102 research outputs found

    Comparison of in vitro erosion protocols in bovine teeth to simulate natural erosion lesion: analysis of mechanical properties and surface gloss

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare two in vitro erosion protocols, in which one simulates in vivo conditions experienced by patients with gastroesophageal disorders or bulimia (HCl-pepsin protocol), and the other simulates the diet of an individual who consumes a high volume of erosive beverages (citric acid protocol). In addition, the mechanical properties and surface gloss of eroded human dentin were compared with those of sound human dentin. Materials and Methods: Blocks of cervical dentin were used: sound human dentin (n=10), human dentin with erosive lesions (n=10), and bovine dentin (n=30). Twenty bovine blocks were subjected to either of two erosion protocols (n=10/protocol). In the first protocol, samples were demineralized using HCl-pepsin solution, then treated with trypsin solution. In the second protocol, samples were demineralized with 2% citric acid. Toothbrushing was performed in both protocols using a toothbrushing machine (15 s with a 150 g load). Ten bovine dentin blocks were not subjected to any erosive treatment. All samples of bovine and human dentin were analyzed to obtain Martens hardness values (MH), elastic modulus (Eit*) and surface gloss. One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test were performed to analyze the data (α=0.05). Results: Sound human and eroded human dentin groups showed similar MH and Eit* values (p>0.05); however, sound human dentin showed a higher surface gloss value when compared to eroded human dentin (p<0.05). Sound bovine dentin and HCl-pepsin-treated bovine dentin treatments resulted in similar values for both MH and Eit* (p>0.05), but HClpepsin-treated bovine dentin and citric acid-treated bovine dentin resulted in lower surface gloss than sound bovine dentin (p<0.05). Conclusions: The HCl-pepsin protocol modified bovine dentin properties that could be similar to those that occur on human dentin surfaces with erosive lesions

    Experimental gel containing bioactive glass-ceramic to minimize the pulp damage caused by dental bleaching in rats

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    Objectives: This study evaluated if the use of a bioactive glass-ceramic-based gel, named Biosilicate (BS), before, after or mixed with bleaching gel, could influence the inflammation of the dental pulp tissue of rats’ molars undergoing dental bleaching with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Methodology: The upper molars of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus) were divided into Ble: bleached (35% H2O2, 30-min); Ble-BS: bleached and followed by BS-based gel application (20 min); BS-Ble: BS-based gel application and then bleaching; BS/7d-Ble: BS-based gel applications for 7 days and then bleaching; Ble+BS: blend of H2O2 with BS-based gel (1:1, 30-min); and control: placebo gel. After 2 and 30 days (n=10), the rats were euthanized for histological evaluation. The Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn statistical tests were performed (P<0.05). Results: At 2 days, the Ble and Ble-BS groups had significant alterations in the pulp tissue, with an area of necrosis. The groups with the application of BS-based gel before H2O2 had moderate inflammation and partial disorganization in the occlusal third of the coronary pulp and were significantly different from the Ble in the middle and cervical thirds (P<0.05). The most favorable results were observed in the Ble+BS, which was similar to the control in all thirds of the coronary pulp (P>0.05). At 30 days, the pulp tissue was organized and the bleached groups presented tertiary dentin deposition. The Ble group had the highest deposition of tertiary dentin, followed by the Ble-BS, and both were different from control (P<0.05). Conclusion: A single BS-based gel application beforehand or BS-based gel blended with a bleaching gel minimize the pulp damage induced by dental bleaching

    Microabrasion in tooth enamel discoloration defects: three cases with long-term follow-ups

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    Superficial irregularities and certain intrinsic stains on the dental enamel surfaces can be resolved by enamel microabrasion, however, treatment for such defects need to be confined to the outermost regions of the enamel surface. Dental bleaching and resin-based composite repair are also often useful for certain situations for tooth color corrections. This article presented and discussed the indications and limitations of enamel microabrasion treatment. Three case reports treated by enamel microabrasion were also presented after 11, 20 and 23 years of follow-ups224347354sem informaçã

