27 research outputs found

    Populated and Remote Reefs Spanning Multiple Archipelagos Across the Central and Western Pacific

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    Comparable information on the status of natural resources across large geographic and human impact scales provides invaluable context to ecosystem-based management and insights into processes driving differences among areas. Data on fish assemblages at 39 US flag coral reef-areas distributed across the Pacific are presented. Total reef fish biomass varied by more than an order of magnitude: lowest at densely-populated islands and highest on reefs distant from human populations. Remote reefs (<50 people within 100 km) averaged ∼4 times the biomass of "all fishes" and 15 times the biomass of piscivores compared to reefs near populated areas. Greatest within-archipelagic differences were found in Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos, where differences were consistent with, but likely not exclusively driven by, higher fishing pressure around populated areas. Results highlight the importance of the extremely remote reefs now contained within the system of Pacific Marine National Monuments as ecological reference areas

    Evolution of Homeologous Gene Expression in Polyploid Wheat

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    Polyploidization has played a prominent role in the evolutionary history of plants. Two recent and sequential allopolyploidization events have resulted in the formation of wheat species with different ploidies, and which provide a model to study the effects of polyploidization on the evolution of gene expression. In this study, we identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between four BBAA tetraploid wheats of three different ploidy backgrounds. DEGs were found to be unevenly distributed among functional categories and duplication modes. We observed more DEGs in the extracted tetraploid wheat (ETW) than in natural tetraploid wheats (TD and TTR13) as compared to a synthetic tetraploid (AT2). Furthermore, DEGs showed higher Ka/Ks ratios than those that did not show expression changes (non-DEGs) between genotypes, indicating DEGs and non-DEGs experienced different selection pressures. For A-B homeolog pairs with DEGs, most of them had only one differentially expressed copy, however, when both copies of a homeolog pair were DEGs, the A and B copies were more likely to be regulated to the same direction. Our results suggest that both cis- and inter-subgenome trans-regulatory changes are important drivers in the evolution of homeologous gene expression in polyploid wheat, with ploidy playing a significant role in the process

    Rtp801 Suppression of Epithelial mTORC1 Augments Endotoxin-Induced Lung Inflammation

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    The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a central regulator of cellular responses to environmental stress. mTOR (and its primary complex mTORC1) is, therefore, ideally positioned to regulate lung inflammatory responses to an environmental insult, a function directly relevant to disease states such as the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Our previous work in cigarette smoke-induced emphysema identified a novel protective role of pulmonary mTORC1 signaling. However, studies of the impact of mTORC1 on the development of acute lung injury are conflicting. We hypothesized that Rtp801, an endogenous inhibitor of mTORC1, which is predominantly expressed in alveolar type II epithelial cells, is activated during endotoxin-induced lung injury and functions to suppress anti-inflammatory epithelial mTORC1 responses. We administered intratracheal lipopolysaccharide to wild-type mice and observed a significant increase in lung Rtp801 mRNA. In lipopolysaccharide-treated Rtp801(-/-) mice, epithelial mTORC1 activation significantly increased and was associated with an attenuation of lung inflammation. We reversed the anti-inflammatory phenotype of Rtp801(-/-) mice with the mTORC1 inhibitor, rapamycin, reassuring against mTORC1-independent effects of Rtp801. We confirmed the proinflammatory effects of Rtp801 by generating a transgenic Rtp801 overexpressing mouse, which displayed augmented inflammatory responses to intratracheal endotoxin. These data suggest that epithelial mTORC1 activity plays a protective role against lung injury, and its inhibition by Rtp801 exacerbates alveolar injury caused by endotoxin

    Two New Aspergillus flavus Reference Genomes Reveal a Large Insertion Potentially Contributing to Isolate Stress Tolerance and Aflatoxin Production

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    Efforts in genome sequencing in the Aspergillus genus have led to the development of quality reference genomes for several important species including A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, and A. oryzae. However, less progress has been made for A. flavus. As part of the effort of the USDA-ARS Annual Aflatoxin Workshop Fungal Genome Project, the isolate NRRL3357 was sequenced and resulted in a scaffold-level genome released in 2005. Our goal has been biologically driven, focusing on two areas: isolate variation in aflatoxin production and drought stress exacerbating aflatoxin production by A. flavus. Therefore, we developed two reference pseudomolecule genome assemblies derived from chromosome arms for two isolates: AF13, a MAT1-2, highly stress tolerant, and highly aflatoxigenic isolate; and NRRL3357, a MAT1-1, less stress tolerant, and moderate aflatoxin producer in comparison to AF13. Here, we report these two reference-grade assemblies for these isolates through a combination of PacBio long-read sequencing and optical mapping, and coupled them with comparative, functional, and phylogenetic analyses. This analysis resulted in the identification of 153 and 45 unique genes in AF13 and NRRL3357, respectively. We also confirmed the presence of a unique 310 Kb insertion in AF13 containing 60 genes. Analysis of this insertion revealed the presence of a bZIP transcription factor, named atfC, which may contribute to isolate pathogenicity and stress tolerance. Phylogenomic analyses comparing these and other available assemblies also suggest that the species complex of A. flavus is polyphyletic

    Assessing Coral Reefs on a Pacific-Wide Scale Using the Microbialization Score

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    The majority of the world’s coral reefs are in various stages of decline. While a suite of disturbances (overfishing, eutrophication, and global climate change) have been identified, the mechanism(s) of reef system decline remain elusive. Increased microbial and viral loading with higher percentages of opportunistic and specific microbial pathogens have been identified as potentially unifying features of coral reefs in decline. Due to their relative size and high per cell activity, a small change in microbial biomass may signal a large reallocation of available energy in an ecosystem; that is the microbialization of the coral reef. Our hypothesis was that human activities alter the energy budget of the reef system, specifically by altering the allocation of metabolic energy between microbes and macrobes. To determine if this is occurring on a regional scale, we calculated the basal metabolic rates for the fish and microbial communities at 99 sites on twenty-nine coral islands throughout the Pacific Ocean using previously established scaling relationships. From these metabolic rate predictions, we derived a new metric for assessing and comparing reef health called the microbialization score. The microbialization score represents the percentage of the combined fish and microbial predicted metabolic rate that is microbial. Our result

    Medical research: treat ageing.

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    By 2050, the number of people over the age of 80 will triple globally. These demographics could come at great cost to individuals and economies. Two groups describe how research in animals and humans should be refocused to find ways to delay the onset of frailty