152 research outputs found


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    Objective: Preliminary screening of phytochemicals is a valuable step, in the detection of the bioactive principles present in medicinal plants and subsequently may lead to drug discovery and development. In the present study, the identity, purity and strength of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. (Leaf), HPTLC, LC MS and phytochemical screening were analysed.Methods: Tests for Identity, Purity, and Strength of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. (Leaf) Botanical standards, Physicochemical constants such as Foreign matter, Total ash, moisture content, Acid insoluble ash, and water soluble ash and Extractive value such as Hexane, Chloroform, Ethyl acetate, Alcohol were determined. The Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of various extracts was also determined. HPTLC, LCMS ANALYSIS was analysed.Results: Microscopic studies T S of Crateva magna leaf shows the presence of prominent midrib, upper and lower epidermis and lamina. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of dry powder and aqueous extracts of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. (Leaf) showed the presence of flavones, steroids, glycosides, sugar, alkaloids, quinones, phenols, coumarin and lignin. HPTLC of an Aqueous extract of the Crateva magna (Lour) DC. (Leaf). LC MS spectrum indicates may be the presence of bioactive compounds.Conclusion: The results revealed that aqueous extract of Crateva magna (Lour) DC. (Leaf) has suitable for anti ulcer study

    Impact of maternal basal BMI on Obstetric outcome

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    AIMS OF THE STUDY: To study the incidence of abnormal BMI in our population of pregnant women and to compare the obstetric outcome in various BMI categories. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A crossectional study was carried out in the Instituite of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Egmore, Chennai. 1010 pregnant women with singleton gestation who were planning to deliver in the same hospital were selected over a period of 12 months. They were placed in 4 groups based on their BMI and their outcome variables were studied. RESULTS: • Maternal basal BMI has strong association with pregnancy complications and outcome. • Both obese and overweight women have an increased incidence of gestational diabetes, hypertension, rates of induction, instrumental delivery, third stage complications, macrosomia, postpartum infections and prolonged hospital stay. • This study showed that the association between low BMI and preterm deliveries was not significant. There was an association between low BMI and low birth weight. CONCLUSION: As the obstetrical outcome is significantly altered due to obesity, we can improve maternal outcome by overcoming obesity. As obesity is a modifiable risk factor, preconception counseling, creating awareness regarding health risk associated with obesity should be encouraged and obstetrical complications reduced

    Characterization Studies of Medicinal Plants & I’ts Biological Evaluation Towards Anti-Bacterial Study

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    The traditional system of medicine proves to be one of the best sources for treating illness and infections. Murraya koenigii (curry leaves) and Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) are the two medicinal plant species that have numerous medicinal properties like antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, etc. In this study, the Ultrasound extraction and the Soxhlet mode of extraction were carried out using two different solvents such as Hexane and Ethyl acetate. Analysis and Retention factor were was carried out thin layer chromatography. The purification was performed using column chromatographic method and the various phytoconstituents such as tannins, terpenoids, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids, flavonoids, phlobatannins were analysed for the extracted samples. Retention factors have been calculated for both the extracted samples and the samples were further processed for sterility test in order to check for any contamination. The extracted samples were characterized using GC-MS analysis. The anti-bacterial evaluation was performed. The highest zone of inhibition found in 1000µg/ml concentration for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 500µg/ml concentration for Staphylococcus aureus. The minimum inhibitory concentration for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is predicted as 250µg/ml concentration and for Staphylococcus aureus as 500µg/ml concentration. The rate of kill was higher in 500µg/ml concentration for both bacterial samples. The crystal violet assay was performed and observed the cell viability. Further the In-silico analysis was performed towards the GC analysis compounds and their structure activity relationship were studied towards the protein

    Quantitative evaluation of polymer gel dosimeters by broadband ultrasound attenuation

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    Ultrasound has been examined previously as an alternative readout method for irradiated polymer gel dosimeters, with authors reporting varying dose response to ultrasound transmission measurements. In this current work we extend previous work to measure the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) response of irradiated PAGAT gel dosimeters, using a novel ultrasound computed tomography system


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to characterize antimicrobial molecules from the fresh water snail and crab.Methods: Collection of haemolymph, preparation of extracts, antimicrobial activity, TLC analysis, SDS PAGE analysis.Results: The result of the present investigation reported that the fresh water snail (Pomacea insularium) and crab (Callinectes sapidus) having remarkable antimicrobial activity in methanol, di-ethyl ether and water extracts. Antimicrobial activity was high in di-ethyl ether extracts of the snail against Streptococcus sp. (37.16±0.76 mm) and methanol extract of crab against E. coli (32.16±0.28 mm). The MIC of extracts ranges between 5 µl to 30 µl methanol extract of both snail and crab inhibited the growth of organisms at very low concentration. Biomolecules from the extract was separated by TLC. The molecular mass of the peptide was determined by SDS PAGE. Peptides from snail and crab haemolymph were ranges in 9 to 110 and 40 to 100 kDa respectively.Conclusion: The present findings suggest that fresh water crab and snail having good antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microbes. Therefore they can be used to treat many pathogenic infections.Â

    Synthesis, computational studies and antioxidant activity of some 3-(2-alkylamino-4-aminothiazole-5-oyl) pyridines

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    A series of thiazoloylpyridine derivatives has been synthesized and analyzed to confirm the structure of the product using IR, 1H and 13C NMR, mass spectra and analytical data. Optimized structural and electronic parameters of all the compounds have been calculated by using B3LYP/ 6-31G basis set. The Mulliken charges of all atoms have been evaluated. The calculated IR spectrum has been analyzed by comparing the experimental IR. All the synthesized compounds have been examined for antioxidant activities. The antioxidant activity of 3-(2-alkylamino-4-aminothiazol -5-oyl)pyridines have been analyzed using DPPH radical scavenging assay. The compounds 6a and 6b possess higher radical scavenging activity.

