199 research outputs found

    Air Traffic Simulation Technology for High-Population Metroplexes

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    IAI's MetroSim optimizes air traffic by simulating departures, arrivals, and activity in air and onthe ground in busy metroplexes, where flights impact each other at a single airport and among traffic at nearby airports. MetroSim evolved out of several NASA SBIR/STTR Awards and has since been used by NASA for flight simulation analysis. MetroSim has also been integrated with FAA and DOT technology, has produced studies for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and is under development to support the Nav

    EVects of an invasive forest pathogen on abundance of ticks and their vertebrate hosts in a California Lyme disease focus

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    Abstract Invasive species, including pathogens, can have important eVects on local ecosystems, including indirect consequences on native species. This study focuses on the eVects of an invasive plant pathogen on a vertebrate community and Ixodes paciWcus, the vector of the Lyme disease pathogen (Borrelia burgdorferi) in California. Phytophthora ramorum, the causative agent of sudden oak death, is a nonnative pathogen killing trees in California and Oregon. We conducted a multi-year study using a gradient of SODcaused disturbance to assess the impact on the dusky-footed woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes) and the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), two reservoir hosts of B. burgdorferi, as well as the impact on the Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) and the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), both of which are important hosts for I. paciWcus but are not pathogen reservoirs. Abundances of P. maniculatus and S. occidentalis were positively correlated with greater SOD disturbance, whereas N. fuscipes abundance was negatively correlated. We did not Wnd a change in space use by O. hemionus. Our data show that SOD has a positive impact on the density of nymphal ticks, which is expected to increase the risk of human exposure to Lyme disease all else being equal. A positive correlation between SOD disturbance and the density of nymphal ticks was expected given increased abundances of two important hosts: deer mice and western fence lizards. However, further research is needed to integrate the direct eVects of SOD on ticks, for example via altered abiotic conditions with host-mediated indirect eVects

    Integral Projection Models for host-parasite systems with an application to amphibian chytrid fungus

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    1. Host–parasite models are typically constructed under either a microparasite or macroparasite paradigm. However, this has long been recognized as a false dichotomy because many infectious disease agents, including most fungal pathogens, have attributes of both microparasites and macroparasites. 2. We illustrate how Integral Projection Models (IPMs) provide a novel modelling framework to represent both types of pathogens. We build a simple host–parasite IPM that tracks both the number of susceptible and infected hosts and the distribution of parasite burdens in infected hosts. 3. The vital rate functions necessary to build IPMs for disease dynamics share many commonalities with classic micro and macroparasite models and we discuss how these functions can be parameterized to build a host–parasite IPM. We illustrate the utility of this IPM approach by modelling the temperature-dependent epizootic dynamics of amphibian chytrid fungus in Mountain yellow-legged frogs (Rana muscosa). 4. The host–parasite IPM can be applied to other diseases such as facial tumour disease in Tasmanian devils and white-nose syndrome in bats. Moreover, the host–parasite IPM can be easily extended to capture more complex disease dynamics and provides an exciting new frontier in modelling wildlife disease.Full Tex

    Prospectus, September 21, 1976

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    PC BOARD OF TRUSTEES OKS DEFICIT BUDGET; Anna Dearing of the LS testing lab: I enjoy it ; Write-ins dominate election, 1st Stu-Go meeting tommorow; PC news in brief: Sociological Association, First Meeting, Yea team!!!, Need some help?, Basketball tryouts; Women\u27s program sponsors : Antonia ; Improve reading at PC; Letters to the editor: The pins, Again..., And again?..., Oh no! not again?..., Give a Schmidt!!!, Where are the sports?; Editorial: Students are consumers; Quad fest featured music, magic; Counselors comply with Title IX; Prairie Festival set for Sunday; Louise Parker: \u27People are fun to watch\u27; Auditions today, tomorrow; Summer school in the Rockies; Drag races teach needed skills; 45 students attend: Marriott\u27s Great America attracts Parkland field trip; Ike\u27s opinion: Controversy continues: feedback on Dr. Richards; Uncle Bob: Slinging vegies is old tradition; Country crowd: Charlie and his fans; Mark Twain; Mediaseen: Carter and the media; Classifieds; Hoofers do \u27extremely well\u27 at UI; Women\u27s volleyball schedule; Locks and Dam 26 is subject of Oct. 12 debate; Know your athletes: \u27T\u27 Square keeps on running to own beat; Ten men: C-C members listed; Cobra\u27s Corner: Women\u27s volleyball improves; Cross Country Schedule 1976; Golfers fourth in tourney; Lose your nose?; Know your athletes: Kathy Kaler prepares for teaching; Linton wins Fast Fred; Fast Freddy\u27s Football Forecast; Games of September 25https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1976/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Giving an Account of One’s Pain in the Anthropological Interview

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    In this paper, I analyze the illness stories narrated by a mother and her 13-year-old son as part of an ethnographic study of child chronic pain sufferers and their families. In examining some of the moral, relational and communicative challenges of giving an account of one’s pain, I focus on what is left out of some accounts of illness and suffering and explore some possible reasons for these elisions. Drawing on recent work by Judith Butler (Giving an Account of Oneself, 2005), I investigate how the pragmatic context of interviews can introduce a form of symbolic violence to narrative accounts. Specifically, I use the term “genre of complaint” to highlight how anthropological research interviews in biomedical settings invoke certain typified forms of suffering that call for the rectification of perceived injustices. Interview narratives articulated in the genre of complaint privilege specific types of pain and suffering and cast others into the background. Giving an account of one’s pain is thus a strategic and selective process, creating interruptions and silences as much as moments of clarity. Therefore, I argue that medical anthropologists ought to attend more closely to the institutional structures and relations that shape the production of illness narratives in interview encounters

    Context-dependent conservation responses to emerging wildlife diseases

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    Emerging infectious diseases pose an important threat to wildlife. While established protocols exist for combating outbreaks of human and agricultural pathogens, appropriate management actions before, during, and after the invasion of wildlife pathogens have not been developed. We describe stage-specific goals and management actions that minimize disease impacts on wildlife, and the research required to implement them. Before pathogen arrival, reducing the probability of introduction through quarantine and trade restrictions is key because prevention is more cost effective than subsequent responses. On the invasion front, the main goals are limiting pathogen spread and preventing establishment. In locations experiencing an epidemic, management should focus on reducing transmission and disease, and promoting the development of resistance or tolerance. Finally, if pathogen and host populations reach a stable stage, then recovery of host populations in the face of new threats is paramount. Successful management of wildlife disease requires risk-taking, rapid implementation, and an adaptive approach."Funding was provided by the US National Science Foundation (grants EF-0914866, DGE-0741448, DEB-1115069, DEB-1336290) and the National Institutes of Health (grant 1R010AI090159)."https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/14024