61 research outputs found

    Promlčení práva kapitálové obchodní společnosti na splacení vkladu

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    Jednou z hlavních povinností společníků kapitálových obchodních společností je povinnost poskytnout vklad do základního kapitálu společnosti. Této povinnosti odpovídá právo společnosti na splacení vkladu. Jelikož je právo na splacení vkladu právem majetkové povahy, jehož promlčitelnost zákon nevylučuje a pro něž nestanoví zvláštní promlčecí lhůtu, mělo by v souladu s § 611 OZ podléhat promlčení v obecné promlčecí lhůtě dle § 619 a 629 OZ. V tomto textu zkoumám, zdali přesto nelze nalézt teleologické argumenty, které by nasvědčovaly závěru, že by se právo na splacení vkladu nemělo promlčovat. Dovozuji, že se promlčitelnost práva na splacení vkladu může dostávat do konfliktu s ochranou věřitelů společnosti, avšak toliko je-li společnost v úpadku. K zajištění efektivní ochrany věřitelů společnosti proto není zapotřebí promlčitelnost práva zcela vyloučit, ale pouze omezit právo společníka namítat promlčení vkladové povinnosti v případě, že je společnost v úpadku a právo na splacení vkladu vůči společníku uplatňuje insolvenční správce, postupující s přiměřenou rychlostí. V těchto situacích je nutné pokládat vznesení námitky promlčení společníkem za zneužití práva

    Omezená právní osobnost pobočného spolku a její důsledky

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    Občanský zákoník umožňuje zakládání pobočných spolků, jež jsou právnickými osobami, avšak jejichž právní subjektivita je odvozena od subjektivity hlavního spolku a může být stanovami hlavního spolku omezena. Následující článek rozebírá předpoklady a důsledky takového omezení pro hmotněprávní a procesní jednání pobočného spolku, jakož i problematiku aplikovatelnosti pravidel o omezené právní osobnosti pobočných spolků na odborové organizace založené jinými odborovými organizacemi, jejichž status byl modifikován (a znejasněn) zákonem č. 460/2016 Sb.The Civil Code allows for establishment of subordinate associations which are legal entities whose legal personality is derived from the personality of the main association and can be limited by a provision in the statutes of the main association. The following treatise analyses the preconditions and the consequences of such limitation for substantive and procedural acts of subordinate associations and deals with the topic of applicability of the rules pertaining to limited legal personality of subordinate associations on labour unions founded by other labour unions, whose status has been modified (and made unclear) by Act No. 460/2016 Coll

    Model Checking C++ with Exceptions

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    We present an extension of the DIVINE software model checker tosupport programs with exception handling. The extension consists of two parts, a language-neutral implementation of the LLVM exception-handling instructions, and an adaptation of the C++ runtime for the DIVINE/LLVM exception model. This constitutes an important step towards support of both the full C++ specification and towards verification of real-world C++ programs using a software model checker. Additionally, we show how these extensions can be used to elegantly implement other features with non-local control transfer, most importantly the longjmp function in C

    BDD-Based Algorithm for SCC Decomposition of Edge-Coloured Graphs

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    Edge-coloured directed graphs provide an essential structure for modelling and analysis of complex systems arising in many scientific disciplines (e.g. feature-oriented systems, gene regulatory networks, etc.). One of the fundamental problems for edge-coloured graphs is the detection of strongly connected components, or SCCs. The size of edge-coloured graphs appearing in practice can be enormous both in the number of vertices and colours. The large number of vertices prevents us from analysing such graphs using explicit SCC detection algorithms, such as Tarjan's, which motivates the use of a symbolic approach. However, the large number of colours also renders existing symbolic SCC detection algorithms impractical. This paper proposes a novel algorithm that symbolically computes all the monochromatic strongly connected components of an edge-coloured graph. In the worst case, the algorithm performs O(pnlog n)O(p \cdot n \cdot log~n) symbolic steps, where pp is the number of colours and nn is the number of vertices. We evaluate the algorithm using an experimental implementation based on binary decision diagrams (BDDs). Specifically, we use our implementation to explore the SCCs of a large collection of coloured graphs (up to 2482^{48}) obtained from Boolean networks -- a modelling framework commonly appearing in systems biology

    DiVinE-CUDA - A Tool for GPU Accelerated LTL Model Checking

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    In this paper we present a tool that performs CUDA accelerated LTL Model Checking. The tool exploits parallel algorithm MAP adjusted to the NVIDIA CUDA architecture in order to efficiently detect the presence of accepting cycles in a directed graph. Accepting cycle detection is the core algorithmic procedure in automata-based LTL Model Checking. We demonstrate that the tool outperforms non-accelerated version of the algorithm and we discuss where the limits of the tool are and what we intend to do in the future to avoid them

    Using Strategy Improvement to Stay Alive

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    We design a novel algorithm for solving Mean-Payoff Games (MPGs). Besides solving an MPG in the usual sense, our algorithm computes more information about the game, information that is important with respect to applications. The weights of the edges of an MPG can be thought of as a gained/consumed energy -- depending on the sign. For each vertex, our algorithm computes the minimum amount of initial energy that is sufficient for player Max to ensure that in a play starting from the vertex, the energy level never goes below zero. Our algorithm is not the first algorithm that computes the minimum sufficient initial energies, but according to our experimental study it is the fastest algorithm that computes them. The reason is that it utilizes the strategy improvement technique which is very efficient in practice

    On Expressing and Monitoring Oscillatory Dynamics

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    To express temporal properties of dense-time real-valued signals, the Signal Temporal Logic (STL) has been defined by Maler et al. The work presented a monitoring algorithm deciding the satisfiability of STL formulae on finite discrete samples of continuous signals. The logic has been used to express and analyse biological systems, but it is not expressive enough to sufficiently distinguish oscillatory properties important in biology. In this paper we define the extended logic STL* in which STL is augmented with a signal-value freezing operator allowing us to express (and distinguish) detailed properties of biological oscillations. The logic is supported by a monitoring algorithm prototyped in Matlab. The monitoring procedure of STL* is evaluated on a biologically-relevant case study.Comment: In Proceedings HSB 2012, arXiv:1208.315

    BioDiVinE: A Framework for Parallel Analysis of Biological Models

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    In this paper a novel tool BioDiVinEfor parallel analysis of biological models is presented. The tool allows analysis of biological models specified in terms of a set of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are transformed into a system of multi-affine differential equations. BioDiVinE employs techniques for finite discrete abstraction of the continuous state space. At that level, parallel analysis algorithms based on model checking are provided. In the paper, the key tool features are described and their application is demonstrated by means of a case study