    Synthesis, computational studies and antioxidant activity of some 3-(2-alkylamino-4-aminothiazole-5-oyl)pyridines

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    605-610A series of thiazoloylpyridine derivatives has been synthesized and analyzed to confirm the structure of the product using IR, 1H and 13C NMR, mass spectra and analytical data. Optimized structural and electronic parameters of all the compounds have been calculated by using B3LYP/ 6-31G basis set. The Mulliken charges of all atoms have been evaluated. The calculated IR spectrum has been analyzed by comparing the experimental IR. All the synthesized compounds have been examined for antioxidant activities. The antioxidant activity of 3-(2-alkylamino-4-aminothiazol -5-oyl)pyridines have been analyzed using DPPH radical scavenging assay. The compounds 6a and 6b possess higher radical scavenging activity

    Antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized extracellularly by soil micro flora

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    The microbes used to synthesize the silver nanoparticles were isolated from the soil and identified as E.coli, Pseudomonas sp, Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp and Actinomycetes sp. All the isolated organisms were cultured in broth medium and used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles extracellularly by adding 3 -10mm AgNO3. The presence of extracellular silver nanoparticles were identified by UV – visible spectrophotometer (380-420nm) and particle size investigation. Most of the microbial synthesized products are susceptible for Proteus sp. Bioactive particles from E.coli and Actinomycetes sp. were found to be best against Klebsiella sp. The active molecule from Pseudomonas sp and Penicillium sp. showed very good sensitivity pattern against Proteus sp. The molecules formed by Aspergillus sp. showed higher sensitivity against Enterobacter sp. Among the three bacterial and two fungal species, the silver nanoparticles from the fungal organisms showed the better result against pathogens.Gümüş nanopartiküllerini sentezlemek için kullanılan mikroplar toprak ortamından izole edilmiş ve E.coli, Pseudomonas sp, Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp and Actinomycetes sp olarak tanımlanmıştır. İzole edilen bütün organizmalar et suyu ortamında kültürlenmiş ve 3 -10mm AgNO3 eklenerek hücre dışı gümüş partiküllerin sentezi için kullanılmıştır. Hücre dışı gümüş partiküllerin varlığı, UV Vis (380-420nm)ve partikül boyut incelemesiyle belirlenmiştir. Mikrobiyal sentezlenen ürünlerin çoğu, Proteus sp.’ye duyarlıdır. E.coli and Actinomycetes sp.’den kaynaklanan biyoaktif partiküller Klebsiella sp.’ye karşı en iyi olarak bulunmuştur. Pseudomonas sp ve Penicillium sp türlerinden kaynaklanan aktif molekül Proteus sp’ye oldukça duyarlı bir durum sergilemiştir. Aspergillus sp. Tarafından oluşan moleküller Enterobacter sp.’ye karşı yüksek duyarlılık göstermiştir. Üç bakteri ve iki mantar türleri arasında mantarlardan kaynaklanan gümüş partiküller patojenlere karşı daha iyi sonuç vermiştir

    Studies on standardization and purification processes of VEERAM

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    In Siddha system of medicine Veeram is one of the toxins among the sixty four known toxins. Geologically it is called Calomel. It is a very toxic material therapeutically, these arsenic based medicines are used in Siddha system. Natural substances of milk, tender coconut water, bitter guard and lemon juice are used to purify the veeram. This research work analyzed the raw veeram and products obtained after purification. Geochemical, physico-chemical analysis, instrumentation techniques of XRF, TG-DTA, FE-SEM, EDAX and particle size analyzer. Among physicochemical parameters total ash value was low. Loss on drying increased in the products in the various intermediate stages which due to the impact of plant agents used in the process. XRF results revealed mercury is present in major concentration. Raw veeram showed 77.14% of mercury. In the raw veeram particles observed were distributed within the range of 0.0920 µm–0.948 µm. FE-SEM analysis suggested that the bitter gourd treated veeram consisted of individual particles with a size ranging from 94 nm to 144 nm. Milk treated samples when subjected to analysis revealed increased particle size which may be attributed to aggregation. Lemon juice treated samples showed particle size in the range of 82 nm to 96 nm and in tender coconut range was 78 nm to 91 nm. In the EDAX raw and other samples showed peak for mercury and chloride. TG-DTA analysis showed that the raw veeram sample had a sublimation temperature of 220°C where as in other treated samples sublimation temperature was reduced compared to raw veeram. The from the stydy depict that these purification processes forms new organic substances and transformation of the starting toxic metal. These processes have an important role in the formation of complexes and in altering toxic state to non-toxic state.

    Durability of Mortar Incorporating Ferronickel Slag Aggregate and Supplementary Cementitious Materials Subjected to Wet–Dry Cycles

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    This paper presents the strength and durability of cement mortars using 0–100% ferronickel slag (FNS) as replacement of natural sand and 30% fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as cement replacement. The maximum mortar compressive strength was achieved with 50% sand replacement by FNS. Durability was evaluated by the changes in compressive strength and mass of mortar specimens after 28 cycles of alternate wetting at 23 °C and drying at 110 °C. Strength loss increased by the increase of FNS content with marginal increases in the mass loss. Though a maximum strength loss of up to 26% was observed, the values were only 3–9% for 25–100% FNS contents in the mixtures containing 30% fly ash. The XRD data showed that the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash helped to reduce the strength loss caused by wet–dry cycles. Overall, the volume of permeable voids (VPV) and performance in wet–dry cycles for 50% FNS and 30% fly ash were better than those for 100% OPC and natural sand