11,959 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton First Observation in the Pleiades

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    We present the first results from a 40 ks Guaranteed Time XMM-Newton pointing in the Pleiades. We detect almost all early-mid dM members in the field and several very low mass (VLM) stars - including the brown dwarf (BD) candidate Roque 9 - and investigate the variation of X-ray activity levels, hardness ratios and flare frequency with spectral type down to the BD regime.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in proceedings of `Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era

    Seeding without leading: making space for participant contribution in design elicitation techniques

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    As HCI embraces experience design, it will increasingly rely on new elicitation methods that are capable of drawing out the multi-faceted subjectivities of individuals without being overly prescriptive as to the final design or experience outcome. In this panel we wish to describe and discuss subtle elicitation techniques that allow the elicitation of participant ideas and interests with minimum prejudicing by the researcher. We argue that leaving space for meaning to be made by project nformants is a valuable approach to understanding both design requirements and use issues. We show work that has come from taking this approach and discuss why we have been concerned to keep a creative space open in our research and how we invite people into i

    Uncertainty in epidemiology and health risk assessment

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    Maine Lobstermen and the North Atlantic Right Whale: The Ongoing Conflict and the Obvious Solution

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    The majestic North Atlantic right whale is on the brink of extinction. With fewer than seventy breeding females left, every loss contributes to a decrease in biodiversity and brings us closer to an unrecognizable planet. Like most critically endangered species, the plummeting number of North Atlantic right whales is a direct result of human activity. Specifically, gear used by the lobster fishing industry is entangling and killing right whales off the coast of Maine. The federal Endangered Species Act, meant to protect vulnerable species like the North Atlantic right whale, is violated every time the State of Maine permits Maine lobstermen to use this gear. The solution is twofold: implementation of new, anti-entanglement lobstering gear and a shorter fishing season for Maine lobstermen. Although the federal government has taken steps in the right direction, their efforts are simply inadequate. As the Maine Lobstermen’s Association continues to fight for fewer regulations, conservationists urge the federal government to do more, and to do so quickly

    Effects of Premortem Stress on Heat Shock Protein Abundance, Oxidation, and Color in the Longissimus lumborum of Holstein Steers Following Harvest

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    Consumers consider tenderness and steak color to be two important attributes associated with meat quality. However, inconsistencies in both tenderness and steak color remain despite similar production practices of beef cattle. Stressful events before harvest may impact meat quality by initiating certain pathways such as abundance of heat shock proteins (HSP) and oxidation within the skeletal muscle. Heat shock proteins have been associated with tenderness while oxidation may affect steak color and flavor. In this study, 40 Holstein steers were administered adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) to mimic a stressful event before harvest. Animals were harvested at different times following the ACTH challenge (2 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h; n=10). In addition, animals were grouped based on cortisol response 0.5 h after initiation of the ACTH challenge (lowest, lower, higher, and highest; n=10) because initial serum cortisol concentrations were variable following the challenge. Skeletal muscle tissues were collected from the longissimus lumborum (LL) before the ACTH challenge, at harvest, and after 14 d of aging. Blood samples were also collected. We investigated how time of harvest and cortisol response affected HSP abundance, tenderness, oxidation, and steak color. Time of harvest affected the relative abundance of one of three HSP analyzed, Phosphorylated-HSPβ1 (P-HSPβ1). The abundance of P-HSPβ1 was increased at harvest in animals harvested 48 h after the ACTH challenge, while after 14 d of aging animals that were harvested 24 h after the ACTH challenge had increased abundance of P-HSPβ1. Additionally, time of harvest affected tenderness assessed by the protein troponin I, a regulatory protein in the muscle, and myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI). Animals that were harvested 24 h after the ACTH challenge had increased abundance of troponin at harvest and increased MFI after 14 d of aging. Both time of harvest and cortisol response affected oxidation assessed by DJ1, protein which is a marker of oxidation, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Animals that were harvested 24 h after the ACTH challenge had increased abundance of DJ1 and increased concentration of TBARS in the serum. In addition, steak color was affected by both time of harvest and cortisol response. Animals that were harvested 24 h and 48 h after the ACTH challenge had yellower and redder steaks than animals harvested 2 h and 12 h after the challenge. These finding indicate that time of harvest and cortisol response following a stressful event impacts meat quality, however more research is needed to fully understand the impacts of premortem stress on meat quality

    Alien Registration- Briggs, Mabel K. (New Limerick, Aroostook County)

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    Deconstructing \u27Just and Proper\u27: Arguments in Favor of Adopting the \u27Remedial Purpose\u27 Approach to Section 10(J) Labor Injunctions

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    Congress, through the 1947 addition of section 10(j) to the National Labor Relations Act, authorized district courts to grant preliminary injunctive relief for unfair labor practices if they deem such relief just and proper. To this day a circuit split persists over the correct interpretation of this just and proper standard. Some circuits interpret just and proper to require application of the traditional equitable principles approach that normally governs preliminary injunctions. Other circuits interpret just and proper to require an analysis of whether injunctive relief is necessary to preserve the National Labor Relations Board\u27s remedial power This Note examines the justifications behind these two interpretations in light of section 10(j)\u27s statutory structure-most notably, the use of the just and proper standard in two other provisions of the National Labor Relations Act. It also considers the legislative history of section 10(j) and the public policy consequences underlying Congress\u27s mandate granting the Board exclusive jurisdiction to seek injunctive relief in court under section 10(j). This Note argues that an examination of these factors reveals that Congress intended for courts to focus their section 10(j) analysis on the preservation of the National Labor Relations Board\u27s remedial power rather than on traditional equitable principles

    Prioritization Schemes of the Air Force Logistics Reparable Pipeline

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    This study describes the prioritization schemes utilized in the Air Force logistics reparable pipeline. The reparable pipeline is defined and illustrated with flowcharts. A literature review examines previous research conducted on the reparable pipeline, including analytic and conceptual pipeline models, and pipeline management studies. In addition, the topic of prioritization as defined in the production/operations management academic discipline is reviewed. Prioritization schemes of the reparable pipeline are reported in tabular format in addition to descriptions of the various prioritization schemes. Recommendations for pipeline improvement and further research form a basis from which pipeline operation may be improved. p
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