven year old pupils who carried out search engine tasks in small groups. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were performed on their discussions using sociocultural discourse analytic techniques. Extracts of the dialogue are reported, informed by concordance analysis and quantitative coding of dialogue duration. We find that 1) discourse which could be characterised as ‘epistemic’ is identifiable in student talk, 2) that it is possible to identify talk which is more or less productive, and 3) that epistemic talk is associated with positive learning outcomes

    Analysis of interfacial shrinkage stresses in patch repairs

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    This paper presents simple analytical expressions that predict the interfacial shrinkage stresses in a repair patch over time. Four repair materials (L2, L3, L4 and G1) were applied by spraying (gunite) to unpropped compression members of two highway structures, and their performance was monitored to approximately six months' age. The elastic moduli of all the repair materials, E rm , were greater than the elastic moduli of the substrate concrete, E sub . The mechanics of patch repair interaction with the substrate were established, and analytical models, based on an analogy of the bimetallic strip undergoing a drop in temperature, were developed. Basic properties of the repair material (elastic modulus, shrinkage and tensile creep) and substrate concrete (elastic modulus), and geometrical details of the repair patch, are required to analyse the interfacial stresses in the repair patch. Verification of the analytical procedures is based on the field data, and the results show a satisfactory correlation between the actual and predicted stress redistribution.</p
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