26 research outputs found

    Response of a marine-terminating Greenland outlet glacier to abrupt cooling 8200 and 9300 years ago

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    Long-term records of Greenland outlet-glacier change extending beyond the satellite era can inform future predictions of Greenland Ice Sheet behavior. Of particular relevance is elucidating the Greenland Ice Sheet's response to decadal- and centennial-scale climate change. Here, we reconstruct the early Holocene history of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland's largest outlet glacier, using 10Be surface exposure ages and 14C-dated lake sediments. Our chronology of ice-margin change demonstrates that Jakobshavn Isbræ advanced to deposit moraines in response to abrupt cooling recorded in central Greenland ice cores ca. 8,200 and 9,300 years ago. While the rapid, dynamically aided retreat of many Greenland outlet glaciers in response to warming is well documented, these results indicate that marine-terminating outlet glaciers are also able to respond quickly to cooling. We suggest that short lag times of high ice flux margins enable a greater magnitude response of marine-terminating outlets to abrupt climate change compared to their land-terminating counterparts

    Radiocarbon Date List X: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Iceland, Labrador Sea, and the Northern North Atlantic

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    Date List X contains an annotated listing of 213 radiocarbon dates determined on samples from marine and terrestrial environments. The marine samples were collected from the East Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Norwegian margins, Baffin Bay, and Labrador Sea. The terrestrial samples were collected from Vestfirdir, Iceland and Baffin Island. The samples were submitted by INSTAAR and researchers affiliated with INSTAAR\u27s Micropaleontology Laboratory under the direction of Dr.’s John T. Andrews and Anne E. Jennings. All of the dates from marine sediment cores were determined from either shells or foraminifera (both benthic and planktic). All dates were obtained by the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method. Regions of concentrated marine research include: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Labrador Sea, East Greenland fjords, shelf and slope, Denmark Strait, the southwestern and northwestern Iceland shelves, and Vestfirdir, Iceland. The non-marine radiocarbon dates are from peat, wood, plant microfossils, and mollusc. The radiocarbon dates have been used to address a variety of research objectives such as: 1. determining the timing of northern hemisphere high latitude environmental changes including glacier advance and retreat, and 2. assessing the accuracy of a fluctuating reservoir correction. Thus, most of the dates constrain the timing, rate, and interaction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental fluctuations in sea level, glacier extent, sediment input, and changes in ocean circulation patterns. Where significant, stratigraphic and sample contexts are presented for each core to document the basis for interpretations

    An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex

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    The North American Ice Sheet Complex (NAISC; consisting of the Laurentide, Cordilleran and Innuitian ice sheets) was the largest ice mass to repeatedly grow and decay in the Northern Hemisphere during the Quaternary. Understanding its pattern of retreat following the Last Glacial Maximum is critical for studying many facets of the Late Quaternary, including ice sheet behaviour, the evolution of Holocene landscapes, sea level, atmospheric circulation, and the peopling of the Americas. Currently, the most up-to-date and authoritative margin chronology for the entire ice sheet complex is featured in two publications (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1574 [Dyke et al., 2003]; ‘Quaternary Glaciations – Extent and Chronology, Part II’ [Dyke, 2004]). These often-cited datasets track ice margin recession in 36 time slices spanning 18 ka to 1 ka (all ages in uncalibrated radiocarbon years) using a combination of geomorphology, stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating. However, by virtue of being over 15 years old, the ice margin chronology requires updating to reflect new work and important revisions. This paper updates the aforementioned 36 ice margin maps to reflect new data from regional studies. We also update the original radiocarbon dataset from the 2003/2004 papers with 1541 new ages to reflect work up to and including 2018. A major revision is made to the 18 ka ice margin, where Banks and Eglinton islands (once considered to be glacial refugia) are now shown to be fully glaciated. Our updated 18 ka ice sheet increased in areal extent from 17.81 to 18.37 million km2, which is an increase of 3.1% in spatial coverage of the NAISC at that time. Elsewhere, we also summarize, region-by-region, significant changes to the deglaciation sequence. This paper integrates new information provided by regional experts and radiocarbon data into the deglaciation sequence while maintaining consistency with the original ice margin positions of Dyke et al. (2003) and Dyke (2004) where new information is lacking; this is a pragmatic solution to satisfy the needs of a Quaternary research community that requires up-to-date knowledge of the pattern of ice margin recession of what was once the world’s largest ice mass. The 36 updated isochrones are available in PDF and shapefile format, together with a spreadsheet of the expanded radiocarbon dataset (n = 5195 ages) and estimates of uncertainty for each interval

    Glacier extent during the Younger Dryas and 8.2-ka event on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada

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    Greenland ice cores reveal that mean annual temperatures during the Younger Dryas (YD) cold interval—about 12.9 to 11.7 thousand years ago (ka)—and the ~150-year-long cold reversal that occurred 8.2 thousand years ago were ~15° and 3° to 4°C colder than today, respectively. Reconstructing ice-sheet response to these climate perturbations can help evaluate ice-sheet sensitivity to climate change. Here, we report the widespread advance of Laurentide Ice Sheet outlet glaciers and independent mountain glaciers on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, in response to the 8.2-ka event and show that mountain glaciers during the 8.2-ka event were larger than their YD predecessors. In contrast to the wintertime bias of YD cooling, we suggest that cooling during the 8.2-ka event was more evenly distributed across the seasons

