308 research outputs found

    Precision Southern Hemisphere pulsar VLBI astrometry: techniques and results for PSR J1559-4438

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    We describe a data reduction pipeline for VLBI astrometric observations of pulsars, implemented using the ParselTongue AIPS interface. The pipeline performs calibration (including ionosphere modeling), phase referencing with proper accounting of reference source structure, amplitude corrections for pulsar scintillation, and position fitting to yield the position, proper motion and parallax. The optimal data weighting scheme to minimize the total error budget of a parallax fit, and how this scheme varies with pulsar parameters such as flux density, is also investigated. The robustness of the techniques employed are demonstrated with the presentation of the first results from a two year astrometry program using the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA). The parallax of PSR J1559-4438 is determined to be 0.384 +- 0.081 mas (1 sigma), resulting in a distance estimate of 2600 pc which is consistent with earlier DM and HI absorption estimates.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Proper Motion of Pulsar B1800-21

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    We report high angular resolution, multi-epoch radio observations of the young pulsar PSR B1800-21. Using two pairs of data sets, each pair spanning approximately a ten year period, we calculate the proper motion of the pulsar. We obtain a proper motion of mu_alpha=11.6 +- 1.8 mas/yr, mu_delta=14.8 +- 2.3 mas/yr, which clearly indicates a birth position at the extreme edge of the W30 supernova remnant. Although this does not definitively rule out an association of W30 and PSR B1800-21, it does not support an association.Comment: 13 pages, 1 color figure. Replaced with version accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Precision Astrometry with the Very Long Baseline Array: Parallaxes and Proper Motions for 14 Pulsars

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    Astrometry can bring powerful constraints to bear on a variety of scientific questions about neutron stars, including their origins, astrophysics, evolution, and environments. Using phase-referenced observations at the VLBA, in conjunction with pulsar gating and in-beam calibration, we have measured the parallaxes and proper motions for 14 pulsars. The smallest measured parallax in our sample is 0.13+-0.02 mas for PSR B1541+09, which has a most probable distance of 7.2+1.3-1.1 kpc. We detail our methods, including initial VLA surveys to select candidates and find in-beam calibrators, VLBA phase-referencing, pulsar gating, calibration, and data reduction. The use of the bootstrap method to estimate astrometric uncertainties in the presence of unmodeled systematic errors is also described. Based on our new model-independent estimates for distance and transverse velocity, we investigate the kinematics and birth sites of the pulsars and revisit models of the Galactic electron density distribution. We find that young pulsars are moving away from the Galactic plane, as expected, and that age estimates from kinematics and pulsar spindown are generally in agreement, with certain notable exceptions. Given its present trajectory, the pulsar B2045-16 was plausibly born in the open cluster NGC 6604. For several high-latitude pulsars, the NE2001 electron density model underestimates the parallax distances by a factor of two, while in others the estimates agree with or are larger than the parallax distances, suggesting that the interstellar medium is irregular on relevant length scales. The VLBA astrometric results for the recycled pulsar J1713+0747 are consistent with two independent estimates from pulse timing, enabling a consistency check between the different reference frames.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; results unchanged; revised version accepted by Ap

    Pulsar kicks by anisotropic neutrino emission from quark matter

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    We discuss an acceleration mechanism for pulsars out of their supernova remnants based on asymmetric neutrino emission from quark matter in the presence of a strong magnetic field. The polarized electron spin fixes the neutrino emission from the direct quark Urca process in one direction along the magnetic field. We calculate the magnetic field strength which is required to polarize the electron spin as well as the required initial proto-neutron star temperature for a successfull acceleration mechanism. In addition we discuss the neutrino mean free paths in quark as well as in neutron matter which turn out to be very small. Consequently, the high neutrino interaction rates will wash out the asymmetry in neutrino emission. As a possible solution to this problem we take into account effects from colour superconductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, poster contribution at the conference "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics III",Dresden,March 26-31,200

    A wider audience: Turning VLBI into a survey instrument

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    Radio observations using the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique typically have fields of view of only a few arcseconds, due to the computational problems inherent in imaging larger fields. Furthermore, sensitivity limitations restrict observations to very compact and bright objects, which are few and far between on the sky. Thus, while most branches of observational astronomy can carry out sensitive, wide-field surveys, VLBI observations are limited to targeted observations of carefully selected objects. However, recent advances in technology have made it possible to carry out the computations required to target hundreds of sources simultaneously. Furthermore, sensitivity upgrades have dramatically increased the number of objects accessible to VLBI observations. The combination of these two developments have enhanced the survey capabilities of VLBI observations such that it is now possible to observe (almost) any point in the sky with milli-arcsecond resolution. In this talk I review the development of wide-field VLBI, which has made significant progress over the last three years.Comment: Invited review at the General Assembly of the Astronomische Gesellschaf