70 research outputs found

    Complement component C3: A structural perspective and potential therapeutic implications

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    As the most abundant component of the complement system, C3 and its proteolytic derivatives serve essential roles in the function of all three complement pathways. Central to this is a network of protein-protein interactions made possible by the sequential proteolysis and far-reaching structural changes that accompany C3 activation. Beginning with the crystal structures of C3, C3b, and C3c nearly twenty years ago, the physical transformations underlying C3 function that had long been suspected were finally revealed. In the years that followed, a compendium of crystallographic information on C3 derivatives bound to various enzymes, regulators, receptors, and inhibitors generated new levels of insight into the structure and function of the C3 molecule. This Review provides a concise classification, summary, and interpretation of the more than 50 unique crystal structure determinations for human C3. It also highlights other salient features of C3 structure that were made possible through solution-based methods, including Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange and Small Angle X-ray Scattering. At this pivotal time when the first C3-targeted therapeutics begin to see use in the clinic, some perspectives are also offered on how this continually growing body of structural information might be leveraged for future development of next-generation C3 inhibitors

    Evidence for alternative quaternary structure in a bacterial Type III secretion system chaperone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type III secretion systems are a common virulence mechanism in many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. These systems use a nanomachine resembling a molecular needle and syringe to provide an energized conduit for the translocation of effector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm to the host cell cytoplasm for the benefit of the pathogen. Prior to translocation specialized chaperones maintain proper effector protein conformation. The class II chaperone, Invasion plasmid gene (Ipg) C, stabilizes two pore forming translocator proteins. IpgC exists as a functional dimer to facilitate the mutually exclusive binding of both translocators.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we present the 3.3 Ã… crystal structure of an amino-terminally truncated form (residues 10-155, denoted IpgC<sup>10-155</sup>) of the class II chaperone IpgC from <it>Shigella flexneri</it>. Our structure demonstrates an alternative quaternary arrangement to that previously described for a carboxy-terminally truncated variant of IpgC (IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>). Specifically, we observe a rotationally-symmetric "head-to- head" dimerization interface that is far more similar to that previously described for SycD from <it>Yersinia enterocolitica </it>than to IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>. The IpgC structure presented here displays major differences in the amino terminal region, where extended coil-like structures are seen, as opposed to the short, ordered alpha helices and asymmetric dimerization interface seen within IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>. Despite these differences, however, both modes of dimerization support chaperone activity, as judged by a copurification assay with a recombinant form of the translocator protein, IpaB.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From primary to quaternary structure, these results presented here suggest that a symmetric dimerization interface is conserved across bacterial class II chaperones. In light of previous data which have described the structure and function of asymmetric dimerization, our results raise the possibility that class II chaperones may transition between asymmetric and symmetric dimers in response to changes in either biochemical modifications (e.g. proteolytic cleavage) or other biological cues. Such transitions may contribute to the broad range of protein-protein interactions and functions attributed to class II chaperones.</p

    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Flagellin Inhibits TNF-Induced NF-κB Activation in Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Citation: Wang, G.; Geisbrecht, B.V.; Rueter, C.; Hardwidge, P.R. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Flagellin Inhibits TNF-Induced NF-κB Activation in Intestinal Epithelial Cells. Pathogens 2017, 6, 18.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) causes childhood diarrhea in developing countries. ETEC strains produce the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and/or heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) and encode a diverse set of colonization factors used for adherence to intestinal epithelial cells. We previously found that ETEC secretes a heat-stable protein we designated as ETEC Secreted Factor (ESF) that inhibits the extent of NF-κB activation normally induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF). Here we fractionated ETEC supernatants using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) and determined that ETEC flagellin was necessary and sufficient to protect IκBα from degradation in response to TNF stimulation. These data suggest a potentially novel mechanism by which ETEC may evade the host innate immune response by down-regulating NF-κB-dependent host responses

    Repurposing p97 inhibitors for chemical modulation of the bacterial ClpB–DnaK bichaperone system

