7 research outputs found

    Silicon Photomultiplier Readout Electronics for Imaging Calorimetry Applications

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    Experiments at future linear collider experiments will allow to reach an unprecedented measurement resolution for standard model processes and the search for new physics. In order to exploit the full potential of the clean initial state in the electron-positron colli- sions, a jet energy resolution of 3-4% is required, which is not achievable with classical calorimetry approaches. The detectors will be optimized for the use of particle flow algo- rithms to achieve the required energy resolution, resulting in the need of highly granular (imaging) and compact calorimetry systems. This work covers the development of specialized readout electronics for scintillator-based calorimeters read out by Silicon Photomultipliers. The readout electronics are required to provide a precise charge measurement capability over a large dynamic range, be fully integrated and self triggered. In order to allow a calibration of the calorimeters, the readout electronics must be capable of measuring the detector gain from the response to signals at the level of few photons. Noise contributions affecting the resolution for the gain calibration are discussed and used for the circuit optimization. Due to the high channel density, the power consumption of the front-end electronics is extremely limited, requiring to implement power pulsing techniques to minimize the power consumption

    Technical design of the phase I Mu3e experiment

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    The Mu3e experiment aims to find or exclude the lepton flavour violating decay μ→eee at branching fractions above 10−16. A first phase of the experiment using an existing beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is designed to reach a single event sensitivity of 2⋅10−15. We present an overview of all aspects of the technical design and expected performance of the phase I Mu3e detector. The high rate of up to 10(8) muon decays per second and the low momenta of the decay electrons and positrons pose a unique set of challenges, which we tackle using an ultra thin tracking detector based on high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensors combined with scintillating fibres and tiles for precise timing measurements.ISSN:0168-9002ISSN:1872-957

    The Mu3e Data Acquisition

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    International audienceThe Mu3e experiment aims to find or exclude the lepton flavour violating decay μ+e+ee+\mu^+\to e^+e^-e^+ with a sensitivity of one in 1016^{16} muon decays. The first phase of the experiment is currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Switzerland), where beams with up to 108^8 muons per second are available. The detector will consist of an ultra-thin pixel tracker made from High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS), complemented by scintillating tiles and fibres for precise timing measurements. The experiment produces about 100 Gbit/s of zero-suppressed data which are transported to a filter farm using a network of FPGAs and fast optical links. On the filter farm, tracks and three-particle vertices are reconstructed using highly parallel algorithms running on graphics processing units, leading to a reduction of the data to 100 Mbyte/s for mass storage and offline analysis. The paper introduces the system design and hardware implementation of the Mu3e data acquisition and filter farm

    International Large Detector: Interim Design Report

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    The ILD detector is proposed for an electron-positron collider with collision centre-of-mass energies from 90~\GeV~to about 1~\TeV. It has been developed over the last 10 years by an international team of scientists with the goal to design and eventually propose a fully integrated detector, primarily for the International Linear Collider, ILC. In this report the fundamental ideas and concepts behind the ILD detector are discussed and the technologies needed for the realisation of the detector are reviewed. The document starts with a short review of the science goals of the ILC, and how the goals can be achieved today with the detector technologies at hand. After a discussion of the ILC and the environment in which the experiment will take place, the detector is described in more detail, including the status of the development of the technologies foreseen for each subdetector. The integration of the different sub-systems into an integrated detector is discussed, as is the interface between the detector and the collider. This is followed by a concise summary of the benchmarking which has been performed in order to find an optimal balance between performance and cost. To the end the costing methodology used by ILD is presented, and an updated cost estimate for the detector is presented. The report closes with a summary of the current status and of planned future actions

    The ILD detector at the ILC

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    The International Large Detector, ILD, is a detector concept which has been developed for the electron-positron collider ILC. The detector has been optimized for precision physics in a range of energies between 90 GeV and 1 TeV. ILD features a high precision, large volume combined silicon and gaseous tracking system, together with a high granularity calorimeter, all inside a 3.5 T solenoidal magnetic field. The paradigm of particle flow has been the guiding principle of the design of ILD. In this document the required performance of the detector, the proposed implementation and the readiness of the different technologies needed for the implementation are discussed. This is done in the framework of the ILC collider proposal, now under consideration in Japan, and includes site specific aspects needed to build and operate the detector at the proposed ILC site in Japan