    Microabrasion in tooth enamel discoloration defects: three cases with long-term follow-ups

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    Superficial irregularities and certain intrinsic stains on the dental enamel surfaces can be resolved by enamel microabrasion, however, treatment for such defects need to be confined to the outermost regions of the enamel surface. Dental bleaching and resin-based composite repair are also often useful for certain situations for tooth color corrections. This article presented and discussed the indications and limitations of enamel microabrasion treatment. Three case reports treated by enamel microabrasion were also presented after 11, 20 and 23 years of follow-ups

    Observação fotográfica da ocorrência de bolhas em selantes de fóssulas e fissuras

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    The purpose of this study was to employ photographic evaluation to observe the presence or absence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants Concise and Prisma Shield, at 7 days, 18 months, 36 months and 11 years after accomplishment of treatment. METHODS: A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface at the study periods, which allowed assessment of the sealing material on the surface. All occlusal surfaces were photographed and the photographs corresponding to each period were subjected to photographic evaluation. RESULTS: There was statistically significant difference only at 18 months, with a significantly higher number of specimens with bubbles for the Prisma Shield sealant compared to the Concise, whereas the groups were similar at all other study periods. On the other hand, separate analysis of subsequent periods of the sealants did not reveal any significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of the present longitudinal investigation, it may be concluded that the sealing materials showed that bubbles came into and went out with time. However, this fact did not interfere with its clinical purpose, provided the remaining material covers the expected region of pits and fissures.Avaliação fotográfica para observar a presença ou a ausência de bolhas nos selantes de fóssula e fissuras Concise e Prisma Shield aos 7 dias, 18 meses, 36 meses e 11 anos, após a realização dos selamentos. METODOLOGIA: Foi aplicado na superfície oclusal, em todos os períodos de análise, uma solução corante a base de hematoxilina, que possibilitou a verificação e a avaliação dos materiais seladores presentes nesta superfície. Todas as superfícies oclusais foram fotografadas e as fotografias, correspondentes a cada período em análise, foram submetidas à avaliação fotográfica. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa somente aos 18 meses de análise, com o selante Prisma Shield apresentando um número significativamente maior de bolhas superficiais, que o selante Concise; enquanto que os demais grupos apresentaram-se estatisticamente semelhantes entre si, em todos os outros períodos de análise. Por outro lado, quando os selantes foram analisados isoladamente, nos períodos subseqüentes, não foi observada a presença de diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com os resultados observados, pudemos verificar que os materiais seladores apresentaram o aparecimento e o desaparecimento de bolhas, fato que não interferiu na finalidade clínica do selamento realizado.2732Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Longitudinal photographic observation of the occurrence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants

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    The purpose of this study was to employ photographic evaluation to observe the presence or absence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants Concise and Prisma Shield, at 7 days, 18 months, 36 months and 11 years after accomplishment of treatment. METHODS: A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface at the study periods, which allowed assessment of the sealing material on the surface. All occlusal surfaces were photographed and the photographs corresponding to each period were subjected to photographic evaluation. RESULTS: There was statistically significant difference only at 18 months, with a significantly higher number of specimens with bubbles for the Prisma Shield sealant compared to the Concise, whereas the groups were similar at all other study periods. On the other hand, separate analysis of subsequent periods of the sealants did not reveal any significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of the present longitudinal investigation, it may be concluded that the sealing materials showed that bubbles came into and went out with time. However, this fact did not interfere with its clinical purpose, provided the remaining material covers the expected region of pits and fissures.Avaliação fotográfica para observar a presença ou a ausência de bolhas nos selantes de fóssula e fissuras Concise e Prisma Shield aos 7 dias, 18 meses, 36 meses e 11 anos, após a realização dos selamentos. METODOLOGIA: Foi aplicado na superfície oclusal, em todos os períodos de análise, uma solução corante a base de hematoxilina, que possibilitou a verificação e a avaliação dos materiais seladores presentes nesta superfície. Todas as superfícies oclusais foram fotografadas e as fotografias, correspondentes a cada período em análise, foram submetidas à avaliação fotográfica. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa somente aos 18 meses de análise, com o selante Prisma Shield apresentando um número significativamente maior de bolhas superficiais, que o selante Concise; enquanto que os demais grupos apresentaram-se estatisticamente semelhantes entre si, em todos os outros períodos de análise. Por outro lado, quando os selantes foram analisados isoladamente, nos períodos subseqüentes, não foi observada a presença de diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com os resultados observados, pudemos verificar que os materiais seladores apresentaram o aparecimento e o desaparecimento de bolhas, fato que não interferiu na finalidade clínica do selamento realizado

