211 research outputs found

    Release of Lungworm Larvae from Snails in the Environment: Potential for Alternative Transmission Pathways

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    Background: Gastropod-borne parasites may cause debilitating clinical conditions in animals and humans following the consumption of infected intermediate or paratenic hosts. However, the ingestion of fresh vegetables contaminated by snail mucus and/or water has also been proposed as a source of the infection for some zoonotic metastrongyloids (e.g., Angiostrongylus cantonensis). In the meantime, the feline lungworms Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Troglostrongylus brevior are increasingly spreading among cat populations, along with their gastropod intermediate hosts. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of alternative transmission pathways for A. abstrusus and T. brevior L3 via the mucus of infected Helix aspersa snails and the water where gastropods died. In addition, the histological examination of snail specimens provided information on the larval localization and inflammatory reactions in the intermediate host. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-four specimens of H. aspersa received ~500 L1 of A. abstrusus and T. brevior, and were assigned to six study groups. Snails were subjected to different mechanical and chemical stimuli throughout 20 days in order to elicit the production of mucus. At the end of the study, gastropods were submerged in tap water and the sediment was observed for lungworm larvae for three consecutive days. Finally, snails were artificially digested and recovered larvae were counted and morphologically and molecularly identified. The anatomical localization of A. abstrusus and T. brevior larvae within snail tissues was investigated by histology. L3 were detected in the snail mucus (i.e., 37 A. abstrusus and 19 T. brevior) and in the sediment of submerged specimens (172 A. abstrusus and 39 T. brevior). Following the artificial digestion of H. aspersa snails, a mean number of 127.8 A. abstrusus and 60.3 T. brevior larvae were recovered. The number of snail sections positive for A. abstrusus was higher than those for T. brevior. Conclusions: Results of this study indicate that A. abstrusus and T. brevior infective L3 are shed in the mucus of H. aspersa or in water where infected gastropods had died submerged. Both elimination pathways may represent alternative route(s) of environmental contamination and source of the infection for these nematodes under field conditions and may significantly affect the epidemiology of feline lungworms. Considering that snails may act as intermediate hosts for other metastrongyloid species, the environmental contamination by mucus-released larvae is discussed in a broader context

    Leishmania tarentolae and leishmania infantum in humans, dogs and cats in the pelagie archipelago, southern italy

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania infantum is endemic in the Mediterranean basin with most of the infected human patients remaining asymptomatic. Recently, the saurian-associated Leishmania tarentolae was detected in human blood donors and in sheltered dogs. The circulation of L. infantum and L. tarentolae was investigated in humans, dogs and cats living in the Pelagie islands (Sicily, Italy) by multiple serological and molecular testing. Human serum samples (n = 346) were tested to assess the exposure to L. infantum by immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot (WB) and to L. tarentolae by IFAT. Meanwhile, sera from dogs (n = 149) and cats (n = 32) were tested for both Leishmania species by IFAT and all blood samples, including those of humans, by specific sets of real time-PCR for L. infantum and L. tarentolae. The agreement between serological tests performed for human samples, and between serological and molecular diagnostic techniques for both human and animal samples were also assessed. Overall, 41 human samples (11.8%, 95% CI: 8.9–15.7) were positive to L. infantum (5.2%, 95% CI: 3.3–8.1), L. tarentolae (5.2%, 95% CI: 3.3–8.1) and to both species (1.4%, 95% CI: 0.6–3.3) by serology and/or molecular tests. A good agreement among the serological tests was determined. Both Leishmania spp. were serologically and/or molecularly detected in 39.6% dogs and 43.7% cats. In addition to L. infantum, also L. tarentolae circulates in human and animal populations, raising relevant public health implications. Further studies should investigate the potential beneficial effects of L. tarentolae in the protection against L. infantum infection

    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 on hospital surfaces

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, affecting 213 countries, with more than 10 million cases and over 500,000 deaths is still causing serious health, social and economic emergency worldwide. Italian Northern regions are among the most badly affected areas. Surfaces represent matrices to which particular attention should be paid for prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. A few studies have highlighted virus presence on surfaces. We report the evidence of its presence on hospital surfaces, in a single room hosting a patient whose nose-pharyngeal swab resulted positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA at the admission. The surfaces sampling was carried out using pre-wetted swabs followed by extraction and amplification of viral RNA by reverse Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR). A total of 4/15 (26.66%) surfaces were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA: the right bed rail, the call button, the bed trapeze bar, the stethoscope; moreover, the patient’s inner surgical mask was positive, showing the emission of the virus from the patient. This study is a further confirmation that the surfaces represent a potential vehicle of transmission. This supports the need for strict adherence to hand and environmental hygiene. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Bovine besnoitiosis in a cattle herd in Sicily: an isolated outbreak or the acknowledgment of an endemicity?

