1,719 research outputs found

    Essential Role of the Iron-Regulated Outer Membrane Receptor FauA in Alcaligin Siderophore-Mediated Iron Uptake in Bordetella Species

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    Phenotypic analysis using heterologous host systems localized putative Bordetella pertussis ferric alcaligin transport genes and Fur-binding sequences to a 3.8-kb genetic region downstream from the alcR regulator gene. Nucleotide sequencing identified a TonB-dependent receptor family homolog gene, fauA, predicted to encode a polypeptide with high amino acid sequence similarity with known bacterial ferric siderophore receptors. In Escherichia coli, the fauA genes of both B. pertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica directed the production of a 79-kDa polypeptide, approximating the predicted size of the mature FauA protein. B. bronchiseptica fauA insertion mutant BRM17 was unable to utilize ferric alcaligin, and in complementation analyses ferric alcaligin utilization was restored to this mutant by supplying the wild-type fauA gene in trans. Mutant BRM18, carrying a nonpolar in-frame fauA deletion mutation, was defective in ferric alcaligin utilization and 55Fe-ferric alcaligin uptake and no longer produced a 79-kDa iron-regulated outer membrane protein. In complementation analyses, BRM18 merodiploids bearing the wild-type fauA gene in trans regained ferric alcaligin siderophore transport and utilization functions and produced the 79-kDa protein. Analysis of a plasmid-borne fauA-lacZ operon fusion confirmed that fauA is subject to iron regulation at the transcriptional level and that cis-acting transcriptional control elements mediating fauA iron repressibility reside within the 3.8-kb PstI fauA DNA region. Moreover, expression of the fauA-lacZ fusion gene under iron starvation conditions was shown to be alcR dependent. FauA is a 79-kDa iron-regulated outer membrane receptor protein required for transport and utilization of ferric alcaligin siderophore complexes by Bordetella species. Originally published Journal of Bacteriology, Vol. 181, No. 19, Oct 199

    Zero-Point cooling and low heating of trapped 111Cd+ ions

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    We report on ground state laser cooling of single 111Cd+ ions confined in radio-frequency (Paul) traps. Heating rates of trapped ion motion are measured for two different trapping geometries and electrode materials, where no effort was made to shield the electrodes from the atomic Cd source. The low measured heating rates suggest that trapped 111Cd+ ions may be well-suited for experiments involving quantum control of atomic motion, including applications in quantum information science.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to PR

    Client Commitment to the Helping Relationship

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    Ultracold molecules: vehicles to scalable quantum information processing

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    We describe a novel scheme to implement scalable quantum information processing using Li-Cs molecular state to entangle 6^{6}Li and 133^{133}Cs ultracold atoms held in independent optical lattices. The 6^{6}Li atoms will act as quantum bits to store information, and 133^{133}Cs atoms will serve as messenger bits that aid in quantum gate operations and mediate entanglement between distant qubit atoms. Each atomic species is held in a separate optical lattice and the atoms can be overlapped by translating the lattices with respect to each other. When the messenger and qubit atoms are overlapped, targeted single spin operations and entangling operations can be performed by coupling the atomic states to a molecular state with radio-frequency pulses. By controlling the frequency and duration of the radio-frequency pulses, entanglement can either be created or swapped between a qubit messenger pair. We estimate operation fidelities for entangling two distant qubits and discuss scalability of this scheme and constraints on the optical lattice lasers

    The bloodstream differentiation - division of Trypanosoma brucei studied using mitochondrial markers

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    In the bloodstream of its mammalian host, the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei undergoes a life cycle stage differentiation from a long, slender form to a short, stumpy form. This involves three known major events: exit from a proliferative cell cycle, morphological change and mitochondrial biogenesis. Previously, models have been proposed accounting for these events (Matthews & Gull 1994a). Refinement of, and discrimination between, these models has been hindered by a lack of stage-regulated antigens useful as markers at the single-cell level. We have now evaluated a variety of cytological markers and applied them to investigate the coordination of phenotypic differentiation and cell cycle arrest. Our studies have focused on the differential expression of the mitochondrial enzyme dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase relative to the differentiation-division of bloodstream trypanosomes. The results implicate a temporal order of events: commitment, division, phenotypic differentiation

    Entanglement of Trapped-Ion Clock States

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    A M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen entangling gate is realized for pairs of trapped 111^{111}Cd+^+ ions using magnetic-field insensitive "clock" states and an implementation offering reduced sensitivity to optical phase drifts. The gate is used to generate the complete set of four entangled states, which are reconstructed and evaluated with quantum-state tomography. An average target-state fidelity of 0.79 is achieved, limited by available laser power and technical noise. The tomographic reconstruction of entangled states demonstrates universal quantum control of two ion-qubits, which through multiplexing can provide a route to scalable architectures for trapped-ion quantum computing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Acts of Kindness and Acts of Novelty Affect Life Satisfaction

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    The present experiment was designed to establish the effects of acts of kindness and acts of novelty on life satisfaction. Participants aged 18–60 took part on a voluntary basis. They were randomly assigned to perform either acts of kindness, acts of novelty, or no acts on a daily basis for 10 days. Their life satisfaction was measured before and after the 10-day experiment. As expected, performing acts of kindness or acts of novelty resulted in an increase in life satisfaction
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