324 research outputs found

    Pesquisa participativa: novas vias de estudo da relação entre jornalismo e democracia

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    É difícil conseguir captar a essência das dietas mediáticas e do pensamento dos cidadãos sobre a democracia, ido além da visão mais tradicional, associada a um pensamento de sentido negativo e de afastamento. Neste artigo indicamos as vantagens de optar por metodologias qualitativas participativas e longitudinais, que permitem melhor apreender atitudes e hábitos e os contextos do quotidiano em que se desenvolvem. Estas opções possibilitam melhor conhecer espaços de micro análise e ainda favorecer ambientes em que os participantes na pesquisa sentem que dão um contributo ativo para o desenrolar da investigação. Por esta via, consegue-se apreender melhor processos de ligação entre jornalismo e democracia, tendo uma das conclusões deste estudo apontado para processos de ligação próxima entre opiniões sobre jornalismo, democracia e contextos quotidianos. Os jovens que indicaram ter uma visão mais alargada sobre o jornalismo, designadamente percepcionando as suas ambivalências e considerando-as inerentes à profissão, foram também os que revelaram maior capacidade para entender a política numa visão alargada do seu significado.It is difficult to fully capture the essence of media diets and thoughts of citizens about democracy, far beyond the more traditional view, associated with a negative thought and rejection. In this article we provide the advantages of opting for participatory and longitudinal qualitative methodologies, which allow better understanding of attitudes and habits and everyday contexts in which they develop. These options enable better understanding of micro spaces and also further analysis environments where research participants feel they give an active contribution to the progress of the investigation. In this way, it is possible to grasp better bonding processes between journalism and democracy, one of the conclusions of this study pointed to a connection between opinions on journalism, democracy and everyday contexts. Young people who indicated having a broader view on journalism, including perceiving their inconsistencies and considering the inherent to the profession, also showed greater ability to perceive an enlarged meaning of politics

    O jornalismo e o quotidiano, a indústria e os jovens

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    Este capítulo centra-se no cruzamento entre a literacia para as notícias, os públicos jovens, o jornalismo e a sua relevância para a democracia. A literacia para as notícias constitui uma importante fonte de orientação para a vida quotidiana e as ferramentas jornalísticas são elementos fundamentais para engajar jovens na prática da cidadania. Mas será que os jovens estão satisfeitos com as notícias? Gostariam de ter notícias para as suas idades? Os media noticiosos pensam concretamente nos jovens quando produzem notícias? Qual o papel que devotam à literacia para as notícias? Para tentar corresponder a estas questões, usamos dados de um trabalho já finalizado com uma amostra de 32 jovens (2010-2011) e um estudo ainda exploratório sobre literacia para as notícias, participação e jovens – AN-Lite: Audiências, Notícias e Literacia (SFRH/BPD/92204/2013) em curso com entrevistas a três editores. Encontrámos alguns cruzamentos de perspetivas (como jovens e jornalistas não se fixarem na necessidade de notícias especiais para jovens), mas também alguns pontos de algum afastamento na cobertura de rotina (designadamente no que toca a um maior recurso a jovens fontes e produtores de conteúdos)

    Jóvenes y contextos cotidianos de consumo y apropiación de noticias

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    Este artigo centra-se na análise da circulação social da notícia em espaços privados de 32 jovens portugueses que quando foram entrevistados tinham alguma forma de participação cívica diferenciada no tipo e na intensidade. Identificaram-se cinco perfis: Consumi-dores informados, Consumidores pouco informados, Consumidores emergentes de informação, Consumidores em torno de um projeto do Eu e Cidadãos online. Estas tipologias revelaram a importân-cia dos capitais sociais e cívicos, a liga-ção intrínseca entre a vida quotidiana e os hábitos de consumo de notícias e a importância da família no consumo de notícias, muito em especial as da esfera política.This article analyzes the social circulation of news in the private sphere, using a sample of thirty-two Portuguese young people who were interviewed because they had some form of civic participation of different types and intensities. Through the consumption of news and political information, five profiles were identified: informed citizens, uninformed citizens, emergent consumers of information, the relevance of the self-centered and online citizens. These profiles revealed the significance of the social and civic capitals, the importance of daily life and family environments in the habits of news consumption and an important connection of family with political news.Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la circulación social de las noticias en espacios privados, de una muestra de 32 jóvenes portugueses que fueron entrevis-tados porque presentaban alguna forma de participación ciudadana de diversos tipos e intensidades. Se identificaron cinco perfiles: consumidores informa-dos, consumidores no informados, con-sumidores emergentes de información y consumidores en torno al proyecto Eu y Cidadãos online. Estas tipologías revelan la importancia del capital social y cívico, la relación intrínseca entre la vida coti-diana y los hábitos de consumo de noti-cias y la importancia de la familia en el consumo de noticias, muy especialmente en la esfera política.FCT, SFRH/BPD/92204/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cidadania mediática: a internet implica uma revolução dos costumes?