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    The ClpB–DnaK bichaperone system reactivates aggregated cellular proteins and is essential for survival of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and plants under stress. AAA+ ATPase ClpB is a promising target for the development of antimicrobials because a loss of its activity is detrimental for survival of many pathogens and no apparent ClpB orthologs are found in metazoans. We investigated ClpB activity in the presence of several compounds that were previously described as inhibitor leads for the human AAA+ ATPase p97, an antitumor target. We discovered that N2,N4-dibenzylquinazoline-2,4-diamine (DBeQ), the least potent among the tested p97 inhibitors, binds to ClpB with a Kd∼60 μM and inhibits the casein-activated, but not the basal, ATPase activity of ClpB with an IC50∼5 μM. The remaining p97 ligands, which displayed a higher affinity toward p97, did not affect the ClpB ATPase. DBeQ also interacted with DnaK with a Kd∼100 μM and did not affect the DnaK ATPase but inhibited the DnaK chaperone activity in vitro. DBeQ inhibited the reactivation of aggregated proteins by the ClpB–DnaK bichaperone system in vitro with an IC50∼5 μM and suppressed the growth of cultured Escherichia coli. The DBeQ-induced loss of E. coli proliferation was exacerbated by heat shock but was nearly eliminated in a ClpB-deficient E. coli strain, which demonstrates a significant selectivity of DBeQ toward ClpB in cells. Our results provide chemical validation of ClpB as a target for developing novel antimicrobials. We identified DBeQ as a promising lead compound for structural optimization aimed at selective targeting of ClpB and/or DnaK

    Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by extracellular adherence protein of Staphylococcus aureus

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system (CNS). A major hallmark of MS is the infiltration of T cells reactive against myelin components. T cell infiltration is mediated by the interaction of integrins of the β1 and β2 family expressed by lymphocytes with their endothelial counter-receptors, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, respectively. We have reported previously that extracellular adherence protein (Eap) of Staphylococcus aureus exerts antiinflammatory activities by interacting with ICAM-1 and blocking β2-integrin–dependent neutrophil recruitment. Here, we report that Eap inhibits experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. In vitro, Eap reduced adhesion of peripheral blood T cells to immobilized ICAM-1 as well as their adhesion and transmigration of TNF-activated human endothelium under static and shear flow conditions. These inhibitory effects were corroborated in two mouse models of inflammation. In a delayed-type hypersensitivity model, both T cell infiltration and the corresponding tissue edema were significantly reduced by Eap. In addition, Eap administration prevented the development of EAE and markedly decreased infiltration of inflammatory cells into the CNS. Strikingly, intervention with Eap after the onset of EAE suppressed the disease. Collectively, our findings indicate that Eap represents an attractive treatment for autoimmune neuroinflammatory disorders such as MS

    The crystal structures of EAP domains from Staphylococcus aureus reveal an unexpected homology to bacterial superantigens

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    Abstract The Eap (extracellular adherence protein) of Staphylococcus aureus functions as a secreted virulence factor by mediating interactions between the bacterial cell surface and several extracellular host proteins. Eap proteins from different Staphylococcal strains consist of four to six tandem repeats of a structurally uncharacterized domain (EAP domain). We have determined the three-dimensional structures of three different EAP domains to 1.8, 2.2, and 1.35 Ã… resolution, respectively. These structures reveal a core fold that is comprised of an -helix lying diagonally across a five-stranded, mixedsheet. Comparison of EAP domains with known structures reveals an unexpected homology with the C-terminal domain of bacterial superantigens. Examination of the structure of the superantigen SEC2 bound to the -chain of a T-cell receptor suggests a possible ligand-binding site within the EAP domain (Fields, B. A., Malchiodi, E. L., Li, H., Ysern, X., Stauffacher, C. V., Schlievert, P. M., Karjalainen, K., and Mariuzza, R. (1996) Nature 384, 188-192). These results provide the first structural characterization of EAP domains, relate EAP domains to a large class of bacterial toxins, and will guide the design of future experiments to analyze EAP domain structure/function relationships

    New Insights into the Complement Receptor of the Ig Superfamily Obtained from Structural and Functional Studies on Two Mutants

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    The extracellular region of the complement receptor of the Ig superfamily (CRIg) binds to certain C3 cleavage products (C3b, iC3b, C3c) and inhibits the alternative pathway (AP) of complement. In this study, we provide further insight into the CRIg protein and describe two CRIg mutants that lack multiple lysine residues as a means of facilitating chemical modifications of the protein. Structural analyses confirmed preservation of the native CRIg architecture in both mutants. In contrast to earlier reports suggesting that CRIg binds to C3b with an affinity of 1 mM, we found that wild-type CRIg binds to C3b and iC3b with affinities <100 nM, but to C3c with an affinity closer to 1 mM. We observed this same trend for both lysine substitution mutants, albeit with an apparent 2- to 3-fold loss of affinity when compared with wild-type CRIg. Using flow cytometry, we confirmed binding to C3 fragment-opsonized Staphylococcus aureus cells by each mutant, again with an 2- to 3-fold decrease when compared with wild-type. Whereas wild-type CRIg inhibits AP-driven lysis of rabbit erythrocytes with an IC50 of 1.6 mM, we observed an 3-fold reduction in inhibition for both mutants. Interestingly, we found that amine-reactive crosslinking of the CRIg mutant containing only a single lysine results in a significant improvement in inhibitory potency across all concentrations examined when compared with the unmodified mutant, but in a manner sensitive to the length of the crosslinker. Collectively, our findings provide new insights into the CRIg protein and suggest an approach for engineering increasingly potent CRIg-based inhibitors of the AP. ImmunoHorizons, 2023, 7: 806–818

    NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis that differentially bind and hydrolyze peptidoglycan

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    A subset of proteins containing NlpC/P60 domains are bacterial peptidoglycan hydrolases that cleave noncanonical peptide linkages and contribute to cell wall remodeling as well as cell separation during late stages of division. Some of these proteins have been shown to cleave peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and play a role in Mycobacterium marinum virulence of zebra fish; however, there are still significant knowledge gaps concerning the molecular function of these proteins in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The MAP genome sequence encodes five NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins. We describe atomic resolution crystal structures of two such MAP proteins, MAP_1272c and MAP_1204. These crystal structures, combined with functional assays to measure peptidoglycan cleavage activity, led to the observation that MAP_1272c does not have a functional catalytic core for peptidoglycan hydrolysis. Furthermore, the structure and sequence of MAP_1272c demonstrate that the catalytic residues normally required for hydrolysis are absent, and the protein does not bind peptidoglycan as efficiently as MAP_1204. While the NlpC/P60 catalytic triad is present in MAP_1204, changing the catalytic cysteine-155 residue to a serine significantly diminished catalytic activity, but did not affect binding to peptidoglycan. Collectively, these findings suggest a broader functional repertoire for NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins than simply hydrolases

    A Molecular Insight into Complement Evasion by the Staphylococcal Complement Inhibitor Protein Family

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    Staphylococcus aureus possesses an impressive arsenal of complement evasion proteins that help the bacterium escape attack of the immune system. The staphylococcal complement inhibitor (SCIN) protein exhibits a particularly high potency and was previously shown to block complement by acting at the level of the C3 convertases. However, many details about the exact binding and inhibitory mechanism remained unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that SCIN directly binds with nanomolar affinity to a functionally important area of C3b that lies near the C terminus of its -chain. Direct competition of SCIN with factor B for C3b slightly decreased the formation of surface-bound convertase. However, the main inhibitory effect can be attributed to an entrapment of the assembled convertase in an inactive state. Whereas native C3 is still able to bind to the blocked convertase, no generation and deposition of C3b could be detected in the presence of SCIN. Furthermore, SCIN strongly competes with the binding of factor H to C3b and influences its regulatory activities: the SCIN-stabilized convertase was essentially insensitive to decay acceleration by factor H and the factor I- and H-mediated conversion of surface-bound C3b to iC3b was significantly reduced. By targeting a key area on C3b, SCIN is able to block several essential functions within the alternative pathway, which explains the high potency of the inhibitor. Our findings provide an important insight into complement evasion strategies by S. aureus and may act as a base for further functional studies. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 183: 2565–2574. T he bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is a widely dissem-inated and persistent human pathogen that has a long-standing and increasingly negative impact on human health. It is a primary etiologic agent of numerous disorders tha

    Microfluidic affinity selection of active SARS-CoV-2 virus particles

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    We report a microfluidic assay to select active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral particles (VPs), which were defined as intact particles with an accessible angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor binding domain (RBD) on the spike (S) protein, from clinical samples. Affinity selection of SARS-CoV-2 particles was carried out using injection molded microfluidic chips, which allow for high-scale production to accommodate large-scale screening. The microfluidic contained a surface-bound aptamer directed against the virus’s S protein RBD to affinity select SARS-CoV-2 VPs. Following selection (~94% recovery), the VPs were released from the chip’s surface using a blue light light-emitting diode (89% efficiency). Selected SARS-CoV-2 VP enumeration was carried out using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The VP selection assay successfully identified healthy donors (clinical specificity = 100%) and 19 of 20 patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (95% sensitivity). In 15 patients with COVID-19, the presence of active SARS-CoV-2 VPs was found. The chip can be reprogrammed for any VP or exosomes by simply changing the affinity agent
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