85 research outputs found

    Ageing and urban form in Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis

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    The world population is ageing. In France, this phenomenon is particularly pronounced with 19.6% of the population being over 65-year-old in 2018. While it has been recognized that urban form plays an important role in ensuring a sustainable future for urban areas, ageing dynamics are challenging the core concept of urban sustainability. Maintaining or improving the quality of life of an ageing population through urban built form will become as much important, and as much recognized, as ensuring urban environmental sustainability in the future. Today, the well-being of the elderly is still reduced to the economic aspects of the silver economy or to ergonomic aspects in building design. While socio-demographic micro-data on the elderly are available, a comprehensive metropolitan-wide and fine-scale description of the urban forms where seniors live must rely on the latest developments of urban morphometrics. From historic city centres to suburban residential areas, passing through modernist apartment blocks, none of these typical forms seems particularly suited to the needs posed by ageing, which must accommodate accessibility to housing itself and to local shops, health care and services in general. The question of the role of different urban forms over the spatial distribution of the seniors thus arises, as well as the capacity of spatial arrangements to suit the needs and specificities of an ageing population. The case study is a metropolitan area that offers a great heterogeneity of urban forms: Aix- Marseille-Provence, in Southern France. Some areas show over or under-representation of seniors, while others are better at ensuring a generational mix. In most cases, the spatial distribution of the seniors can be linked to specific building hull forms. The spatial distribution of these hull types, and their close relationships to ageing and accessibility are presented in this paper

    Innovation et développement dans les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires

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    L’innovation est souvent présentée comme l’un des principaux leviers pour promouvoir un développement plus durable et plus inclusif. Dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, l’innovation est marquée par des spécificités liées à sa relation à la nature, mais aussi à la grande diversité d’acteurs concernés, depuis les agriculteurs jusqu’aux consommateurs, en passant par les services de recherche et de développement. L’innovation émerge des interactions entre ces acteurs, qui mobilisent des ressources et produisent des connaissances dans des dispositifs collaboratifs, afin de générer des changements. Elle recouvre des domaines aussi variés que les pratiques de production, l’organisation des marchés, ou les pratiques alimentaires. L’innovation est reliée aux grands enjeux de développement : innovation agro-écologique, innovation sociale, innovation territoriale, etc. Cet ouvrage porte un regard sur l’innovation dans les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires. Il met un accent particulier sur l’accompagnement de l’innovation, en interrogeant les méthodes et les organisations, et sur l’évaluation de l’innovation au regard de différents critères. Il s’appuie sur des réflexions portées par différentes disciplines scientifiques, sur des travaux de terrain conduits tant en France que dans de nombreux pays du Sud, et enfin sur les expériences acquises en accompagnant des acteurs qui innovent. Il combine des synthèses sur l’innovation et des études de cas emblématiques pour illustrer les propos. L’ouvrage est destiné aux enseignants, professionnels, étudiants et chercheurs

    L'indice de proximité automobile : vers une approche géographique de la pollution à l'échelle individuelle.

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    Variations of mean annual minimum temperaturesin the French Mediterranean region from 1951 to 2010

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    International audienceThis paper aims at comparing the evolution from 1950 to 2010 of the average annual minimum temperatures of 34 stations in the French Mediterranean region with the mean global average temperatures with a significant rise in temperatures between 1950 and 2012 divided into two periods, first a slowly descending one till the 70’s followed by a second ascending up quickly till the end of the century (Stork et al., 2013). The environment of the French stations has been determined from georeferenced documents of different dates. Their linear evolution has been studied from a dual linear regression starting one at the beginning of the period, the other at the end with the aim of determining if it presented a succession of two periods with different evolution separated by a rupture

    Variations of mean annual minimum temperaturesin the French Mediterranean region from 1951 to 2010

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    International audienceThis paper aims at comparing the evolution from 1950 to 2010 of the average annual minimum temperatures of 34 stations in the French Mediterranean region with the mean global average temperatures with a significant rise in temperatures between 1950 and 2012 divided into two periods, first a slowly descending one till the 70’s followed by a second ascending up quickly till the end of the century (Stork et al., 2013). The environment of the French stations has been determined from georeferenced documents of different dates. Their linear evolution has been studied from a dual linear regression starting one at the beginning of the period, the other at the end with the aim of determining if it presented a succession of two periods with different evolution separated by a rupture
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