29 research outputs found

    Eclosion of lab-reared Tegeticula spp.

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    This file contains data of eclosion of yucca moths from lab-reared larvae. This dataset was used for results reported in the section “Larval emergence in response to the presence of basal fruits”. See the README file for more details

    Larval emergence in response to the presence of basal fruits

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    This file contains processed data of larval emergence from fruits of naturally-pollinated inflorescences. This dataset was used for results reported in the section “Larval emergence in response to the presence of basal fruits”, Figure 3abc, and Table S6. The dataset includes data from fruits/flowers from all positions on the inflorescences. See the README file for more details

    Predictors of moth arrival at onset of flowering

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    This file contains processed data of moth arrival at inflorescences at onset of flowering. This dataset was used for results reported in the section “Predictors of T. yuccasella arrival at onset of flowering”, Figures 4ab-5ab, Tables S7-S12, and Appendix S3. The dataset also includes variables associated with the inflorescences and moth arrival in addition to those used in the article. See the README file for more details

    Flower retention in a naturally-pollinated Yucca glauca population

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    <b>Description:</b><br>This dataset contains processed data for positions of flowers on naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> inflorescences and whether or not the flowers were retained (matured). Refer to manuscript for details of the study system, study site, and methods. <br><br><b>Format</b><br>The file is in .csv format. Each row contains data for a flower on an inflorescence.<br><br><b>Description of column headers</b><br><b>clump</b> - ID of the visually identifiable <i>Y. glauca</i> clump that the inflorescence belonged to.<br><b>infl</b> - ID of the inflorescence in the patch.<br><b>ht</b> - Height (cm) of the inflorescence from the point of origin at the base of the rosette to the tip.<br><b>basaldia </b>- Basal diamater (mm) of the inflorescence's rosette (an index of rosette size) measured below the lowest crown of green leaves. <br><b>fruits</b> - Number of fruits matured on the inflorescence <br><b>branched</b> - Whether the inflorescence is branched or not (binary variable) <i>Y. glauca</i> inflorescences are usually unbranched, in some cases, some amount of branching exists.<br><b>buds</b> - The total number of buds/flowers on the inflorescence<br><b>fl</b> - Position of flower (also serves as unique ID within an inflorescence), where 1 is the first flower from the bottom of the inflorescence.<br><b>fr</b> - Whether the flower (fl) was retained (matured) or not (binary variable).<br><b>scaled</b> - The scaled position of flower on inflorescence. Calculated by dividing the flower position by <b>buds</b>. For an inflorescence the lowest flower position is above 0 and the highest flower position is 1.<br><b>frbelow</b> - The number of fruits below the flower with position <b>fr</b><br><b>pos</b> - The position of flowers categorized into bottom third (B), middle third (M), and top third (T) flowers. Flowers with scaled positions less than 1/3 were classified as B, greater than 2/3 were classified as T, and the remaining flowers were classified as M.<b><br><br></b> <br

