142 research outputs found

    Ring electrode for radio-frequency heating of the cornea: modelling and in vitro experiments

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    [EN] Radio-frequency thermokeratoplasty (RF-TKP) is a technique used to reshape the cornea curvature by means of thermal lesions using radio-frequency currents. This curvature change allows refractive disorders such as hyperopia to be corrected. A new electrode with ring geometry is proposed for RF-TKP. It was designed to create a single thermal lesion with a full-circle shape. Finite element models were developed, and the temperature distributions in the cornea were analysed for different ring electrode characteristics. The computer results indicated that the maximum temperature in the cornea was located in the vicinity of the ring electrode outer perimeter, and that the lesions had a semi-torus shape. The results also indicated that the electrode thickness, electrode radius and electrode thermal conductivity had a significant influence on the temperature distributions. In addition, in vitro experiments were performed on rabbit eyes. At 5 IN power the lesions were fully circular. Some lesions showed non-uniform characteristics along their circular path. Lesion depth depended on heating duration (60% of corneal thickness for 20s, and 30% for 10s). The results suggest that the critical shrinkage temperature (55-63degreesC) was reached at the central stroma and along the entire circular path in all the cases.Berjano, E.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ.; Alió, J.; Ferrero, JM. (2003). Ring electrode for radio-frequency heating of the cornea: modelling and in vitro experiments. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 41(6):630-639. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02349970S630639416Alió, J. L., Ismail, M. M., Artola, A., andPérez-Santonja, J. J. (1997a): ‘Correction of hyperopia induced by photorefractive keratectomy using non-contact Ho: YAG laser thermal keratoplasty’,J. Refract. Surg.,13, pp. 13–16Alió, J. L., Ismail, M. M., andSanchez, J. L. (1997b): ‘Correction of hyperopia with non-contact Ho: YAG laser thermal keratoplasty’,J. Refract. Surg.,13, pp. 17–22Alió, J. 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    Molecular graphies: how to see a molecular scenario with the eyes of a molecule

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    The use of interactive computer-graphics for man-machine communication in the field of molecular modelling is reviewed. It is demonstrated that the capacity of modern graphical workstations in conjunction with powerful "number crunching" hardware enables the chemist to 'see' molecular scenarios from a molecule s’ point of view. It is shown that in particular the concept of molecular surfaces is very helpful for the discussion of specific intermolecular interactions: Attraction ana repulsion of an interaction partner can be mapped by colour coding on the molecular surface. Another form for the visualisation of intermolecular interaction is the graphical representation of 3D-scalar and -vector fields. Computer-graphics and the quantification of intermolecular interactions lead to an extension of the model scenarios used in correlation analysis in chemistry. This is demonstrated with a few examples

    Simulation of voltage-driven hydrated cation transport through narrow transmembrane channels.

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    Molecular dynamics studies for the voltage-driven transport of the alkali metal ions lithium, sodium, and potassium through gramicidin A-type channels filled with water molecules are presented. The number of water molecules in the channel is obtained from a previous study (Skerra, A., and J. Brickmann, 1987, Biophys. J., 51:969-976). It is shown that the selectivity of the intrachannel ion diffusion through our model pore conforms to the experimentally observed selectivity of the gramicidin A channel. It is demonstrated that the number of water molecules in the channel plays a key role for the selectivity


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    Two methods for the numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with given initial conditions (initial wave packet) are presented. The first method (method A) is based on the Schrodinger representation of the quantum-dynamical system while the second one (method B) is based upon the intermediate representation. In both cases the quantum dynamical equation is transformed into a system of Hamilton-Jacobi type equations of motion as occurring in multi particle classical dynamics, i.e. standard molecular dynamics techniques can be applied for the integration. The dynamics of a minimum uncertainty Gaussian wave packet in a strongly anharmonic oscillator is taken as an example