Fruit length in a naturally-pollinated Yucca glauca population


<b>Description:</b><br>This dataset contains processed data for size of fruits from different positions on naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> inflorescences, including indices of extent of pollination and oviposition by nursery pollinator <i>Tegeticula yuccasella</i>. Refer to manuscript for details of the study system, study site, and methods. <br><br><b>Format</b><br>The file is in .csv format. Each row contains data for a fruit.<br><br><b>Description of column headers<br>stalk</b> - ID of the inflorescence stalk in the patch. Same as <b>infl</b> in dataset for "Flower retention in a naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> population"<br><b>fruits</b> - Number of fruits matured on the inflorescence <br><b>basaldia</b> - Basal diameter (mm) of rosette (an index of rosette size) measured below the lowest crown of green leaves.<br><b>buds</b> - The total number of buds/flowers on the inflorescence<br><b>fruitID</b> - ID of fruit. Same as position of flower (<b>fl</b>) that developed into fruit (<b>fr</b> = 1) in dataset for "Flower retention in a naturally-pollinated <i>Y. glauca</i> population"<br><b>uniqueID</b> - Combination of inflorescence or stalk ID (<b>stalk</b>) and <b>fruitID </b>to obtain a unique identity for each fruit in the dataset. The format is S followed by<b> </b>the ID in the <b>stalk</b> column and F followed by the ID in the <b>fruitID</b> column<br><b>length</b> - the length of the fruit (mm) from the base to the tip of the remnant size. Fruit length is an index of fruit size.<br><b>largest_dia</b> - The diameter of the fruit at the widest point (mm).<br><b>wt</b> - The mass of air-dried fruit (g).<br><b>tapering</b> - Whether the base of the fruit is tapered, indicating pollen limitation, or rounded (binary variable).<br><b>cons</b> - The number of locules with constrictions (out of 6 locules or compartments in the ovary). Damage to multiple ovules during ovipositions results in constrictions. Hence, they are an index of the level of ovipositions.<br><b>scaled</b> - The scaled position of flower from which fruit was developed. Calculated by dividing the flower position, here <b>fruitID</b> by the number of total buds/flowers in <b>buds</b>. A fruit from the topmost flower will have a position of 1.<br><b>frbelow</b> - The number of fruits basal to the focal fruit. <b>Yucca glauca</b> flower sequentially from bottom up. So, basal fruits were likely initiated before the focal fruit was initiated.<br><b>pos</b> - The position of flowers categorized into bottom third (B), middle third (M), and top third (T) flowers. Flowers with <b>scaled</b> positions less than 1/3 were classified as B, greater than 2/3 were classified as T, and the remaining middle flowers were classified as M.<br><b><br><br></b><br

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