42 research outputs found

    Брендинг і неймінг: відображення національної ідентичності в назвах авіаперевізників

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    Розглянуто роль назв авіаперевізників у національному брендингу, визначаються типи ідентичностей (територіальна, політична, етнічна та ін.) в назвах авіаперевізників та описуються основні види онімів, що відображають ці ідентичності.Рассматривается роль названий авиалиний в национальном брендинге, определяются типы идентичностей (территориальная, политическая, этническая и др.) в названиях авиаперевозчиков, описываются основные виды онимов, отображающие эти идентичности.The paper defines the role of airlines’ names in nation branding. The author describes the types of identity (territorial, political, ethnic) in airlines’ names and the main types of onyms communicating these identities

    Emotion and Cognition in High and Low Stress Sensitive Mouse Strains: A Combined Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Study in BALB/c and C57BL/6J Mice

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    Emotionally arousing experiences and stress influence cognitive processes and vice versa. Understanding the relations and interactions between these three systems forms the core of this study. We tested two inbred mouse strains (BALB/c, C57BL/6J; male; 3-month-old) for glucocorticoid stress system markers (expression of MR and GR mRNA and protein in hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex; blood plasma corticosterone), used behavioral tasks for emotions and cognitive performance (elevated plus maze, holeboard) to assess the interdependence of these factors. We hypothesize that BALB/c mice have a stress-vulnerable neuroendocrine phenotype and that emotional expressions in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice will differentially contribute to learning and memory. We applied factor analyses on emotional and cognitive parameters to determine the behavioral structure of BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice. Glucocorticoid stress system markers indeed show that BALB/c mice are more stress-vulnerable than C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, emotional and explorative factors differed between naïve BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice. BALB/c mice display high movement in anxiogenic zones and high risk assessment, while C57BL/6J mice show little movement in anxiogenic zones and display high vertical exploration. Furthermore, BALB/c mice are superior learners, showing learning related behavior which is highly structured and emotionally biased when exposed to a novel or changing situation. In contrast, C57BL/6J mice display a rather “chaotic” behavioral structure during learning in absence of an emotional factor. These results show that stress vulnerability coincides with more emotionality, which drives well orchestrated goal directed behavior to the benefit of cognition. Both phenotypes have their advantage depending on environmental demands

    Identification of oxidation sites and covalent cross-links in metal catalyzed oxidized interferon beta-1a: potential implications for protein aggregation and immunogenicity

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    Oxidation via Cu2+/ascorbate of recombinant human interferon beta-1a (IFNβ1a) leads to highly immunogenic aggregates, however it is unknown which amino acids are modified and how covalent aggregates are formed. In the present work we mapped oxidized and cross-linked amino acid residues in aggregated IFNβ1a, formed via Cu2+/ascorbate catalyzed oxidation. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used to confirm extensive aggregation of oxidized IFNβ1a. Circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy indicated substantial loss of secondary and tertiary structure, respectively. Derivatization with 4-(aminomethyl) benzenesulfonic acid was used to demonstrate, by fluorescence in combination with SEC, the presence of tyrosine (Tyr) oxidation products. High performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of reduced, alkylated and digested protein was employed to localize chemical degradation products. Oxidation products of methionine, histidine, phenylalanine (Phe), tryptophan and Tyr residues were identified throughout the primary sequence. Covalent crosslinks via 1,4- or 1,6-type addition between primary amines and DOCH (2-amino-3-(3,4-dioxocyclohexa-1,5-dien-1-yl) propanoic acid, an oxidation product of Phe and Tyr) were detected. There was no evidence of disulfide bridge, Schiff base, or dityrosine formation. The chemical cross-links identified in this work are most likely responsible for the formation of covalent aggregates of IFNβ1a induced by oxidation, which have previously been shown to be highly immunogenic

    Differential MR/GR Activation in Mice Results in Emotional States Beneficial or Impairing for Cognition

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    Corticosteroids regulate stress response and influence emotion, learning, and memory via two receptors in the brain, the high-affinity mineralocorticoid (MR) and low-affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). We test the hypothesis that MR- and GR-mediated effects interact in emotion and cognition when a novel situation is encountered that is relevant for a learning process. By adrenalectomy and additional constant corticosterone supplement we obtained four groups of male C57BL/6J mice with differential chronic MR and GR activations. Using a hole board task, we found that mice with continuous predominant MR and moderate GR activations were fast learners that displayed low anxiety and arousal together with high directed explorative behavior. Progressive corticosterone concentrations with predominant action via GR induced strong emotional arousal at the expense of cognitive performance. These findings underline the importance of a balanced MR/GR system for emotional and cognitive functioning that is critical for mental health

    Aggregated Recombinant Human Interferon Beta Induces Antibodies but No Memory in Immune-Tolerant Transgenic Mice

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    Purpose To study the influence of protein aggregation on the immunogenicity of recombinant human interferon beta (rhIFNβ) in wild-type mice and transgenic, immune-tolerant mice, and to evaluate the induction of immunological memory. Methods RhIFNβ-1b and three rhIFNβ-1a preparations with different aggregate levels were injected intraperitoneally in mice 15 × during 3 weeks, and the mice were rechallenged with rhIFNβ-1a. The formation of binding (BABs) and neutralizing antibodies (NABs) was monitored. Results Bulk rhIFNβ-1a contained large, mainly non-covalent aggregates and stressed rhIFNβ-1a mainly covalent, homogeneous (ca. 100 nm) aggregates. Reformulated rhIFNβ-1a was essentially aggregate-free. All products induced BABs and NABs in wild-type mice. Immunogenicity in the transgenic mice was product dependent. RhIFNβ-1b showed the highest and reformulated rhIFNβ-1a the lowest immunogenicity. In contrast with wild-type mice, transgenic mice did not show NABs, nor did they respond to the rechallenge