    Fruit length in a naturally-pollinated Yucca glauca population

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    <b>Description:</b><br>This dataset contains processed data for size of fruits from different positions on naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> inflorescences, including indices of extent of pollination and oviposition by nursery pollinator <i>Tegeticula yuccasella</i>. Refer to manuscript for details of the study system, study site, and methods. <br><br><b>Format</b><br>The file is in .csv format. Each row contains data for a fruit.<br><br><b>Description of column headers<br>stalk</b> - ID of the inflorescence stalk in the patch. Same as <b>infl</b> in dataset for "Flower retention in a naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> population"<br><b>fruits</b> - Number of fruits matured on the inflorescence <br><b>basaldia</b> - Basal diameter (mm) of rosette (an index of rosette size) measured below the lowest crown of green leaves.<br><b>buds</b> - The total number of buds/flowers on the inflorescence<br><b>fruitID</b> - ID of fruit. Same as position of flower (<b>fl</b>) that developed into fruit (<b>fr</b> = 1) in dataset for "Flower retention in a naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> population"<br><b>uniqueID</b> - Combination of inflorescence or stalk ID (<b>stalk</b>) and <b>fruitID </b>to obtain a unique identity for each fruit in the dataset. The format is S followed by<b> </b>the ID in the <b>stalk</b> column and F followed by the ID in the <b>fruitID</b> column<br><b>length</b> - the length of the fruit (mm) from the base to the tip of the remnant size. Fruit length is an index of fruit size.<br><b>largest_dia</b> - The diameter of the fruit at the widest point (mm).<br><b>wt</b> - The mass of air-dried fruit (g).<br><b>tapering</b> - Whether the base of the fruit is tapered, indicating pollen limitation, or rounded (binary variable).<br><b>cons</b> - The number of locules with constrictions (out of 6 locules or compartments in the ovary). Damage to multiple ovules during ovipositions results in constrictions. Hence, they are an index of the level of ovipositions.<br><b>scaled</b> - The scaled position of flower from which fruit was developed. Calculated by dividing the flower position, here <b>fruitID</b> by the number of total buds/flowers in <b>buds</b>. A fruit from the topmost flower will have a position of 1.<br><b>frbelow</b> - The number of fruits basal to the focal fruit. <b>Yucca glauca</b> flower sequentially from bottom up. So, basal fruits were likely initiated before the focal fruit was initiated.<br><b>pos</b> - The position of flowers categorized into bottom third (B), middle third (M), and top third (T) flowers. Flowers with <b>scaled</b> positions less than 1/3 were classified as B, greater than 2/3 were classified as T, and the remaining middle flowers were classified as M.<br><b><br><br></b><br

    IBM code for moth oviposition in response to basal fruits

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    This R script contains the code for the Individual Based Model in Appendix 2 of the article. The model was developed to support our prediction that with increasing number of basal fruits fewer yucca moth larvae will emerge from distal fruits because of fewer ovipositions in those flowers with increasing number of basal fruits

    Ovule damage by artificial oviposition treatment

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    <b>Description</b><br>This dataset contains processed data for number of infertile white seeds that result from damaged ovules during nusery pollinator oviposition in response to the artificial oviposition treatment in our flower manipulation experiment using <i>Yucca glauca</i>. Refer to manuscript for details of the study system, study site, and methods. <br><br><b>Format</b><br>The file is in .csv format. Each row contains data for a fruit.<br><br><b><b>Description of column headers</b><br>num</b> - Serial number of air-dried selected fruit developed from experimental flowers from the flower manipulation experiment.<br><b>totwhite</b> - Total white (infertile) ovules. Ovules damaged during oviposition remain in fruits as infertile white seeds.<br><b>totblack</b> - Total black (fertile) seeds. Fertilized ovules that were not damaged during oviposition are black in color.<br><b>tot</b> - Total seeds from the fruit (sum of totwhite and totblack)<br><b>len</b> - Length of fruit (mm) from the base to the tip of the remnant style (an index of fruit size)<br><b>dia</b> - Diameter of fruit (mm) at the widest point.<br><b>T</b> - The inflorescence treatment assigned to the inflorescence from which fruit was collected. For details of treatments see description of column <b>context</b> in dataset titled "Flower manipulation experiment with <i>Yucca glauca</i>" in this collection. Only fruits from inflorescences without basal fruits were used.<br><b>ovi</b> - The oviposition treatment assigned to the inflorescence from which fruit was collected. For details of treatments see description of column <b>ovi</b> in dataset titled "Flower manipulation experiment with <i>Yucca glauca</i>" in this collection. Only fruits with no and high oviposition treatment were used.<br><b><br></b

    Oviposition in response to presence of basal fruits

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    This file contains processed data of oviposition events of Tegeticula yuccasella in response to presence or absence of basal fruits in experimental trials. Results from this dataset are reported in the section “Oviposition in response to presence of basal fruits”, Figure 2ab, and Tables S1-S5 of the article. The dataset also includes variables associated with the experiment in addition to those used in the article. See the README file for more details

    Appendix A. Analytical formulas for the sensitivities of asymptotic invasion speed to lower-level demography and dispersal parameters.

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    Analytical formulas for the sensitivities of asymptotic invasion speed to lower-level demography and dispersal parameters