513 research outputs found

    An Ecological Risk Model for Early Childhood Anxiety: The Importance of Early Child Symptoms and Temperament

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    Childhood anxiety is impairing and associated with later emotional disorders. Studying risk factors for child anxiety may allow earlier identification of at-risk children for prevention efforts. This study applied an ecological risk model to address how early childhood anxiety symptoms, child temperament, maternal anxiety and depression symptoms, violence exposure, and sociodemographic risk factors predict school-aged anxiety symptoms. This longitudinal, prospective study was conducted in a representative birth cohort (n=1109). Structural equation modeling was used to examine hypothesized associations between risk factors measured in toddlerhood/preschool (age=3.0 years) and anxiety symptoms measured in kindergarten (age=6.0 years) and second grade (age= 8.0 years). Early child risk factors (anxiety symptoms and temperament) emerged as the most robust predictor for both parent-and child-reported anxiety outcomes and mediated the effects of maternal and family risk factors. Implications for early intervention and prevention studies are discussed

    Patterns of anxiety symptoms in toddlers and preschool-age children: Evidence of early differentiation

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    The degree to which young children’s anxiety symptoms differentiate according to diagnostic groupings is under-studied, especially in children below the age of 4 years. Theoretical (confirmatory factor analysis, CFA) and statistical (exploratory factor analysis, EFA) analytical methods were employed to test the hypothesis that anxiety symptoms among 2–3-year-old children from a non-clinical, representative sample would differentiate in a manner consistent with current diagnostic nosology. Anxiety symptom items were selected from two norm-referenced parent-report scales of child behavior. CFA and EFA results suggested that anxiety symptoms aggregate in a manner consistent with generalized anxiety, obsessive–compulsive symptoms, separation anxiety, and social phobia. Multi-dimensional models achieved good model fit and fit the data significantly better than undifferentiated models. Results from EFA and CFA methods were predominantly consistent and supported the grouping of early childhood anxiety symptoms into differentiated, diagnostic-specific categories

    Evaluation of Advanced Stirling Convertor Net Heat Input Correlation Methods Using a Thermal Standard

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    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company (LMSSC) have been developing the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) for use as a power system for space science missions. This generator would use two high-efficiency Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs), developed by Sunpower Inc. and NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). The ASCs convert thermal energy from a radioisotope heat source into electricity. As part of ground testing of these ASCs, different operating conditions are used to simulate expected mission conditions. These conditions require achieving a particular operating frequency, hot end and cold end temperatures, and specified electrical power output for a given net heat input. In an effort to improve net heat input predictions, numerous tasks have been performed which provided a more accurate value for net heat input into the ASCs, including testing validation hardware, known as the Thermal Standard, to provide a direct comparison to numerical and empirical models used to predict convertor net heat input. This validation hardware provided a comparison for scrutinizing and improving empirical correlations and numerical models of ASC-E2 net heat input. This hardware simulated the characteristics of an ASC-E2 convertor in both an operating and non-operating mode. This paper describes the Thermal Standard testing and the conclusions of the validation effort applied to the empirical correlation methods used by the Radioisotope Power System (RPS) team at NASA Glenn

    Environmental Loss Characterization of an Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC-E2) Insulation Package Using a Mock Heater Head

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    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company (LMSSC) have been developing the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) for use as a power system for space science missions. This generator would use two highefficiency Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs), developed by Sunpower Inc. and NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). As part of ground testing of these ASCs, different operating conditions are used to simulate expected mission conditions. These conditions require achieving a specified electrical power output for a given net heat input. While electrical power output can be precisely quantified, thermal power input to the Stirling cycle cannot be directly measured. In an effort to improve net heat input predictions, the Mock Heater Head was developed with the same relative thermal paths as a convertor using a conducting rod to represent the Stirling cycle and tested to provide a direct comparison to numerical and empirical models used to predict convertor net heat input. The Mock Heater Head also served as the pathfinder for a higher fidelity version of validation test hardware, known as the Thermal Standard. This paper describes how the Mock Heater Head was tested and utilized to validate a process for the Thermal Standard

    Carbon Nanotubes as Catalyst Supports in Biphasic Systems

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    Carbon nanotubes are studied as catalyst supports in biphasic (oil and water) systems. In the first part the relationships between a carbon nanotubes properties before and after functionalization and the influence those properties have on emulsions characteristics is studied. Emulsion characteristics studied were emulsion type, droplet size, interfacial area, and quantity of carbon nanotubes at the oil-water interface. Emulsions stabilized with carbon nanotubes are compared with emulsions stabilized with silica nanoparticles to further understand how material properties influence emulsion characteristics. The relationship between carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles properties and emulsion characteristics is utilized to control reaction selectivity, further understand the particles environment at the oil-water interface, and create a responsive system where reaction selectivity can be tuned as the reaction proceeds. Finally, with the ability to synthesize carbon nanotubes with different properties a novel catalyst is made which can determine the location of the active site for bifunctional catalysts