    Influência da fonte de luz polimerizadora na microdureza da resina composta de diferentes cores

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    INTRODUCTION: The evolution of light curing units can be noticed by the different systems recently introduced. The technology of LED units promises longer lifetime, without heating and with production of specific light for activation of camphorquinone. However, further studies are still required to check the real curing effectiveness of these units. PURPOSE: This study evaluated the microhardness of 4 shades (B-0.5, B-1, B-2 and B-3) of composite resin Filtek Z-250 (3M ESPE) after light curing with 4 light sources, being one halogen (Ultralux - Dabi Atlante) and three LED (Ultraled - Dabi Atlante, Ultrablue - DMC and Elipar Freelight - 3M ESPE). METHODS: 192 specimens were distributed into 16 groups, and materials were inserted in a single increment in cylindrical templates measuring 4mm x 4mm and light cured as recommended by the manufacturer. Then, they were submitted to microhardness test on the top and bottom aspects of the cylinders. RESULTS: The hardness values achieved were submitted to analysis of variance and to Tukey test at 5% confidence level. It was observed that microhardness of specimens varied according to the shade of the material and light sources employed. The LED appliance emitting greater light intensity provided the highest hardness values with shade B-0.5, allowing the best curing. On the other hand, appliances with low light intensity were the least effective. It was also observed that the bottom of specimens was more sensitive to changes in shade. CONCLUSION: Light intensity of LED light curing units is fundamental for their good functioning, especially when applied in resins with darker shades.INTRODUCTION: A evolução dos aparelhos fotopolimerizadores pode ser notada nos diferentes sistemas introduzidos recentemente no mercado. A tecnologia apresentada pelos aparelhos LED promete maior tempo de vida útil, não gerar aquecimento e produzir luz específica para a ativação da canforoquinona. No entanto, ainda são necessários estudos complementares para se conhecer a real efetividade destes aparelhos na polimerização dos materiais. PROPOSTA: Neste trabalho foi verificada a microdureza de 4 cores (B-0,5, B-1, B-2 e B-3) da resina composta Filtek Z-250 (3M ESPE) quando polimerizadas com 4 fontes de luz, sendo uma halógena (Ultralux - Dabi Atlante) e três LED (Ultraled - Dabi Atlante, Ultrablue - DMC e Elipar Freelight - 3M ESPE). MÉTODOS: Os 192 corpos-de-prova foram distribuídos em 16 grupos e os materiais foram inseridos em único incremento em matrizes cilíndricas de 4mm X 4mm, sendo polimerizados pelo tempo preconizado pelo fabricante. Em seguida, foram submetidos ao teste de microdureza na superfície superior e inferior dos cilindros. RESULTADOS: Os valores de dureza obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Foi observado que a dureza dos corpos-de-prova variou conforme a cor do material e aparelhos utilizados. O aparelho LED que emite maior intensidade luminosa proporcionou a obtenção dos maiores valores de dureza, com o croma B-0,5 possibilitando a melhor polimerização. Por outro lado aparelhos com baixa intensidade luminosa foram os menos efetivos. Também foi observado que a região do fundo dos corpos-de-prova foi mais sensível à mudança das cores. CONCLUSÕES: A intensidade de luz dos fotopolimerizadores LED é fundamental para seu bom funcionamento, principalmente quando empregadas resinas com croma mais acentuado