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    (Excerto) A Internet é, sem dúvida, responsável por um salto de gigante na criação de alternativas participatórias dos cidadãos e muito em especial dos mais jovens. A possibilidade de, por conta e vontade própria, os jovens poderem criar e manter blogues, redes sociais e diferentes plataformas digitais para mostrarem as suas expressões artísticas

    Consuming the news and building civic participation

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    This article argues that there is a connection between civic cultures and literacy levels and that this relation is enhanced by knowledge, a willingness to be informed and civic participation. It is considered that those who are educated towards the news possess a greater awareness of information and news on civic life (Moeller, 2009) and on participation (Milner, 2009:187). To understand the social implications of the modern mediatized society and the repercussions for civic participation better, we used a sample of twelve youngsters with different types and intensities of participation and news consumption in Portugal. By understanding their journalistic and participative characters, we can better perceive their social contexts. In considering this, we have established two main questions: What is the youngsters’ level of news consumption and what is its relationship to their participation activities? How do both of these aspects relate to social relationships and the youngsters’ ability to interact and deal with news media? Keywords: Young people, news, participation, literac

    Reasons and circumstances that lead to the non-use of media by young people and their families

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    This article argues for the need to pay attention to the dynamics of refusing and rejecting the use of media to better understand a highly mediatized consumer society. The theoretical background utilizes resistance to the media, family contexts of socialisation and mediated society. We analysed 18 interviews carried out in Portugal – undertaken as part of wider research project involving 40 young people and their families, on their relationship with the media regarding citizenship rights –, which showed signs of non-use of media. This article characterises these individuals, their contexts and motives. Through identifying refusal of the internet, social networks, news and television, we arrive at distinct five types: “I do not like and I do not want to use”; “At this stage of life, no!”; “Split between I can’t have and I can’t buy it”; “I don’t want to draw attention to myself and don’t want to get ‘hooked’”; and “Doing something different and doing it better”

    Telemóveis e Pais Portugueses: Análise das Preocupações Apontadas Pelo Eurobarómetro 248

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    Face aos resultados apresentados pelo inquérito europeu: “Eurobarómetro 248: Rumo a uma utilização mais segura da Internet pelas crianças da União Europeia – a perspectiva dos pais” no que respeita a visão dos pais sobre o uso da internet e dos telemóveis pelos filhos, 75 pais de crianças entre os 6 e os 17 anos foram entrevistados em regiões distintas de Portugal. O objectivo foi verificar alguns dos resultados do inquérito e ao mesmo tempo captar a espontaneidade dos entrevistados, que geralmente perde-se nos inquéritos que seguem um modelo de perguntas fechadas, em especial, via telefone.According to the results presented by the European survey: “Eurobarometer 248: Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU – a parents’ perspective” regarding parent’s view about their children’s use of the Internet and mobile phones, 75 parents of children between 6 and 17 years were interviewed in different regions of Portugal. The aim was to verify some of the results of the investigation and at the same time capturing the spontaneity of the interviewees, which often gets lost in the investigations that follow a model of closed questions, in particular, via telephone

    How digital converges cross-media news typologies across countries: a comparative study of news consumption in Estonia and Portugal

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    In this article we argue for the relevance of the internet in the convergence of news consumption in cross-country research in Estonia and Portugal. Being different in their histories and media systems, the comparative research revealed similarities in people’s news repertoires in the two countries, which led to interesting conclusions about the changes in audiences’ news universes. In comparing the repertoires special attention was given to online journalism content: why people use this content, how they evaluate the credibility of the news, and how they make sense of their news selections. The results show that online news repertoires are converging across the two countries, especially in repertoires where consumers are focused on the quality of news, but also to some extent in cases where they mostly got news from social media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The portuguese news industry’s perspectives and roles on the making of active citizens: readers’ skills to comment on the news

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    This article investigates the news industry’s perceptions of letters to the editor and online comments in the context of the digital world and of the challenges journalists face. Using a sample of 11 semistructured interviews with journalists and ombudsmen in Portugal, we analyse the news industry’s views on readers’ ability to comment on the news and on the industry’s possible contributions to creating critical and engaged publics. The interviewees express concern about harmful behaviours in online environments and point to differences in online and offline contexts of participation. The results, however, do not reveal a proactive attitude in the news industry as the news professionals focus on their daily work activities as a form of media education and argue that schools and the public, instead, should take the lead in these activities. To support their statements, the interviewees cite factors such as the possibilities of digital culture, the promotion of media education, the need to foster a reciprocal relation between learning and the existing forms of journalism newsroom culture.Aichi Science and Technology Foundationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital Rights, Institutionalised Youths, and Contexts of Inequalities

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    In this article, we aim to discuss digital rights and media literacy in the context of socio-digital inequalities experienced by institutionalised youths. In the case of these digitally disconnected youths in detention centres, there is evidence of multiple life-course disadvantages that will resonate throughout their future lives. They see their present and future lives deeply challenged by the fast pace of technological innovation and its social impacts while living in environments that we see as digital deserts. The data we bring to the discussion results from the Portuguese participatory project DiCi-Educa. We worked for three years with institutionalised youth on digital media production and critical thinking regarding digital citizenship, participation, and otherness issues. This article is organised around two research questions: What were youths’ practices regarding media and digital environments before institutionalisation? How did they discuss these digital environments and their digital rights during the project? Early findings point to (a) the importance of implementing critical methods to help them to think about technologies in diverse daily life contexts, (b) the need to provide venues for institutionalised youth to build critical thinking and communication skills, and (c) the necessity to widen their worldviews and promote positive behaviours