    Lost Toy? Monsters Under the Bed? Contributions of Temperament and Family Factors to Early Internalizing Problems in Boys and Girls

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    This study was designed to examine the contribution of multiple risk factors to early internalizing problems and to investigate whether family and ecological context moderated the association between child temperament and internalizing outcomes. A sample of 1,202 mothers of 2- and 3-year-old children completed a survey of child social-emotional functioning, family environment, and violence exposure. Child temperament, maternal affective symptoms, and family expressiveness were associated with child anxiety and depression problems. Violence exposure was related only to child anxiety. When maternal affective symptoms were elevated, inhibited girls but not boys were rated as more anxious and youngsters with heightened negative emotionality were rated as more depressed. Family expressiveness moderated the association between inhibited temperament and anxiety symptoms

    Detection of Dense Molecular Gas in Inter-Arm Spurs in M51

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    Spiral arm spurs are prominent features that have been observed in extinction and 8μ\mum emission in nearby galaxies. In order to understand their molecular gas properties, we used the Owens Valley Radio Observatory to map the CO(J=1--0) emission in three spurs emanating from the inner northwestern spiral arm of M51. We report CO detections from all three spurs. The molecular gas mass and surface density are MH2∼3×106_{H2} \sim3\times10^6 M_{\sun} and ΣH2∼\Sigma_{H2} \sim50 M_{\sun} pc−2^{-2}. Thus, relative to the spiral arms, the spurs are extremely weak features. However, since the spurs are extended perpendicular to the spiral arms for ∼\sim500 pc and contain adequate fuel for star formation, they may be the birthplace for observed inter-arm HII regions. This reduces the requirement for the significant time delay that would be otherwise needed if the inter-arm star formation was initiated in the spiral arms. Larger maps of galaxies at similar depth are required to further understand the formation and evolution of these spurs and their role in star formation - such data should be forthcoming with the new CARMA and future ALMA telescopes and can be compared to several recent numerical simulations that have been examining the evolution of spiral arm spurs.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, emulate-apj format, accepted in Ap

    Structure and Composition of Molecular Clouds with CN Zeeman Detections I: W3OH

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    We have carried out a multi-species study of a region which has had previous measurements of strong magnetic fields through the CN Zeeman effect in order to to explore the relationship between CN and N2_2H+^+, both of which have evidence that they remain in the gas phase at densities of 105^5 - 106^6 cm−3^{-3}. To achieve this we map the 1 arcmin2^2 region around the UCHII region of W3(OH) using the Combined Array for Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). Approximately 105 hours of data were collected in multiple array configurations to produce maps with an effective resolution of ∼\sim 2.5\arcsec at high signal-to-noise in CN, C18^{18}O, HCN, HCO+^+, N2_2H+^+, and two continuum bands (91.2 GHz and 112 GHz). These data allow us to compare tracer molecules associated with both low and high density regions to infer gas properties. We determine that CARMA resolves out approximately 35% of the CN emission around W3(OH) when compared with spectra obtained from the IRAM-30 meter telescope. The presence of strong absorption lines towards the continuum source in three of the molecular transitions infers the presence of a cold, dark, optically thick region in front of the continuum source. In addition, the presence of high-velocity emission lines near the continuum source shows the presence of hot clumpy emission behind the continuum source. These data determine that future high-resolution interferometric CN Zeeman measurements which cannot currently be performed (due to technical limitations of current telescopes) are feasible. We confirm that CN is indeed a good tracer for high density regions; with certain objects such as W3(OH) it appears to be a more accurate tracer than N2_2H+^+.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Evaluation of Advanced Stirling Convertor Net Heat Input Correlation Methods Using a Thermal Standard

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    Test hardware used to validate net heat prediction models. Problem: Net Heat Input cannot be measured directly during operation. Net heat input is a key parameter needed in prediction of efficiency for convertor performance. Efficiency = Electrical Power Output (Measured) divided by Net Heat Input (Calculated). Efficiency is used to compare convertor designs and trade technology advantages for mission planning

    Attention bias and anxiety in young children exposed to family violence

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    Background—Attention bias towards threat is associated with anxiety in older youth and adults and has been linked with violence exposure. Attention bias may moderate the relationship between violence exposure and anxiety in young children. Capitalizing on measurement advances, the current study examines these relationships at a younger age than previously possible. Methods—Young children (mean age 4.7, ±0.8) from a cross-sectional sample oversampled for violence exposure (N = 218) completed the dot-probe task to assess their attention biases. Observed fear/anxiety was characterized with a novel observational paradigm, the Anxiety Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Mother-reported symptoms were assessed with the Preschool-Age Psychiatric Assessment and Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children. Violence exposure was characterized with dimensional scores reflecting probability of membership in two classes derived via latent class analysis from the Conflict Tactics Scales: Abuse and Harsh Parenting. Results—Family violence predicted greater child anxiety and trauma symptoms. Attention bias moderated the relationship between violence and anxiety
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