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    Bovine besnoitiosis is a debilitating infectious disease caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Apicomplexa; Sarcocystidae). The disease is mainly characterized by cutaneous and systemic signs, infertility in bulls, and abortion in cows. The current study describes an autochthonous outbreak of bovine besnoitiosis in Sicily, Southern Italy, being the first report of B. besnoiti infection in the island so far. In a cattle farm located in Syracuse province, a 4-year-old Belgian blue bull born in Sicily displayed typical clinical signs of the sub-acute/chronic disease phase with thickening of the skin of the scrotum and testicular degeneration. Histological examination of scrotal biopsies revealed the presence of several tissue cysts of B. besnoiti. The serological analysis of the herd using a commercial ELISA revealed a high seroprevalence (45 out of 55; 82%) of antibodies against B. besnoiti. Few seropositive animals (5 out of 45; 11%) showed clinical signs, cysts in vestibulum vaginae (1 out of 31; 3.2%), and testicular degeneration (4 out of 14; 28.6%) assessed by ultrasonographic investigations. The paucity of clinical signs associated with the high seroprevalence in the farm led to hypothesize that bovine besnoitiosis is endemic in the area though further studies are needed. Local practitioners should be more aware of the disease to facilitate the early detection of cases, prevent the spread of infection, and avoid economic losses and animal health problem

    Rehabilitative treatment of patients with covid-19 infection: The p.a.r.m.a. evidence based clinical practice protocol

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    Background: The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 on the National Health System (NHS) required a reorganization of the various levels of care, which also involved the rehabilitation reality. Aim of the work: A clinical practice review of the literature was conducted to provide operational-rehabilitation guidelines adapt-ed to the local reality and to the recent corporate reorganization in the context of the COVID-19 emergency. Methods: A practice review of the available scientific evidence was regularly conducted from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to periodically update the clinical practice guidelines. Articles that met the following inclusion criteria were included: studies conducted on human adult subjects with COVID-19 infection, un-dergoing rehabilitation in any hospitalization setting. Results: The results of this clinical practice update were periodically discussed with colleagues and collaborators in a multi-professional team, in order to guarantee a good clinical practice protocol, named P.A.R.M.A. Conclusions: The P.A.R.M.A. protocol is the result of a periodic review literature update, which has allowed us to take charge of patients affected by COVID-19 ac-cording to the most up-to-date clinical evidences, guaranteeing a shared and uniform treatment within a local reality in an era of health emergency. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Detection of cyclospora in captive chimpanzees and macaques by a quantitative PCR-based mutation scanning approach

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    BACKGROUND: Cyclospora is a protistan parasite that causes enteritis in several species of animals including humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Cyclospora in captive non-human primates. METHODS: A total of 119 faecal samples from Pan troglodytes, Macaca sylvanus, Cercopithecus cephus, Erythrocebus patas, Chlorocebus aethiops and Macaca fascicularis from a wildlife animal rescue center as well as from Macaca fascicularis from an experimental primate research center were tested for the presence of Cyclospora by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. RESULTS: Cyclospora was detected in three Pan troglodytes (13.6%) and nine (9.3%) Macaca fascicularis. CONCLUSIONS: The present study represents the first record of Cyclospora in captive primates in Europe, suggesting the presence of Cyclospora cayetanensis, which is transmissible to humans

    Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Practice : the first Italian attempt to define the appropriateness of rehabilitation admission criteria through the application of the Delphi method

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    BACKGROUND: One of the consequences of today's global economic crisis is the need to control healthcare spending, in particular by improving the level of appropriateness. Thus, admission to rehabilitation has become an issue, especially as regards inappropriateness of resource allocation. The scientific literature suggests that more attention should be paid to the problem of clinical appropriateness in order to better identify the patients' actual needs. For the first time in Italy, this study aims at defining the appropriateness of intensive rehabilitation admission criteria through use of the Delphi method involving a panel of national experts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A three-round Delphi survey was conducted according to international guidelines. Electronic questionnaires were individually sent via e-mail to ensure the participants' anonymity throughout the process. Questions were mostly based on rehabilitation literature. RESULTS: During the Delphi process, a total of 79 items were submitted to a heterogenous panel of rehabilitation experts who were asked to express their level of agreement to the item contents on a five-point Likert scale. At the end of the survey, a list of 19 appropriate criteria for admission to intensive rehabilitation facilities and 21 reasons for inappropriateness was drawn up. CONCLUSION: This study represents the first attempt in Italy to define shared and objective appropriateness criteria for admission to intensive rehabilitation. Out of the total number of experts invited to participate (31), only 16 completed the entire survey. This poor participation rate unfortunately demonstrates the lack of awareness among Italian rehabilitation professionals, which is a further sign of both the scarcity of scientific evidence in this area and the need to reach consensus on admission criteria
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