    Age of the Fjord Stade moraines in the Disko Bugt region, western Greenland, and the 9.3 and 8.2 ka cooling events

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    Retreat of the western Greenland Ice Sheet during the early Holocene was interrupted by deposition of the Fjord Stade moraine system. The Fjord Stade moraine system spans several hundred kilometers of western Greenland’s ice-free fringe and represents an important period in the western Greenland Ice Sheet’s deglaciation history, but the origin and timing of moraine deposition remain uncertain. Here, we combine new and previously published 10Be and 14C ages from Disko Bugt, western Greenland to constrain the timing of Fjord Stade moraine deposition at two locations w60 km apart. At Jakobshavn Isfjord, the northern of two study sites, we show that Jakobshavn Isbræ advanced to deposit moraines ca 9.2 and 8.2e8.0 ka. In southeastern Disko Bugt, the ice sheet deposited moraines ca 9.4e9.0 and 8.5e8.1 ka. Our ice-margin chronology indicates that the Greenland Ice Sheet in two distant regions responded in unison to early Holocene abrupt cooling 9.3 and 8.2 ka, as recorded in central Greenland ice cores. Although the timing of Fjord Stade moraine deposition was synchronous in Jakobshavn Isfjord and southeastern Disko Bugt, within uncertainties, we suggest that Jakobshavn Isbræ advanced while the southeastern Disko Bugt ice margin experienced stillstands during the 9.3 and 8.2 ka events based on regional geomorphology and the distribution of 10Be ages at each location. The contrasting style of ice-margin response was likely regulated by site-specific ice-flow characteristics. Jakobshavn Isbræ’s high ice flux results in an amplified ice-margin response to a climate perturbation, both warming and cooling, whereas the comparatively low-flux sector of the ice sheet in southeastern Disko Bugt experiences a more subdued response to climate perturbations. Our chronology indicates that the western Greenland Ice Sheet advanced and retreated in concert with early Holocene temperature variations, and the 9.3 and 8.2 ka events, although brief, were of sufficient duration to elicit a significant response of the western Greenland Ice Sheet

    Paired bedrock and boulder 10Be concentrations resulting from early Holocene ice retreat near Jakobshavn Isfjord, western Greenland

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    We measured in situ cosmogenic 10Be in 16 bedrock and 14 boulder samples collected along a 40-km transect outside of and normal to the modern ice margin near Sikuijuitsoq Fjord in central-west Greenland (69°N). We use these data to understand better the efficiency of glacial erosion and to infer the timing, pattern, and rate of ice loss after the last glaciation. In general, the ages of paired bedrock and boulder samples are in close agreement (r2 = 0.72). Eleven of the fourteen paired bedrock and boulder samples are indistinguishable at 1σ; this concordance indicates that subglacial erosion rates are sufficient to remove most or all 10Be accumulated during previous periods of exposure, and that few, if any, nuclides are inherited from pre-Holocene interglaciations. The new data agree well with previously-published landscape chronologies from this area, and suggest that two chronologically-distinct land surfaces exist: one outside the Fjord Stade moraine complex (∼10.3 ± 0.4 ka; n = 7) and another inside (∼8.0 ± 0.7 ka; n = 21). Six 10Be ages from directly outside the historic (Little Ice Age) moraine show that the ice margin first reached its present-day position ∼7.6 ± 0.4 ka. Early Holocene ice margin retreat rates after the deposition of the Fjord Stade moraine complex were ∼100–110 m yr−1. Sikuijuitsoq Fjord is a tributary to the much larger Jakobshavn Isfjord and the deglaciation chronologies of these two fjords are similar. This synchronicity suggests that the ice stream in Jakobshavn Isfjord set the timing and pace of early Holocene deglaciation of the surrounding ice margin

    Response of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, to Holocene climate change

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    Rapid fluctuations in the velocity of Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) outlet glaciers over the past decade have made it difficult to extrapolate ice-sheet change into the future. This significant short-term variability highlights the need for geologic records of preinstrumental GIS margin fluctuations in order to better predict future GIS response to climate change. Using 10Be surface exposure ages and radiocarbon-dated lake sediments, we constructed a detailed chronology of ice-margin fluctuations over the past 10 k.y. for Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland's largest outlet glacier. In addition, we present new estimates of corresponding local temperature changes using a continuous record of insect (Chironomidae) remains preserved in lake sediments. We find that following an early Holocene advance just prior to 8 ka, Jakobshavn Isbræ retreated rapidly at a rate of ∼100 m yr−1, likely in response to increasing regional and local temperatures. Ice remained behind its present margin for ∼7 k.y. during a warm period in the middle Holocene with sustained temperatures ∼2 °C warmer than today, then the land-based margin advanced at least 2–4 km between A.D. 1500–1640 and A.D. 1850. The ice margin near Jakobshavn thus underwent large and rapid adjustments in response to relatively modest centennial-scale Holocene temperature changes, which may foreshadow GIS response to future warming