    Evaluation of an experimental rat model for comparative studies of bleaching agents

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    ABSTRACT Dental materials, in general, are tested in different animal models prior to their clinical use in humans, except for bleaching agents. Objectives To evaluate an experimental rat model for comparative studies of bleaching agents by investigating the influence of different concentrations and application times of H2O2 gel in the pulp tissue during in-office bleaching of rats’ vital teeth. Material and methods The right and left maxillary molars of 50 Wistar rats were bleached with 20% and 35% H2O2 gels, respectively, for 5, 10, 15, 30, or 45 min (n=10 rats/group). Ten animals (control) were untreated. The rats were killed after 2 or 30 days, and the maxillae were examined by light microscopy. Inflammation was evaluated by histomorphometric analysis with inflammatory cell counting in the coronal and radicular thirds of the pulp. The counting of fibroblasts was also performed. Scores were attributed to the odontoblastic layer and to vascular changes. The tertiary dentin area and the pulp chamber central area were histomorphometrically measured. Data were compared by the analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test (

    Effects of different toothpastes on the prevention of erosion in composite resin and glass ionomer cement enamel and dentin restorations

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    Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different toothpastes on the surface wear of enamel, dentin, composite resin (CR), and resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), and to perform a topographic analysis of the surfaces, based on representative images generated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) after erosion-abrasion cycles. Methodology: One hundred and forty bovine incisors were collected and divided into two groups: 72 enamel and 72 dentin blocks (4×4 mm). Half of the specimens were restored with CR (Filtek Z350 XT) and the other half with RMGIC (Fuji II LC). Then, samples were submitted to a demineralization cycle (5 days, 4×2 min/day, 1% citric acid, pH 3.2) and exposed to three different toothpastes (2×15 s/day): without fluoride (WF, n=12), sodium fluoride-based (NaF, n=12), and stannous fluoride-based (SnF2, n=12). Surface wear, as well as restoration interfaces wear, were investigated by profilometry of the dental substrates and restorative materials. All representative surfaces underwent AFM analysis. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s tests (α=0.05). Results: NaF-based toothpaste caused the greater dentin surface wear (p<0.05). Toothpastes affected only enamel-restoration interfaces. AFM analysis showed precipitate formation in dentinal tubules caused by the use of fluoride toothpastes. Conclusions: NaF-based toothpastes had no protective effect on enamel adjacent to CR and RMGIC against erosion-abrasion challenges, nor on dentin adjacent to RMGIC material. SnF2-based toothpastes caused more damage to interfaces between enamel and RMGIC

    Evaluation of an experimental rat model for comparative studies of bleaching agents

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    Dental materials in general are tested in different animal models prior to the clinical use in humans, except for bleaching agents. Objectives To evaluate an experimental rat model for comparative studies of bleaching agents, by investigating the influence of different concentrations and application times of H2O2 gel in the pulp tissue during in-office bleaching of rats’ vital teeth. Material and Methods The right and left maxillary molars of 50 Wistar rats were bleached with 20% and 35% H2O2 gels, respectively, for 5, 10, 15, 30, or 45 min (n=10 rats/group). Ten animals were untreated (control). The rats were killed after 2 or 30 days, and the maxillae were examined by light microscopy. Inflammation was evaluated through histomorphometric analysis with inflammatory cell count in the coronal and radicular thirds of the pulp. Fibroblasts were also counted. Scores were attributed to odontoblastic layer and vascular changes. Tertiary dentin area and pulp chamber central area were measured histomorphometrically. Data were compared by analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test (
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