720 research outputs found

    Un provincial dans l’Italie augusteenne : un autre regard sur la « patavinite » de Tite-Live

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    Livy was born in Padua, among the Venetes, in a part of Italy which received Roman citizenship only in 49 BC and he was very proud of the origins of his little hometown — that could take pride in being, like Rome, a Trojan foundation. Indeed, before telling Aeneas’ arrival on the shore of Latium, he begins his Roman history telling the story of Antenor, the Trojan hero who founded Padova. Later, he insists on the victory of his fellow-citizens in 302 BC over the Spartan Cleonymos, one of the Greek generals who were appointed by the Tarentines to protect them from their enemies — a victory which appears to be a kind of anticipation of that of Rome against Pyrrhus. But Livy was well conscious that, in present times, the leading center in Italy and elsewhere was only Rome: the last time we hear of his native town in the extant books of his work is 174 BC, when the Romans had to restore order and peace in the Venetian town — an event which was considered so important in local memory that it was considered as the beginnig of a new era. The deep attachment of a provincial Roman like Livy to his little hometown did not prevent from feeling himself a member of the larger Roman comunity and resenting a strong attachment to Rome, head of the whole oikoumene and common patria of all Italians. He gives us a good example of the construction of a Roman Italy under Augustus

    Écriture et communication

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    Le dossier prĂ©sentĂ© ici rassemble des communications prononcĂ©es lors du colloque de NĂźmes en 2014 consacrĂ© au thĂšme « Langages et communication ». Ici, il est essentiellement question de l’écriture Ă  travers une approche phĂ©nomĂ©nologique, en tant que moyen de communication affichĂ©, mais aussi comme marqueur de prestige, d’identitĂ©, comme moyen de communication dans le choix mĂȘme de la forme, au-delĂ  mĂȘme du contenu du message. Une Ă©criture s’affirme comme une simple retranscription visuelle d’un message oral, selon un code commun entre le locuteur et le destinataire, et qui permet au message de dĂ©fier les barriĂšres de l’espace et du temps. DĂ©finie comme cela, elle semble un outil parfaitement neutre. Les communications ici rassemblĂ©es montrent qu’il n’en est rien et que tout un message implicite est prĂ©sent Ă©galement dans le choix mĂȘme d’écrire, dans la forme dans laquelle se coule le message Ă©crit et que sont Ă  l’Ɠuvre ici des choix qui n’ont rien de neutre

    Ad majorem scientiae fructum. Le Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum dans les correspondances conservées à l'Institut de France

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    The project of Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum and its first years as seen through the correspondance of Renan, Clermont-Ganneau, Delattre, Euting etc. preserved in Institut de Franc

    A Dichotomy Theorem for Homomorphism Polynomials

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    In the present paper we show a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of polynomial evaluation. We associate to each graph H a polynomial that encodes all graphs of a fixed size homomorphic to H. We show that this family is computable by arithmetic circuits in constant depth if H has a loop or no edge and that it is hard otherwise (i.e., complete for VNP, the arithmetic class related to #P). We also demonstrate the hardness over the rational field of cut eliminator, a polynomial defined by B\"urgisser which is known to be neither VP nor VNP-complete in the field of two elements, if VP is not equal to VNP (VP is the class of polynomials computable by arithmetic circuit of polynomial size)

    Philologie italique et latine

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2006-2007 : I. Épigraphie Ă©trusque et latine : Ă©tude d’inscriptions. — II. Étude de textes d’historiens romains (Tite-Live, Histoire romaine, l. IX)

    Philologie italique et latine

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    Programme de l'annĂ©e 2007-2008 : I. Épigraphie Ă©trusque et italique : Ă©tude d'inscriptions. — II. Études de textes d'historiens romains (Tite-Live, Histoire romaine, l. IX)

    Philologie italique et latine

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2010-2011 : I. Étude de textes d’historiens romains : prĂ©paration de l’édition de Tite‑Live, Histoire romaine, livre X. — II. Épigraphie Ă©trusque et italique : Ă©tude d’inscriptions