    Late Pleistocene glacial history of Jameson Land, central East Greenland, derived from cosmogenic (10)Be and (26)Al exposure dating

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    Abstract in Undetermined Previous work has presented contrasting views of the last glaciation on Jameson Land, central East Greenland, and still there is debate about whether the area was: (i) ice-free, (ii) covered with a local non-erosive ice cap(s), or (iii) overridden by the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we use cosmogenic exposure ages from erratics to reconcile these contrasting views. A total of 43 erratics resting on weathered sandstone and on sediment-covered surfaces were sampled from four areas on interior Jameson Land; they give (10)Be ages between 10.9 and 269.1 kyr. Eight erratics on weathered sandstone and till-covered surfaces cluster around similar to 70 kyr, whereas (10)Be ages from erratics on glaciofluvial landforms are substantially younger and range between 10.9 and 47.2 kyr. Deflation is thought to be an important process on the sediment-covered surfaces and the youngest exposure ages are suggested to result from exhumation. The older (> 70 kyr) samples have discordant (26)Al and (10)Be data and are interpreted to have been deposited by the Greenland Ice Sheet several glacial cycles ago. The younger exposure ages (<= 70 kyr) are interpreted to represent deposition by the ice sheet during the Late Saalian and by an advance from the local Liverpool Land ice cap in the Early Weichselian. The exposure ages younger than Saalian are explained by periods of shielding by non-erosive ice during the Weichselian glaciation. Our work supports previous studies in that the Saalian Ice Sheet advance was the last to deposit thick sediment sequences and western erratics on interior Jameson Land. However, instead of Jameson Land being ice-free throughout the Weichselian, we document that local ice with limited erosion potential covered and shielded large areas for substantial periods of the last glacial cycle

    The last deglaciation of Alaska

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    We review available chronologies that constrain the timing of glacier fluctuations during the last deglaciation in Alaska. We address three questions relating to the last glacial termination: (i) How did the timing of glacier recession relate to buildup of global CO2, such as during the onset of CO2 rise at ~18 ka? (ii) Did glaciers fluctuate in synchrony with Heinrich Stadial 1 (18-14.6 ka)? And, (iii) what is the spatio-temporal pattern of glacier change during the climatically turbulent late glacial interval (14.6-11.7 ka)? The existing record is incomplete, yet reveals that most Alaskan glaciers experienced significant retreat (~40% of their Last Glacial Maximum lengths) prior to the onset of CO2 rise ~18 ka. This points to stronger insolation forcing of Alaskan glaciers compared to mid-latitude glaciers. Despite some glacier re-advances and standstills during Heinrich Stadial 1, most glaciers continued to recede. This suggests that glaciers in Alaska were relatively immune to the far-field effects of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Finally, the majority of glaciers (9 out of 14 available records) were up-valley of their late Holocene glacier extents during the Younger Dryas. Most of the sites with evidence for relatively extensive glaciers during the Younger Dryas are in southern Alaska, which may relate to moisture changes associated with the flooding of Bering Strait as much as it does to changes in North Atlantic Ocean circulation.Revisamos las cronologías disponibles que identifican la temporalidad de las fluctuaciones glaciares durante la última deglaciación en Alaska. Nos centramos en tres cuestiones relacionadas con el final de la última glaciación: (i) ¿Cómo se relaciona el momento de la recesión glaciar con el aumento global de CO2 hacia ~18ka? (ii) ¿Fluctuaron los glaciares en sincronía con el Stadial 1 de Heinrich (18-14.6 ka)? Y (iii) ¿Cuál es el patrón espacio-temporal del cambio glaciar durante el último intervalo glaciar climáticamente turbulento (14.6-11.7 ka)? El registro existente es incompleto y revela que la mayoría de los glaciares de Alaska experimentaron un retroceso significativo (~40% de su longitud durante el Último Máximo Glaciar) anterior al inicio de aumento de CO2 hacia 18 ka. Esto apunta a una mayor insolación en los glaciares de Alaska en comparación con los glaciares de las latitudes medias. A pesar de algunos reavances glaciares durante el Stadial 1 de Heinrich, la mayoría de los glaciares continuaron retrocediendo. Esto sugiere que los glaciares de Alaska fueron relativamente inmunes a los efectos de la circulación meridional atlántica de retorno. Finalmente, durante el Younger Dryas la mayoría de los glaciares (9 de 14 registros) estaban por encima de su posición de finales del Holoceno. La mayoría de los lugares con evidencia de glaciares relativamente extensos durante el Younger Dryas están en el sur de Alaska, lo que puede relacionarse con cambios de humedad asociados a la inundación del estrecho de Bering tanto como a los cambios en la circulación del Atlántico Norte

    End-to-End Support for Dating Paleolandforms

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