    Quality of Original and Biosimilar Epoetin Products

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    # The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Purpose To compare the quality of therapeutic erythropoietin (EPO) products, including two biosimilars, with respect to content, aggregation, isoform profile and potency. Methods Two original products, Eprex (epoetin alfa) and Dynepo (epoetin delta), and two biosimilar products, Binocrit (epoetin alfa) and Retacrit (epoetin zeta), were compared using (1) high performance size exclusion chromatography, (2) ELISA, (3) SDS-PAGE, (4) capillary zone electrophoresis and (5) in-vivo potency. Results Tested EPO products differed in content, isoform composition, and potency. Conclusion Of the tested products, the biosimilars have the same or even better quality as the originals. Especially, the potency of originals may significantly differ from the value on the label

    Immunogenicity of Therapeutic Proteins: The Use of Animal Models

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    Immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins lowers patient well-being and drastically increases therapeutic costs. Preventing immunogenicity is an important issue to consider when developing novel therapeutic proteins and applying them in the clinic. Animal models are increasingly used to study immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins. They are employed as predictive tools to assess different aspects of immunogenicity during drug development and have become vital in studying the mechanisms underlying immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins. However, the use of animal models needs critical evaluation. Because of species differences, predictive value of such models is limited, and mechanistic studies can be restricted. This review addresses the suitability of animal models for immunogenicity prediction and summarizes the insights in immunogenicity that they have given so far

    Oxidized and Aggregated Recombinant Human Interferon Beta is Immunogenic in Human Interferon Beta Transgenic Mice

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    PurposeTo study the effect of oxidation on the structure of recombinant human interferon beta-1a (rhIFNβ-1a) and its immunogenicity in wild-type and immune-tolerant transgenic mice.MethodsUntreated rhIFNβ-1a was degraded by metal-catalyzed oxidation, H2O2-mediated oxidation, and guanidine-mediated unfolding/refolding. Four rhIFNβ-1a preparations with different levels of oxidation and aggregation were injected intraperitoneally in mice 15× during 3 weeks. Both binding and neutralizing antibodies were measured.ResultsAll rhIFNβ-1a preparations contained substantial amounts of aggregates. Metal-catalyzed oxidized rhIFNβ-1a contained high levels of covalent aggregates as compared with untreated rhIFNβ-1a. H2O2-treated rhIFNβ-1a showed an increase in oligomer and unrecovered protein content by HP-SEC; RP-HPLC revealed protein oxidation. Guanidine-treated rhIFNβ-1a mostly consisted of dimers and oligomers and some non-covalent aggregates smaller in size than those in untreated rhIFNβ-1a. All degraded samples showed alterations in tertiary protein structure. Wild-type mice showed equally high antibody responses against all preparations. Transgenic mice were discriminative, showing elevated antibody responses against both metal-catalyzed oxidized and H2O2-treated rhIFNβ-1a as compared to untreated and guanidine-treated rhIFNβ-1a.ConclusionsOxidation-mediated aggregation increased the immunogenicity of rhIFNβ-1a in transgenic mice, whereas aggregated preparations devoid of measurable oxidation levels were hardly immunogenic

    A modified immune tolerant mouse model to study the immunogenicity of recombinant human interferon beta

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    Interferon beta may induce antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients and the incidence of immunogenicity depends on the type of product. These antibodies can reduce the efficacy of interferon beta. Two transgenic immune tolerant mouse models for human interferon beta (hIFNβ) (C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N F1 hybrid mice) have been developed previously for studying immunogenicity. These models, however, may not be used for every interferon beta product because of the lack of immunogenicity in the wildtype genetic background. We therefore developed a modified transgenic mouse model by backcrossing the F1 hybrid C57Bl/6×FVB/N transgenic mice with wildtype FVB/N for 10 generations. These F10 offspring (referred to hear as FVB/N) have a genetic background consisting of mostly FVB/N (99.9%) and very little C57Bl/6 (0.1%), and are expected to have the more sensitive antibody producing phenotype of the parental FVB/N strain. The newly generated "FVB/N" strain was assessed for antibody formation against different rhIFNβ formulations compared to the C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N transgenic mouse models. The new FVB/N transgenic mouse model was more sensitive for all tested rhIFNβ products, and the difference in antibody titers between the transgenic and non-transgenic mice of the FVB/N strain was much bigger compared to the antibody levels of the C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N strains

    A modified immune tolerant mouse model to study the immunogenicity of recombinant human interferon beta

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    Interferon beta may induce antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients and the incidence of immunogenicity depends on the type of product. These antibodies can reduce the efficacy of interferon beta. Two transgenic immune tolerant mouse models for human interferon beta (hIFNβ) (C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N F1 hybrid mice) have been developed previously for studying immunogenicity. These models, however, may not be used for every interferon beta product because of the lack of immunogenicity in the wildtype genetic background. We therefore developed a modified transgenic mouse model by backcrossing the F1 hybrid C57Bl/6×FVB/N transgenic mice with wildtype FVB/N for 10 generations. These F10 offspring (referred to hear as FVB/N) have a genetic background consisting of mostly FVB/N (99.9%) and very little C57Bl/6 (0.1%), and are expected to have the more sensitive antibody producing phenotype of the parental FVB/N strain. The newly generated "FVB/N" strain was assessed for antibody formation against different rhIFNβ formulations compared to the C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N transgenic mouse models. The new FVB/N transgenic mouse model was more sensitive for all tested rhIFNβ products, and the difference in antibody titers between the transgenic and non-transgenic mice of the FVB/N strain was much bigger compared to the antibody levels of the C57Bl/6, and C57Bl/6×FVB/N strains